October 8, 2018 Members: 33 Guests: 1
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Jeff
Song Master: 1st Veep Chris Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: PP Ron Snow Invocation: Lion Christian
Helen Keller quote by Lion Carter: “Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.”
Dave Reed guest of PP Gary Sims
Good to See:
PP George Hurst
.When you come in for meetings, don’t forget to purchase your 50/50 drawing tickets.
.Justin Stewart is in the Bay area now but apparently has not found a Lions club to join yet.
.PP Yvonne gave a clarification of the recent LCIF scam.
.LT Ron Black auctioned off PP Rod Franklin’s vest and Lion Sandy won it with a bid of $70.
.PP Roger S says Paul Brooks, a previous speaker from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography has kindly offered to give us a guided tour of the institutes museum, free of charge. Lion Carter agreed to take over the event and will have signup sheets available at our next meeting. The event will be the first part of November during the week. See Carter to sign up.
Arnold Martin 10/3, Keith Bailes 10/12, Don Anthony 10/13, David Keen 10/16, David Huntamer 10/29.
EXEMPT BADGES: Chris Bramwell, Mike Raney and Mark Krause
PP Walt is doing much better and walking with a cane now. Hopefully will join us for a meeting soon.
Remember, if you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them. Paris4L6@cox.net
OCT 10th – Board Meeting Elks 6PM
Oct 13th – San Diego Center for the Blind – White Cane Luncheon Fund Raiser $70 pp (see Len)
OCT 14th – El Cajon Valley Host LC Pancake Breakfast 8AM- Noon
Oct 31st – El Cajon Trunk or Treat Halloween family event
NOV 6th – First Tues Night Meeting Elks 6PM
NOV 14th – Board Meeting Elks 6PM
Nov 14th – World Diabetes Day. Diabetes is an LCI Global Cause
Nov 19th – Ma Goose Parade at 1PM
Nov 24th – Holiday Lights on Main Street 2-8PM El Cajon Promenade
DEC 17th – DARK
Dec 18th – Christmas Party 6PM at Elks Lodge
DEC 24th – DARK
3rd Veep Gary Zink: An extremely great amount of progress!
2nd VP Mike Raney: Looking for a new Programs Chair. See Mike if interested.
1st VP Chris Bramwell:
Treas Paul has tickets, posters and flyers for the breakfast. You will be charged for your booklet of tickets so sell, sell, sell.
Lion Sandy has found the Chamber is a great resource for media contacts and has made 28 contacts so far to advertise our event – great job Sandy!
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes:
BUT 1st Veep Chris stepped up to offer his rendition of a joke as told by President Ronald Reagan. A realtor was checking our properties in farming country and spotted a chicken with only 3 legs. He followed the chicken to its’ home where the farmer admitted he raised 3-legged chickens because he loved drumsticks. The realtor asked how the drumsticks tasted and the farmer replied “I don’t know I haven’t caught one yet”.
Gary Sims $? – Harassed Geo. Hurst
Carter $20 – Son Cash got the game ball for his strong performance in his recent LL game.
Mike R $5 – shared a story about his friend Arnie Robinson (retired American athlete and Olympian), and just returned from a vaca in the Boston area where he went to a Patriots game and a Red Sox/Yankee game.
Paul W $5 – something about Cathy and Keith
Tom H $125 – $100 for the 63′ Bertram ‘boat’ he purchased and $25 for the ‘dingy’ he sold.
Roger S $10 – gone 2 weeks and while in Idaho stopped in at the Buck Knives plant. Also got to visit with our own Doris Huls who said HIi to all and how much she enjoys keeping in touch via our newsletter.
Dick N $10 – was in the NE for a couple of weeks with his travelling group and was disappointed that they saw no autumn colors due to the 80 degree weather then another $5 as he was at the SDSU game just before leaving on this vaca and forgot his binoculars upon leaving the game but ‘great friend’ Mike Raney came to the rescue and picked them up in Lost and
Found and returned them to Dick – these bino’s are at least 40 years old!
Tom H told a story on George about an apartment building George recently sold. Apparently Tom put in an offer but it was declined. There was a 2nd offer to purchase from another party, with conditions, which George accepted. Tom was asked to assess the property’s condition and came up with a huge amount required to repair so everyone agreed to a lower price and Tom saved George some $55,000 in the deal.
George $50 – for selling his apartment building (this fine amounted to less than .001% of what Tom saved him).
Bob G $5 – Happy to see George today
Chris $5 – phone went off during the meeting
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; MD4Lions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Sharie Hoops – MIA will be $30 next week
Winner of 50/50 Drawing : Paul Tremblay $61 (1st time winner)
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***