April 19, 2021 Members: approx. 35 Guests: 1
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Mike
Song Master: _PP Gary Sims Song: Take Me Out to the Ballgame
Pledge of Allegiance: PDG Mercy Walters Invocation: Capt Boni Kelsey
Guests: Maxine Barrows guest of Lion Dick Nasif
GOOD TO SEE: EVERYONE – and all looking so good
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope or confidence.”
.Congratulations to Lion Christian Wille Exalted Ruler of Elks Lodge 1812 FY 2021-2022
.Lion Ron Black received his 50-year membership pin.
.PDG Len announced the new slate for Lions Year 2021-2022. The entire current Board will roll over to next year with the following changes: 1st Veep will be Rob Ransweiler, 3rd Veep will be Fabian Vereda, Frank Reid will a 1st year Director and Cathy Bailes will be Program Chair. PP Yvonne moved the slate as presented be accepted and PP Tony seconded. Motion was carried.
.PP Chris presented PP Ray Hackworth with a beautiful plaque commemorating being chosen as El Cajon Valley Host Lion of the Year for 2019-2020.
.PDG Mercy Walters presented IPP Chris with a plaque in thanks for being “OUR LEADER” and doing such a great job as President for 2019-2020.
.No Tuesday night meetings at least through the end of June.
EXEMPT BADGE: $100 @ Chris a 1934 Ford couple, Len a used car, , Tom N bought a truck and 5th wheel, Jeff Smith sold a home and bought a home, Yvonne bought a new MB GLC, Mark C got a ’63 Corvette split window, Bill Sturgeon has a 715 SF office space for lease, Ray Hackworth happy to be around, Phil S bought a new motorhome, Paul This Mom’s 100th Birthday and all members’ Birthday’s, Rob bought his wife a (used) Range Rover.
Bruce Boorman 4/11, Ray Hackworth 4/13, Carter Short and Len Blottin 4/21, Rob Ransweiler 4/30
IPP Chris led us in the Birthday Song for all who had a Birthday in the last 13 months.
Ray Ridlon is getting a cast off his leg today after 6 weeks of enduring it.
Hope those missing from the meetings do not have the Coronavirus, the flu or even a cold but if so our best wishes for you to get well real soon.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be conveyed to him/her. Paris4L6@cox.net 619/838-4262
April 30th – District 4L6 4th Membership Meeting In Yuma
May 1-2 – District 4L6 Convention Hilton Pivot Point, Yuma, AZ = See PP Yvonne
June 11th – ECVH Lions Club Flag Day Program
June 19th – Lions Camp Jack fund raiser at Coronado Yacht Club 5-9PM = See PP Yvonne
VP Reports:
1st Veep Rob Ransweiler: His “No Report” comment backfired AND he decided instead to thank everyone for voting him in as 1st Veep and concluded with “NO REPORT”!
2nd Carl Ruiz: MIA
3rd Veep Fabian Vereda: MIA
Flag Day Program: Sec Paul Walters reported our Flag Day Program will be held on June 11th for 2nd and 3rd graders only.
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: No Report
PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS: As read by Treasurer Paul Tremblay
A cute but lengthy ‘blonde’ joke.
HAPPY DOLLARS AND OTHER NONSENSE: TT PP Bob Moreau had the collection basket today….
Paul T for City of Hope, Jim N finally getting his deck re-built, Jason his wife’s BDay is tomorrow, Chris for Musgrove’s ‘no-no’, Ron Black great to be a 51 year member of a great organization, Mercy bragged on Paul’s International President’s Award last year, Mike R and Van both happy to be here at back at it!
Elizabeth brought in 2 pumpkin bread loaves with Belgium chocolate. They were auctioned and Chris and Van each took one home – Thanks for the donations Lions.
SPEAKER FOR APRIL 26 – Kandi Nieto President of San Diego Madres
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Arnold Martin $10
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Van Willsey $35.
**Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***