Newsletter 05/03/21

May 3, 2021
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Meeting led by 1st Vice President Rob Ransweiler
Pledge – Jason Taub
Prayer – Paul Trembly
Song – God Bless America led by Chris Bramwell
Helen Keller Quote – Bruce Boorman
Guest of Rob Ransweiler is Lt. Keith McArthur, ECPD
Lt. McArthur spoke to the club membership about his background. He is currently in charge of the investigation’s division; he has been married for 20 years and has 2 children. Judging from his size, it was no surprise that he had been a college wrestler. Keith is a new member of the Elks Lodge and enjoys playing golf during his off time.
Paul Walters spoke on several topics which included:
The Melvin Jones Luncheon

The Global Service Recognition on 6/12
The Board Meeting to be held at Bob Moreau’s home on 5/6 at 5pm
The LCI Convention to be held in Montreal in 2 years
There was a recognition of several birthdays with Past President Bill Sturgeon paying $70 for what we assume was his 70th birthday.
Fines Collected by hatchet man, Bob Acker:
Past President Bramwell who has an exempt badge was not spared a $40 fine for a new Porsche
Past President Waymire a $15 fine for his new Cam/Am (3 wheeled motorcycle)

Cathy Bailes for the 2nd appearance of our guest paid up $5
Today’s leader Rob Ransweiler paid up $5 for picking Bramwell to lead the song, which was in a very interesting key.
Joke of the day – Ray Hackworth talked about an old man who had a very young wife because he lied about his age, telling her he was 20 years older than he actually was.
50/50 Winner – Dolores Galkowski $55 donated to the Foundation.
Attendance Drawing was won by Past President Normandy who had left just prior to the drawing.
**Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***
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