Newsletter 09/23/13

El Cajon Valley Host Lions

September 23, 2013 33 Lions and 2 Guests


Lion President Kiley Grunstad opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Songmaster, led our Lions in singing “God Bless America!” Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion PP Mark Clifton. Prayer & Invocation was recited by Lion PP Phil Smith. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally given by Lion PP Roger Stebleton.


Lion PP Bill Sturgeon introduced two guests: David Russell, guest of Lion Christian Willie for his third visit and visiting Lion John Raymond. Lion John was a longtime El Cajon Valley Lion member until his move to the north county area.


September 28th Saturday, Lions Optometric Vision Clinic, Blind Community Center 50th Anniversary 1:30pm-5:00pm 1805 Upas San Diego, RSVP

East County Herald newspaper posted an article about our upcoming 25th Annual Pancake Breakfast on October 27th that will feature entertainment from the Ridge Runner Band from 9am to noon. All proceeds from this event will go towards free eye testing and free glasses for the needy children of East County—Publicity Chair, Lion PP Dick Rogers.


3rd VP Van Wilsey reported that our Lions Visitation Team will be visiting the Singing Hills Lions this evening September 23rd at Coco’s Restaurant. Upcoming Visitations will be on Wednesday October 2nd 7pm to the Spring Valley Lions meeting at Anna’s Restaurant 8099 Broadway St. Lemon Grove and another Visitation on Wednesday October 9th 7pm Heartland Lions meeting at Coco’s 1025 Fletcher Pkwy. Call Lion Mike Wasyliw, Visitations Chair if you would like to sign up 619.444.9240 or Our Annual Lions Picnic is coming up on Saturday October 5th from 11am to 3pm. We have over 50 signups to date. Our Lions Pit BBQ Crew will ceremoniously dig the pit and dress the pigs on evening of October 4th for a 12 hour cook—it will be a great feast! Maps to Lion PP Bob Moreau Ranch will be given out at our next Lions Meeting.

2nd VP Ray Ridlon reported that our next Adopt A Street Community Cleanup is this Saturday September 28th 7:30am meeting at Clifton Motors. All Lions are invited to help keep our community streets litter free.

1st VP Mercy Walters gave an update on our Lions Pancake Breakfast on Sunday October 27th. Lion Paul Walters has secured 3 sponsors that include: the Rubber Cake, Terry Parker Realtors and Window Solutions. Sell, sell, sell those tickets! Alpine Parade on Sunday September 29th will feature some of our LEO’s, Southbay Lions, Lions District Committee and El Cajon Valley Host Lions Mercy & Paul Walters. Assemble time is 11am with parade starting at 2pm.

Lion Paul Walters Membership Chair reported on the Friday October 4th Chamber of Commerce Breakfast at Steele Canyon Golf Course 7:30am. Our Lions Display Table will feature posters & photos of our various community activities and projects.


Lion Tail Twister, Bob Acker, collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Dollar Fines: Lion President Kiley Grunstad gave a Happy $10 for How About Those 3-0 Bears and for his excused absence of our Board Meeting! Lion PP Gary Sims reported that Lion PP Mark Clifton & Angel were at Rosarita Beach and deserved a $10 fine! Lion Dave Huntamer gave a Happy $5 for his wife who was able to pull out a bean from their child’s ear! Lion 1st VP Mercy Walters gave a Happy $5 for her picture with upcoming Lion international President! Lion Christian Willie gave a Happy $5 for his high school reunion in Campo that had 31 in graduating class, 10 still alive, 5 showed up who were doing the right thing! Lion Mike Wasyliw gave a Happy $5 for missing our Lions Board and Foundation Meeting due to grandkids duty! Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave a Happy $10 for his recent nice Alaskan Cruise! Lion Dick Nasif gave some Happy Dollars for the tough losses by our Aztecs, Padres and Chargers this past week! Lion PP Bruce Boorman gave some Happy Dollars for the Youth Venture Golf Tournament that had some big raffle winners from our Lions Club! Lion PP Roger Stebleton gave a Happy $5 for his raffle winnings of a herb garden and a nice golf club! Lion Dick Nasif gave a Happy $25 for his raffle winnings that included his closest to hole winnings and some horseback riding lessons! Lion 2nd VP Ray Ridlon gave a Happy $5 for being happy to be back in town! Visiting Lion John Raymond tried to give a Happy $5 for visiting here today as a “Champagne Lion” from Lawrence Welk country—the fine was paid by Lion Paul Tremblay and another $10 from Lion PP Gary Sims!


Our featured speaker was Natasha Rickert, our former LEO’s member, who gave a very upbeat and enthusiastic presentation on “Getting Organized!”Natasha shared some of the myths that organizers meet only with hoarders and an organizer will make me get rid of my stuff. Ms. Rickert ended on the note that organizational skills are key to living a good life!


Attendance Drawing was won by Lion Frank Galkowski.

It was good to see visiting Lion John Raymond who done a great job on our Lions Eyeglass Program while serving as an El Cajon Valley Host Lion.

Lion President Kiley Grunstad thanked our fellow Lions for their donation of Lions Pins he will be using for his upcoming Lions Pin Trading Extravaganza!

Keep selling those Lions Pancake Breakfast Tickets—Lion Christian Willie is our ticket sales monster with selling 80+ tickets and Lion Paul Walters close behind in ticket sales!

Don’t forget our upcoming Lions Picnic on Saturday October 5th at Lion PP Bob Moreau’s home at 6102 Dehesa Road from 11am to 3pm.

And don’t forget that Lions Pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club!

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