December 3, 2018 Members: 31 Guests: 1
Opening: President Jeff Winters
Song Master: PP Jerry Hollingsworth Song: Our National Anthem
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Rob Ransweiler Invocation: Lion Treasure Paul Tremblay
DEC 12th – Board Meeting Elks 6PM,
DEC 15TH – Deliver Christmas baskets 7:30 AM from Hoban’s office- DRIVER’s NEEDED on Saturday morning to deliver baskets.
DEC 17th –No Meeting DEC 18th – Christmas Party 6PM at Elks Lodge
DEC 24th and DEC 31st – No Meetings – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Well Wishes : Wishing Lion Bob Groff, who is undeniably one of the good guys, a complete and speedy recovery from his recent operation. He would love to have some visitors. PP Yvonne can call you in on where he is resting during his recovery. Paris4L6@cox.net.
This is one of our biggest events of the year. The El Cajon Valley Host Lions have been championing this cause for well over twenty fivers now. We are scheduled to deliver 3 food baskets each to 80 families in the East County area that morning. Participating in this event can be is a real eye-opener to take part in when you deliver food baskets to the needy families WE SERVE and see how they live. Makes one feel real fortunate to be on this side of the deliveries.
I remember years ago when several members began bringing their kids or grandkids along to help deliver food baskets on those days. I think it’s safe to say those kids left afterwards feeling fortunate to live where they live and have what they do.
PP Bob Moreau reports great progress so far in getting good deals on the food and a host of LIONS helped recently to help with the setup of the event. Not to sound alarming but there is a pressing need for people / drivers to help out with the deliveries that morning. We can all spare a couple of extra hours that morning to pitch in and help. So circle up your pickup trucks, stations wagons, vans, SUV’s or covered wagons and we will see you there.
The address for the event is 215 W. Lexington Ave in El Cajon, December 15th at 7:30am.
Light refreshments (donuts and coffee) will be served before the event and liquid refreshments, courtesy of PP Mark Krause, for an unforgettable time afterwards for those of us 21 years and older.
Our Annual CHRISTMAS PARTY is Tuesday evening, December 18th at the ELKS LODGE in El Cajon beginning at 6:00pm. It will be a free event to CLUB members and their spouses or significant others to attend this year. Children under 13 are always free. (Guests are $25 each and will be billed to the members account like always.)
The evening starts at 6:00 pm with a no-host bar, dinner will be served promptly at 7:00 pm after some opening words by Lion President Jeff, and Santa shows up for the kids around 8:00 pm to close out the evening. Important reminder – Be sure to remember to bring a wrapped toy if you are bringing along your kids or grandkids for Santa to hand out. Print your kids name clearly on the gift, preferably in large letters, as Santa’s eyes aren’t what they use to be.
This year’s party features live music by the highly acclaimed duo of EVANS and RANEY, an UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER contest with trophies given out to those brave enough to participate (top 30 participants), a balloon twisting ELF for the kids, a special photo opportunity with our very own GRINCH and an appearance direct from the North Pole by SANTA CLAUS himself. And just like Santa, this event only comes once a year and it’s not to be missed.
On Saturday December 1st, members of our club took turns ringing the bell all day long for the Salvation Army Red Kettle. Even THE GRINCH showed up to assist with the effort and proved to be a big show stopping hit with the crowd. Thank you to all of LIONS that participated and to the people that contributed to the cause.
Meeting Speakers
Dick Nasif read a thank you letter from Guide Dogs Of The Desert |
– Guest Speaker, Mary Burns, Director Of Development, Noah Homes.
Veronica Allende, Marketing & Development Assistant, Noah Homes |
***And don’t forget that pin you wear on your collar represents that
you belong to the greatest service organization in the world! WE SERVE.***