Newsletter 12/02/20


December 2, 2020    Members: 13 

Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club



Opening: Prez Mike                                       

Song Master: IPP Chris                                               Song: From the Halls of Montezuma

Pledge of Allegiance:  PP Yvonne                               Invocation:  Lion Christian


GOOD TO SEE: PP’s Ray Hackworth, Mark Clifton and Ray Ridlon


HELEN KELLER QUOTE by Lion Keith Bailes:

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be bought, they must be felt with the heart.”



Sec Paul reported

  • The District 4L6 Membership Meeting will held held, via ZOOM, this Saturday, Dec 5th, at 10:30AM to noon.  The link will be disseminated via e-blast.

             Also IPDG Norm selected our club as the Top Club for 2019-2020 in District 46 for the shear number of volunteer hours our members put forth last fiscal year.

             ECVH LC was one of 20 clubs in Area 1 (United States) to receive the Lions Membership Award for our service to our community.  Next year there will be only 10 clubs selected.

             The District 4L6 Christmas Party is scheduled for Saturday, Dec 19th, 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.  Cost is $30 and if you are interested call District Treasurer JoAnne Burke at 619/316-3225.  Space is limited to 80 attendees due to Covid-19 restrictions.

             Prez Mike thanked everyone for doing their assigned tasks but in particular to Lion Warren McKenna for setting up and hosting our Zoom Meetings and to Treasurer Paul for handling our website.

             Salvation Army bell ringing at Los Coches Wal-Mart – contact Prez Mike for available time slots.

             The Salvation Army received their new walk-in freezer and El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club donated $5,000 to help with installation costs.

             Our club also donated $500, which was matched dollar-for-dollar, to Crisis House to assist them in their move to the new location in Santee on Cuyamaca.


Happy Birthday wishes for November and December were sent out to the membership on November 12th.  Hope all you November babies had a wonderful Birthday and hoping those of you born in December do the same.  You missed a typical club rendition of the HB Song at the Zoom Meeting.  Actually the only things you missed were having to pay a dollar and listen to IPP Chris tune up his harmonica.

GOOD CHEER:  PP Ray Hackworth updated us at length on his life this year.  He is using a walker now and gets out every day for a jaunt around the neighborhood.  PP Ray has two, alternating, live-in assistants.  PP Ray joined us for the Zoom meeting Wednesday night. 


Hope those missing from the meetings do not have the Coronavirus, the flu or even a cold but if so our best wishes are for you to get well real soon.



IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be conveyed to him/her.  619/838-4262


VP Reports:

1st Veep Gary Zink (resigned effective 12/31/2020 and moving away)

Our Christmas Basket program has been placed on hold, again due to Covid-19, so our Board encourages members to donate through the club with our collective donations going to Salvation Army to help feed those in need.  At meeting time generous donations from Lion Dr. David Keen $100 and PP Ray Hackworth $500 have been committed.  Please let Treasurer Paul Tremblay know how much you wish to donate and he will put it on your billing.  If you wish to donate via check please make your checks out to El Cajon Valley Lions and forward to Treasurer Paul.  A lump sum donation will be made on behalf of the club.


3rd Veep Carl Ruiz:

IPP Chris updated us on the whereabouts of our SPOT machines and their status.

Sec Paul reported that the Board has decided to not participate in the 2020-2021 Student Speakers Contest due to the unknown with Covid-19 and the lack of contact with available participants.  The SS Foundation is very low on income this year also.


3rd Veep Rob Ransweiler:  Excused absence 


Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: No Report



1.  One day a man found a Genie who asked him “What is your fondest wish?”  The man replied that he wanted a fabulous job and POOF the Genie said “you’re a housewife”.

2.  Little Billy was digging a hole in the garden and his neighbor asked him what he was up to.  Little Billy said “My goldfish died and I just buried him.”  The neighbor inquired as to why the hole was so large to which Little Billy replied “Because he’s inside your cat.”

Nice to have PP Ray join us for this meeting.


**Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***




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