October 15, 2018 Members: ?? Guests: 2
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Business Meeting
Opening: Prez Jeff
Song Master: PP Jerry H Song: My Country Tis of Thee
Pledge of Allegiance: PP Ed Waymire Invocation: Treas Paul
Helen Keller quote by PP Bruce: “Its hard to interest those who have everything in those who have nothing.”
Julio DeGuzman of the La Jola Presidents LC , Dave Reed guest of PP Gary S (2nd visit) and PP Bob Moreau’s daughter Sharon
Good to See:
Ed Waymire, Kirby Morrison and Ray Hackworth
.When you come in for meetings, don’t forget to purchase your 50/50 drawing tickets.
.Treasurer Paul gave us a financial update for last period – We have money!.
.Lion Julio brought an auction item to wit a handgun case with cleaning kit. Winning bid was $25 from “Citizen” Dick Nasif (who was also the winner of the rifle auctioned off by Julio’s club a couple of months ago).
.PP Ray H suggested that we all pay attention to missing members and give them a call to say hello and encourage attendance at our meetings.
.1st Veep Chris gave thanks to Sec Paul and Treas Paul together with PP Jerry H and PP Ray H for all they do for our club.
.Lost and Found at the breakfast was a travel coffee mug and an earring. See Treas Paul
.Looking for someone (Gary Sims??) to take the helm from Ron Black as Coordinator of the pancake breakfast.
Arnold Martin 10/3, Keith Bailes 10/12, Don Anthony 10/13, David Keen 10/16, David Huntamer 10/29.
EXEMPT BADGES: Chris Bramwell, Mike Raney and Mark Krause
GOOD CHEER: Still missing PP’s Wally and Tony – Hope you both are better real soon!
Remember, if you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them. Paris4L6@cox.net
OCT 17th – EL Cajon Valley Lions Foundation meeting 6PM Elks Lodge come early for dinner $14
Oct 19th – Haunt Fest on Main 5PM on the Promenade
Nov 2nd – First Friday Breakfast at the Ronald Reagan Community Center 7:15AM $25 RSVP 619/440-6161
NOV 6th – First Tues Night Meeting Elks 6PM
Nov 11th – City of El Cajon Veterans Day Celebration 1PM
NOV 14th – Board Meeting Elks 6PM
Nov 14th – World Diabetes Day. Diabetes is an LCI Global Cause
Nov 18th – Ma Goose Parade at 1PM
Nov 24th – Holiday Lights on Main Street 2-8PM El Cajon Promenade
NOV 14th – Assemble Xmas baskets at Hoban’s 4PM
NOV 15th – Deliver Xmas baskets 7:30 AM from Hoban’s
DEC 17th – DARK
DEC 18th – Christmas Party 6PM at Elks Lodge
DEC 24th and DEC 31st – DARK – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
3rd Veep Gary Zink: Ma Goose is coming up next month
2nd VP Mike Raney: MIA
Looking for a new Programs Chair. See Mike if interested.
1st VP Chris Bramwell:
Our pancake breakfast was a huge success and we fed 327 guests (one more than last year).
Chris thanked kitchen crew Dave Huntamer, Dick Nasif, Don Anthony, Bob Acker and Gary Robinson, Paul Tremblay, Sharie Hoops, Ron Black, Roger Stebleton, Henry Coleman and Kathy, Len Blottin, Rocky Collura, our LEO club, and special Kudos to Sandy Glas for all the great publicity.
The 50/50 drawing brought $365 to the club, John Galkowski was the winner and he gave back $165 of his winnings….very generous, thank you Lion John.
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes:
Our club currently has 70 members and is 2nd in the District in membership however the San Diego Forever club numbers 68 with several more waiting to be inducted. We need more great members not only to have more hands for our projects and to share our good times with but to ensure we don’t loose our 2nd place status in the District!
1. A short gun joke 2. Two nuns shopping for beer
Both jokes were great, thank you PP Ray
Gary R $5 donation to our breakfast
Yvonne $5 missed breakfast as we were out of town raising money for children with cerebral palsy
Gary S $5 gone on yet another trip to Vegas and missed the breakfast
Cathy $5 for a good breakfast and she is selling raffle tickets for her church fund raiser
Bruce $60 some $ for missing the breakfast and some $ as he found a great plumbing supply store and when he went to pay for the part he needed he was told to pay for it with a Happy $
Paul W $5 excited for Ed Waymire’s upcoming operation for a new “ear antennae”. Ed will be having the same operation as Paul T, and in November he can ignore us out of his right ear also.
Bob G $5 missed the breakfast as he and Yvonne were at the Elks 50th Annual Rally in Hemet as a fund raiser for children and the group of over 200 rigs raised over $25,000.
Paul T $20 won last week’s 50/50 (giving back today) and due to his posting our breakfast flyer on his FB page his 2 sisters, daughter and grandkids, a high school friend and a previous work friend all attended. Yes publicity does make a difference.
Felina $20 via Prez Jeff for missing the breakfast.
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; MD4Lions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Don Anthony MIA (will be $40 next week)
Winner of 50/50 Drawing : Bob Moreau $61.
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***
Pancake Breakfast 2018