October 2, 2018 Members: 25 Guests: 6
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
1st Veep Chris
Song Master: 1st Veep Chris Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: PP Bob M Invocation: Treas Paul T
Helen Keller quote by PP Bruce: “Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would become blind.”
Guests: Mary Moreau, Renee Hoban, Susan Acker, “Dixie” Hackworth, Pat Boorman and Michael Raney’s significant other Rusty.
Good to See: Doctors David and Mark and Don Anthony
.When you come in for meetings, don’t forget to purchase your 50/50 drawing tickets.
.New club directories are available at the check-in table.
.PDG Norm MacKenzie was selected last night as the new District 1st VDG to replace Bill Browning at the Special Election meeting. PDG Norm came to us from District 4L4 where he was DG 2010-2011.
.I was informed here is a SCAM going around for LCIF donations so please see PP Yvonne if you wish to make a donation.
1st Veep Chris presented PP Mark Krause with his 25 year tenure chevron.
Arnold Martin 10/3, Keith Bailes 10/12, Don Anthony 10/13, David Keen 10/16, David Huntamer 10/29. The Happy Birthday Song was endured by all before PP Bob M collected Happy Birthday dollars.
EXEMPT BADGES: 1st Veep Chris, 2nd Veep Mike and PP Mark. All happily paid $50 each.
GOOD CHEER: PP Tony still not 100% and we all hope you get well soon
Remember, if you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them. Paris4L6@cox.net
Oct 5th – Chamber First Friday Breakfast 7:15AM Steele Canyon Golf Resort. RSVP to the Chamber
OCT 10th – Board Meeting Elks 6PM
Oct 13th – San Diego Center for the Blind – White Cane Luncheon Fund Raiser $70 pp (see Len)
OCT 14th – El Cajon Valley Host LC Pancake Breakfast 8AM
Oct 31st – El Cajon Trunk or Treat Halloween family event
NOV 6th – First Tues Night Meeting Elks 6PM
NOV 14th – Board Meeting Elks 6PM
Nov 14th – World Diabetes Day. Diabetes is an LCI Global Cause
Nov 24th – Holiday Lights on Main Street
DEC 17th – DARK
Dec 18th – Christmas Party 6PM at Elks Lodge
DEC 24th – DARK
3rd Veep Gary Zink: All paperwork has been submitted for our Ma Goose float
2nd VP Mike Raney: Looking for a new Programs Chair. See Mike if interested.
1st VP Chris Bramwell: PP Don Anthony reminded us that our annual pancake breakfast is a week from this Sunday. The pancake batter is being provided by Brother Family Restaurant. Our LEO Club members will be helping out. Last year we served 350 so SELL those tickets so we can beat the old attendance record.
Treas Paul has tickets, posters and flyers for the breakfast. You will be charged for your booklet of tickets so sell, sell, sell.
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes:
Seven members will be attending this Friday. Come one, come all – wear your vests and sit a different tables.
PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS: Grandma and Grandpa were watching a healing service on TV. Viewers were asked to put one hand on the TV and the other hand on their body part needing healing. Each did as requested but when Grandpa did Grandma commented “The purpose was to heal the sick not raise the dead”.
Chris $20 – will be President in 9 months
Bob Acker $1 – happy to see PP Ray at the meeting
Ray H $1 – says he’s walking around better
Cathy $5 – anticipation of PP Ray’s joke
Paul T $5 – wore his Lions shirt all day and received some positive comments from his waitress who recognized the logo and shared her experience of Lionism with him.
Carter $20 – for PP Ray’s joke
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; MD4Lions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Whoops – no bad with the names $ 10 next week
Winner of 50/50 Drawing : Jim Nelson $74
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***