Newsletter 09/10/2012

El Cajon Valley Host Lions

September 10, 2012                          36 Members and 2 Guests


Lion President Bill Spurgeon opened the meeting at 12:30pm with Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth leading the patriotic song “My Country Tis of Thee”. Pledge of Allegiance was given Lion Arnold Martin. Inspirational Helen Keller Quote was given by visiting Lion Barbara Whitman.


Lion Barbara Whitman, La Mesa Lions Club came by to ask support and participation of the La Mesa Lions Lucky 13th Annual Memorial Golf Tournament & Fundraiser on September 15th. Gloria Wendt, fiancée of Lion PP Ed Waymire was our welcome guest.


Lion PP Gary Robins announced an upcoming Chamber Business Expo at the El Cajon Elks Lodge. Entertainment Books are on sale for only $40.00. Lion President Bill Spurgeon made an immediate purchase of an Entertainment Book to kick-off and promote sales. El Cajon Valley Lions will be holding their monthly Board Meeting on September 13th at Lion 1st VP Kiley Grunstad business office.


3rd VP Ray Ridlon reported that Padres Night Baseball Game, Padres vs. Dodgers will be held on September 27th and our Lions Annual Picnic will be held on October 7th from 11am to 4pm at Santee Lakes with food being served at 1pm. At the picnic Lion PP Ron Paris will organize a Horseshoe Tournament. There will be plenty of activities for family and kids. Lions Foundation Board will be meeting on September25th.

2nd VP Mercy Walters (excused absence). Adopt-a-Street Cleanup will be held on September 29th starting at 7:30am will meet at Clifton Mercedes.

1st VP Kiley Grunstad reported that this month’s Lion board Meeting will be held at his Edward Jones business office located at 3855 Avocado Boulevard in La Mesa. Our Lions Eyeglass Program will be given a “World Tour” with the optometrists, Lenscrafters and schools.


Congratulations to the following fellow Lions with Birthdays in September. Lion Dr. Terry Winegar –September 11th, Lion Kirby Morrison—September 15th, Lion Jim Sing—September 16th, Lion Jonathan Martin—September 19th, Lion PP Mark Krause—September 22nd, Lion 2nd VP Mercy Walters—September 25th.  The Birthday Ode will be sung at September 17th Lions Meeting.


Exempt Badges were auctioned off at $50.00 to Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay and $50.00 to Lion PP Roger Stebleton.


Happy Dollars & Happy Fines were collected by Tail Twister Lion PP Gary Sims from the following Happy Lions: Lion President Bill Sturgeon gave a Happy $10 for two good baseball games player. Lion PP Walt Simmons gave a Happy $5 for wearing his Lions Hat and encouraged all Lions to proudly wear their Lions Hats. Lion IPP Don Anthony gave a Happy $5 for the Aztec’s who really played well against Army. Lion 1st VP Kiley Grunsad gave a Happy $40 for the awesome Aztec game and his incredible Chicago Bears who are the awesome team to beat! Lion Paul Tremblay gave a Happy $5 even with his new Exempt Badge for the 5th wheel of his recently purchase new used Lexus. Lion PP Gary Sims gave a Happy $5 for his 32nd Wedding Anniversary that includes 40 years since the 1st date with his missus Gail. Lion 3rd VP Ray Ridlon gave a Happy $10 for the great Aztecs and a dinner date with his wife Terri. Lion PP Elmer Vierkant gave a Happy $20 for his Inside Passage Trip to Alaska and his $400 Bar Bill on his good happy trip. Visiting Lion Barbara Whitman gave a Happy $5 for the opportunity to share her La Mesa Lions Golf Tournament. Our club thanked her and responded by donating 10 upcoming complimentary Pancake Breakfast Tickets. Lion PP Ron Snow gave a Happy $5 for PP Jerry Hollingsworth’s Lions Name Badge that was found in a Lions Eye Collection Box.


Craig Blower, CEO, from the Rueben H. Fleet Science Center was introduced by Lion PP George Hurst. Craig was here about 4 years ago and is glad to be back. Highlights of his presentation included: the Rueben H. Fleet Science Center has been in San Diego for the past 39 years, its mission statement was changed 13 years ago to emphasize the “enjoyment of science by young & old alike”, Sky Shows every 1st Monday of month, “Gross-ology” is one of the favorite exhibits for many young people, a Science Bus goes to local schools, is a leader in being “very green & environment friendly”.


This week’s attendance Drawing was won by Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay. We appreciate all of our Lions great attendance! Don’t forget that Lions Pin & Hat & Vest you wear represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…The El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club “2011-2012 Lion Club of the Year!

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