newsletter 08/12/13

El Cajon Valley Host Lions

August 12, 2013 34 Lions and 2 Guest


Lion President Kiley Grunstad opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Minutes afterwards, Lion Dick Nasif announced that our “Lions Ceremonial Bell” has been found—hip, hip, hurray! Job well done on the great detective work from Lion Dick Nasif and his “Top Notch” crew of investigators in locating our treasured Bell which had been missing since July 1st!

PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Songmaster, enthusiastically led our Lions in singing “God Bless America”. Pledge of Allegiance was proudly recited by Lion PP Mark Clifton. Prayer & Invocation was solemnly given by Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally given by Lion PP Bruce Boorman: “No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit”.


Lion PP Don Anthony introduced two (2) guests: Odie Goward, Stoney’s Kids President– guest of Lion Sharie Hoops and Sean Williams—grandson and guest of Lion Dick Nasif.

Odie Goward expressed her thanks to the El Cajon Valley Host Lions for their faithful & generous support of Stoney’s Kids who have helping the children of East County since 1991. Over the past few years, Stoney’s Kids has donated more than $650,000 to support East County youth such as after school programs, safe havens, sports leagues, etc. Lion Stoney will be celebrating his 88th birthday on August 15th with a fundraising celebration at the Sycuan Resort.


Lion Secretary / PP Gary Robinson reported that the Lions Eye & Ear Foundation will be having their Annual Meeting on September 22nd. There is a request from Ms. April Bloom in San Diego for a hearing aid for her mother—the request will be reviewed by our Social Services Chair.


3rd VP Van Willsey reported that the Lions Padre Night baseball game is this Friday August 16th. Lion Warren McKenna stated that the Lions tickets for the game are sold out but there are 4 extra premium tickets right behind the Padre dugout that cost $82.50 each that we will auction off. Winning bids for the tickets went to Lion Dave Huntamer, 2 tickets @ $100 each and Lion Bob Acker, 2 tickets @ $50 each! Don’t forget the pre-game get together at McCormack & Schmidt at 6th and L Street for a very affordable $3.99 cheeseburger & fries– and get your Padres ticket stamped to go over the foot bridge.

Lions Picnic next month with date and time to be announced shortly. Lion PP Bob Moreau volunteered to host the picnic at his home which has plenty of space for a pit BBQ, horse shoes & plenty of space for the kids to run around on. Lions members gladly agreed to have the picnic at the Moreau Ranch which would include Lion members & families bringing pot luck dishes.

2nd VP Ray Ridlon, excuse absence, is on his way back home from his exciting summer long bike adventure.

1st VP Mercy Walters reported that the Lions Pancake Breakfast on October 27th is only 10 weeks away. Lion PP Don Anthony reported that we will have a terrific Blue Grass Band and good food that will include great pancakes, sausage & eggs along with some special requests for glutten free dishes and meatless sausage. Food Handler permits will be needed for the kitchen crew and servers which can be done at local adult ed classes or online (for only $10 see Lion Paul Walters for details). Cost of the Pancake Breakfast tickets, currently at $5 each was thoroughly discussed with opinion of PDG Len Blottin that prices should be raised to $6 each. After much feedback exchange, consensus opinion was to keep prices at $5 each this year (with price increases next year) along with a vigorous campaign for banner and advertising sponsors that will be spearheaded by Lion Van Willsey! Sell your tickets and let’s get plenty of our friends and community members to attend our Lions Pancake Breakfast! Lion Christian Willie got the ball rolling with purchase of 30 tickets at the Lions Board Meeting! Large ticket sales of 30 plus tickets will be given a $1 each ticket discount.

Membership Recruitment & Retention Committee Report was given by Lion Paul Walters with a 1st Friday Chamber of Commerce Breakfast on September 6th. A Chamber Fundraising Seminar will be held on Friday September 13th 9am to noon at the Ronald Reagan Community Center. Chamber members and guests free. RSVP at 619.440.6161.


The following Happy Dollars & Happy Fines were collected by Tail Twister, Lion Bob Acker: Lion PP Don Anthony gave a Happy $5 for all the interesting questions asked on the upcoming Lions Pancake Breakfast. Lion Paul Walters gave a Happy $5 for newest Lion member who will be inducted today—Carter Short. Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay gave a Happy $5 for a nice weekend and a great eating adventure that included some fine wine. Lion Sharie Hoops gave a Happy $5 for her guest and good friend Odie Goward. Lion Dave Huntamer gave a Happy $5 for a good concert he attended with friends. Lion Mike Raney gave a Happy $5 for his nice trip to Coeur-de-Lene and Glacier National Park. Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave a Happy $5 for last week’s Joke of the Week that got some thumbs up & some thumbs down. Lion Earl Irey gave a generous Happy $65 for 65th Wedding Anniversary & 65 years of a Happy marriage—you are awesome Lion Earl and Jennie!!!


Lion PDG Len Blottin conducted an inspiring induction of new Lion Carter Short who was sponsored by Lion Dave Huntamer. Carter gave a short speech on why he wanted to be a Lion and serve his community. Lion Carter said he has lived in the San Diego area since 1994, was in the US Navy—that got him to San Diego, has been in sales for 20+ years, and has a wonderful wife Stephanie and a great son Cash. He loves to travel the world to exciting surfing spots! A Certificate of Recognition & Appreciation was given to Lion Dave Huntamer for his outstanding new member recruitment efforts!


Lion Paul Tremblay gave his monthly treasurer’s report with a healthy status of $23,519.31 in total assets. Our Lions Finance & Budget Committee will be meeting soon after the return of 2nd VP Ray Ridlon.


Attendance Drawing winner was Lion Mike Carleton who donated his winnings to our City of Hope Project.

Always good to see Lion Floyd Sorenson join us in our meeting when he is available.

Congratulations to Lion Earl Irey for his awesome 65th Wedding Anniversary to his dear wife Jennie!

Please keep Lion PP Dick Rogers in your Thoughts & Prayers for his very recent Cancer Treatment this week.

And don’t forget that Lions pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club!


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