Newsletter 09/17/2012

El Cajon Valley Host Lions

September 17, 2012      28 Members and 3 Guest


Lion President Bill Sturgeon opened the meeting at 12:30pm with Lion PP Jerry Hollingworth conducting one of our favorite patriotic song “God Bless America”. Pledge of Allegiance was given by visiting Lion North East Region Chair Garry Jones. Prayer & Invocation was recited by Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay. Inspirational Helen Keller Quote was given by Lion Frank Galkowski “We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world”.


We were honored to have visiting Lions  guests that included:  Lion District Governor Bessie Trott, Lion North East Chair Garry Jones and Lion  Cindy Marquette Heartland Zone Chair. Lion Garry Jones introduced our District 4L6 Governor Bessie Trott and gave an uplifting bio of her life and accomplishments. Lion  DG Bessie Trott gave a glowing tribute to our El Cajon Valley Lions Host Club: The El Cajon Valley Host Lion has a very healthy & strong club, a strong connection with the SD Center for the Blind and The Boys & Girls Clubs, an outstanding newsletter, conducts major fundraisers to support our community projects, etc. Goals of Lion DG Bessie Trott during 2012-2013 include: to increase membership, to expand services to others with unmet needs, to handle funds well with accountability and transparency,  and to inform the community of all the great things Lions are doing.


Thursday September 20th Chamber of Commerce Business Expo at Elk’s Lodge 5-7pm with our El Cajon Valley Lions Table. October 27th White Cane Brunch at Heartland Lions along with tour of the SD Center for the Blind—El Cajon Valley Lions will donate some of our Pancake Breakfast tickets for raffle prizes to this event. Please fill out your M & A Reports that help us track and get credit for our various Lions & Community Outreach activities.  Keep up your generous donations to our City of Hope Cans.


3rd VP Ray Ridlon–Lions Padre Night tickets for September 27th “Sold Out!”. Please sign up for the Lions Picnic on October 7th. Foundation Board Meeting will be held on September 25th at Por Favor Restaurant at 6pm.

2nd VP Mercy Walters—Adopt a Street Cleanup will be held on September 29th at 7:30 am meeting at Clifton Mercedes. Opportunities for generating new members and promoting Lionism will be explored by participating in the Chamber Business Expo on September 20th. Our Lion Website coordinated by Lion Warren McKenna,  has a new updated Calendar of Events and will place an additional focus on marketing Lionism.

1st VP Kiley Grunstad—“My Chicago Bears lost bad this past week—but there are plenty of more games to be played! Lion IPP Don Anthony reported on the  Lions Pancake Breakfast that will be held on October 28th  with signup sheets next week. Lion Dick Nasif will coordinate the kitchen & cooking and we’ll need help on setting up tables and chairs, etc. Our Lion Sight Program is being chaired by Lion Van Willsey. 7 kids and 1 adult have been recently referred for eye exams and glasses. El Cajon Optometry has processed 45 students the past year.


Lion Tail Twister PP Gary Sims collected a good volley of the following Happy Dollar & Happy Fines: Lion President Bill Sturgeon  gave a Happy $20 to honor our distinguished visiting Lions and for his two baseball games played. Lion Paul Walters gave a Happy $5 for attending the installation of a new charter Lion Club. Lion Paul Tremblay gave a Happy $4 for a fun time going to and watching the Chargers win. Lion PP Gary Sims gave a Happy $5 for the Padre 4-3 win and ceremony for Jerry Coleman. Lion DG Bessie Trott gave a Happy $5 for being at our Lions Meeting. Lion PP Bob Moreau gave a Happy $5 for his upcoming 5 day horse trail ride with approx. 100 riders! Lion Bob Acker gave a Happy $5 for not having to go on Lion Bob’s Horseback Riding Trip. Lion PP Gary Robinson gave a Happy $5 for a “it’ good to see Lion Aaron George at our meeting today!. Lion IPP Don Anthony gave a Happy $5 for another beautiful Aztec Football win! Lion 1st VP Kiley Grunstad gave a Happy $5 for the Aztecs win. Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave a Happy $5 for recent Lions Poker Game. Lion DG Bessie Trott gave another Happy $5 for the net gain of 58 new Lions members in the District! Lion 3rd VP Ray Ridlon gave a Happy $5 for the “go  Aztecs”  Football Team!


Lion Treasurer gave an update and highlights of our Lion Budget. August was kind of a “quiet month” reflecting our hot lazy days of summer. Thanks for your generosity with the City of Hope Cans—upcoming City of Hope Annual visit will be in March 2013. Lions Storage Bin had received $950 of pledges—and before Lion Paul could end the Lion Bin Storage Report Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth pledged $200, Lion PP Ray Hackworth pledged $100 and Lion PP Bob Moreau pledged $50—what generous Lions!!!


Lion DG Bessie Trott drew the Attendance Drawing Ticket with winner Lion Arnold Martin. Pancake Tickets will be sent with your next mailed bulletin.  It was good to see Lion Aaron George in attendance this week—come back soon!

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