April 26, 2021 Members: 29 Guests: 3
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Mike
Song Master: PP Gary Sims Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: Mike Carleton Invocation: PP Mark Clifton
Guests: ECPD Lt Keith MacArthur guest of Jason Taub; Gary Marrokal guest of IPP Chris; Kandi Nieto guest speaker.
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”
.Prez Mike presented PP Tom Hoban the Gold Centennial Award for new member sponsorship during Lions Clubs International Centennial celebration. Well done Tom.

.The club’s board will hold a meeting on Thursday, May 6th 5PM at PP Bob Moreau’s ranch.
Bruce Boorman 4/11, Ray Hackworth 4/13, Carter Short and Len Blottin 4/21, Rob Ransweiler 4/30
Birthdays before next regular newsletter: Bill Sturgeon 5/4, Frank Reid 5/7, Roger Stebleton 5/8
No illnesses to report, thankfully.
Hope those missing from the meetings do not have the Coronavirus, the flu or even a cold but if so our best wishes for you to get well real soon.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be conveyed to him/her. Paris4L6@cox.net 619/838-4262
May 6th – ECVH LC Board Meeting 5PM and PP Bob Moreau’s ranch
June 11th – ECVH Lions Club Flag Day Program
June 19th – Lions Camp Jack fund raiser at Coronado Yacht Club 5-9PM = See PP Yvonne
VP Reports:
1st Veep Rob Ransweiler: While getting used to his new duties he has No Report
2nd Carl Ruiz: Remains out of town so No Report
3rd Veep Fabian Vereda: No Report
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: No Report
PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS: So Ray went into the feed store to buy some bird seed and asked the sales person how long it would take for the birds to grow once he plants the seeds.
HAPPY DOLLARS AND OTHER NONSENSE: Bob “Hatchet-Man” Acker had the collection basket today….
.Tom H $300 to the foundation – he wants to make sure we all give our Police the love and respect they deserve…..also Tom got a new Ferrari F8 in what Tom described as a blue-ish/purple-ish and also got a new Mercedes….and he bought 8 apartment buildings in the last 8 months (one of which he purchased from IPP Chris).
.Chris $100 sold an apt building but since Tom H bought it Tom paid this fine. TT Bob A grabbed an additional $100 from Chris, while he could, as Chris is being audited beginning April 29th.
.Dolores $10 love, love, loved her vaca in Hawaii
.Warren $20 won some brag-worthy dollars from his Lions poker friends. He mentioned that .Moreau and Nasif didn’t do too shabby either, just not brag-worthy apparently!
.Cathy $10 excited about the Padres wins
.Mike R $10 for Padre wins
.Kandi Nieto $10 happy to be here as our guest speaker
SPEAKER: Kandi Nieto President of San Diego Madres
The Madres were established in 1972 and back then the Padres players were required to attend the Madres meetings but with the onset of player agents that has become a thing of the past. The Madres support baseball, women’s softball and soccer and challenge leagues. Their mission is funded via fund raisers and they typically raise $20-$30K/year. They have many activities including luncheons and meet ‘n greets with a Padre player. Membership is currently at 140. To learn more or join go to SDMadres.org .

Winner of Attendance Drawing: Kiley Grunstad $10 MIA
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Mark Clifton $45 graciously donated to City of Hope
**Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***