January 28, 2021 Members: 18 Guests: 1
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Mike
Song Master: Newbie Nancy DeTomaso Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: Keith Bailes Invocation: Capt Sean Kelsey
Guests: Capt Sean Kelsey from Salvation Army
HELEN KELLER QUOTE by 1st Veep Rob Ransweiler:
“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”
Sec Paul reported
- The LCI Convention in Montreal will be virtual. Sign up online before 3/31/21 for the low cost of only $50. Price will increase thereafter.
- If you wish to advertise your business in the upcoming business directory send your business card and $10, check payable to District 4L6, to Zone Chair/PCS Gary Jones, 355 H St., Apt #D, Chula Vista 91910
- Tenure Chevrons will be mailed to those deserving Lions who are due one. Apparently the backlog is about 26 members over the past couple of years so if you don’t receive yours shortly please contact Sec Paul.
Prez Mike displayed the District Lion Club of the Year Award for all to see.
Treasurer Paul gave us Financial Report as of 12.31.2020. Please see Board Minutes at the end of the newsletter portion for details.
Happy Birthday wishes for January and February were sent out to the membership in an e-blast January 28th. The entire list of Birthday Boys was read aloud by PP Yvonne with special wishes to those attending the Zoom meeting – Bob Moreau, Jim Nelson, Ray Ridlon and Mike Raney. Hope all you Jan and Feb members have a wonderful Birthday. You missed a typical club rendition of the HB Song at the Zoom Meeting although PP Jim Nelson led it we just couldn’t get it all together at the same time.
GOOD CHEER: Hoping all members are well and looking forward to getting ‘the’ vaccine. Let me, your Bulletin Editor, know how it goes as I’m in a wait-and-see-mode at this point.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be conveyed to him/her. Paris4L6@cox.net 619/838-4262
VP Reports:
1st Veep by Prez Mike:
We are looking for a 2-year Director to take Lion Fabian Vereda’s spot on the Board. Please let Prez Mike or PDG Len know if you are interested. 3rd Veep Rob will move into the 1st Veep position.
2nd Veep Carl Ruiz: No Report
3rd Veep Report: PDG Len reported that Lion Fabian Vereda is a candidate for 3rd Vice President.
3rd Veep Rob reported a club survey via Survey Monkey will be out soon and he asks that everyone respond as quickly as you can after receipt. The survey is regarding our meetings and will include:
- Where to meet? Elks Lodge, Salvation Army facility or ???
- Who to use as a caterer? Rita’s, Cupid’s or ???
- For Virtual Meetings: day and time to meet
- Complete the narrative section as necessary/desired
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: Sadly we are losing 3 members within a month of each other. Gary Zink has oved to Washington State, PP Felina Balistreri will be moving to Idaho in February and, Lion Elisabeth Van der Lee has resigned and is moving to Texas with her son. Our thanks for the time you served with El Cajon Valley Host Lions, we will miss each of you and hope you find a Lions club in your new community’s.
Remember it’s everyone responsibility to gain new members and we don’t have anyone currently with the City of El Cajon, school district/principal/teacher, El Cajon Fire Dept.
Newbie Nancy DeTomaso was inducted by PDG Len – finally the formality is complete!
Three mail dogs were walking down the street and saw a beautiful Poodle. Since they all wanted to be with her she said whoever could use the words liver and cheese in the same sentence would win her paw. The Golden Retriever said his sentence then the Lab took his shot at it and both were ho-hum. The Yorkie stepped up and said “Cheez mine”.
Capt Sean said the red kettles didn’t fare as well last year as in the past but thanks to members of El Cajon Valley Host we raked in about $1,000.
And more thanks from SA for the $5,000 donation for installation of their new freezer. More needy families were served due to the SA’s ability to preserve the food received for distribution.
Special thanks for the additional funds from the club for their food drive. They had a 300% increase in clients needing food over the holidays and 2,000 families were served. They handed out personal/household items such as fresh produce, dairy products, diapers, laundry soap, personal hygiene items and games and books for the children.
The SA Rec Center is not being fully utilized although San Diego Christian is using the gym nearly every night.
Capt Sean was asked how the Lions did versus Rotarians and he was ashamed to say that Rotary didn’t participate. Well maybe we shamed him into that but we should be proud that we stepped up because “Where there is a need, there is a Lion”.
**Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***
PRESENT: President Mike Raney, 2nd
Carl Ruiz, 3rd
VP Rob Ransweiler, Secretary
Paul Walters, Treasurer Paul Tremblay, LCIF PP Yvonne Paris, Membership Cathy Bailes, Warren McKenna, Greeters PP Gary Robinson & Dolores Galkowski, Director Keith Bail,es PDG Len Blottin.
EXCUSED ABSENCE:. IPP Chris Bramwell, DickNasif.
ABSENT:. Fabian Verada, Elizabeth Vanderlee, Jim Sing, Bob Moreau, Bob Acker, Phil Smith, Bruce Boorman.
MINUTES: Board Meeting minutes from December 01, 2020 were reviewed. A motion to approve by 3rd
VP Rob Ransweiler, second by Cathy Bailes. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report-Paul Tremblay, As of December 31, 2020
General Fund Account |
$ 27,816.47 |
Activities Fund Account |
$ 1,349.68 |
City of Hope |
$ 74.94 |
Members Current Account |
$ l 0,289.47 |
Total Assets |
$ 39,530.56 |
File For Audit |
Communications/Announcements-Sec.Paul Walters
1. Crisis House has moved to 9550 Cuyamaca St., Suite 101, Santee, CA.
2. SD Food Bank has listed ECVHL as a Gold Sponsor for their $10,000 donation.
New Business
1. Christian Willie Lodge Update: Sec. Paul reported the Elks Lodge is still in lockdown for outside activities, only Elks activities are being held.
2. Salvation Army Rental for Meeting: Pres. Mike reported he has met with the SA about having meetings at the SA Red Shield location. He said they are willing to let us have club and board meetings at no charge in thanks to the help the club and foundation have given them. Paul Tremblay has suggested we give them $50 per meeting, same as the Elks. SA has plenty of parking, full kitchen, and state–of art video/audio system. Rita’s is no longer the caterer for the Elks. Paul Tremblay also suggested this should not be a board decision but we should have a membership survey. 3rd VP Rob Ransweiler and Pres. Mike will gather all information and have a survey sent to all members. Report due next board meeting.
3. East County Chamber Dues Increase: Paul Tremblay reported the ECC is increasing their membership dues from $312.50 to $375.00 (20% increase), and asked the board if we still wanted to be a member. 3rd VP Rob Ransweiler suggested we are not hurting with money at the present time, we should continue to be a member. A motion was made by 3rd VP Rob to allocate $375 to the ECC, second by Cathy Bailes. Motion carried.
4. Service Activity Report: Club Service Chair Paul Walters, sent all board members the sixth month service activity report from July 01 to Dec. 28.
5. Membership Chevrons: Sec. Paul reported he received 10 chevrons which were the most current. However, after reviewing all members years of service, there were many members from the last year and a half that did not receive chevrons. He ordered the chevrons and will give them to Pres. Mike when they are received.
Old Business
1. Headgear for High School Soccer Players: On Hold.
2. New Fundraiser15K: On hold.
3. Salvation Army Freezer: Paul Tremblay and other Lions meet with the SA and a check for $5,000 was presented to them. Sec. Paul suggested we get a picture of the freezer.
4. Salvation Army: Pres . Mike reported the ECVH Lion Bell Ringers raised $937.78
on Sat. Dec. 12 & 19. Also to help with their Food Bank, members made voluntary donations of $8,350, and the El Cajon Valley Foundation donated $5,000. A check for $13,350 was given to the SA by Treasurer Paul Tremblay.
5. Board Roller: 3rd VP Rob Ransweiler has volunteered to move up to 1st VP, 2nd VP Carl Ruiz will remain at the same position for Fiscal 2021-2022. The Nomination committee (PDG Len Blottin & PP Bob Moreau) are looking for a candidate for the 3rd VP.
President’s Committee Reports
1. Casino Night: Cancelled.
2. Installation Of Officers: On hold.
2nd VP Carl Ruiz
1. Programs (Chair Cathy Bailes): On hold.
2. Social Services (Chair Cathy Bailes): On hold..
3. Student Eye Glass Program (Chair IPP Chris Bramwell): On hold.
3rd VP Rob Ranswieler
1. Nothing to report.
Membership (Chair Cathy Bailes)
1. Installation of new member Nancy DeTamoso is on hold.
LCIF Coordinator (PP Yvonne Paris)
1. Nothing to report.
Good Of The Order:
l. Pres. Mike reported the CA Lions are having a Food Collection Drive from Feb. 1–28. PDG Len reported he is working with Gov. Brian Clapper on a District wide drive, he also said maybe we can list our donation of $10,000 to the SD Food Bank.
2. Pres. Mike reported he and 3rd VP Rob Ransweiler attended the MD4 Leadership Forum and encourages any member to attend the next forum to learn more about leadership.
3. Pres. Mike reported District 4L6 is having a Business Directory. If you wish to list your business, send $10, and your business card to Zone Chair, Garry Jones, 355 H St.
Apt# D, Chula Vista, CA 91910–5543, by January 15th•
4. Pres. Mike reported he received an LCI Membership Satisfaction patch for our banner. Sec. Paul suggested the club may wish to purchase an award banner with the club name on it. The current banner has no room for additional patches.
5. Sec. Paul reminded all Lions to let him know if they have performed any Service Activities, only two Lions have responded after the last request (Dolores Galkowski & PP Yvonne Paris).
6. Pres. Mike reported Multiple District 4 has a Childhood Protection Policy that we need to review and address. Sec. Paul reported this relates to the El Cajon Valley HS Leos Club and Advisor Mike Carleton.
7. Pres. Mike reported the website has the wrong contact information for the President, Paul Tremblay said he will fix it.
Next Board Meeting: FEB, time and date TBA. Submitted by Secretary Paul Walters,O1-17–21
20-21 SEC BOARD MINUTES 01–14–21