August 7, 2018 Members: 37 Guests: 11
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Jeff
Song Master: PP Maestro Jerry Song: The Star Spangled Banner
Pledge of Allegiance: PP/TT Bob Moreau Invocation: Treas Paul
Helen Keller quote by Carter Short: “Knowledge is love and light and vision”
Guests: Mary Moreau, Kathy Reid, Susan Acker, PDG Bucky Blottin, Marie Turkle, Frank LuBak, Dorothy “Dixie” Hackworth, Pat Boorman, Cathy Bramwell and Gerry Sturgeon
When you come in for meetings, don’t forget to purchase your 50/50 drawing tickets.
This Sat is the Salvation Army Shopping Spree with Kids. Meet at 7:30AM at the mall side entrance to JC Penney’s. RSVP to Lorna 619/301-7063 if you can volunteer to shop.
PP’s Marge and Jim Nelson were presented with their tenure chevrons – 40 and 45 years respectively. Congrats for your loyal years of service to Lionism.
IPP Felina presented PP Don Anthony with a Presidential Appreciation Medal for his years of service working on the Pancake Breakfast. Also Warren McKenna received the Editor’s Medal for his years of work as a Bulletin Editor.
PDG Len suggested that if individuals would like to make donations to the District 4L6 Disaster Fund it would be a good way to help replenish the $1,000 recently spent on the Alpine Fire. Also if anyone wishes to help with the other fires in CA donations can be made directly to LCIF and you can specify you want the money to go to the CA fires. Please see PP Yvonne Paris for donation forms for LCIF.
DG Mercy thanks members who attended the District Installation on 7/28.
Prez Jeff auctioned off 2 packs of 4 uncooked ribeyes each from Saturday’s event. Retail price was $57 but Dick Nasif and Len Blottin snatched them up for $40 per pack.
Bob Groff 8/1, Rod Streeper 8/3, Ron Snow 8/10, Tom Normandie 8/15, Paul Walters 8/19, Hugh Cowan 8/21 and Sharie Hoops 8/28. A Birthday Song was hammered out and each of those present, Bob, Rod and Paul donated their Happy $5 for being ‘older’.
EXEMPT BADGES: Webmaster Warren McKenna and PP Yvonne Paris for $50 each.
Now that the badges MUST be worn to meetings or a fine will be imposed, why weren’t those exempt given a badge to wear?????
GOOD CHEER: Remember, if you know of any of our members who are in distress, sick, in the hospital or just got out of the hospital, have been diagnosed with some rare 3rd world country disease or infestation, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be shared. Paris4L6@cox.net
Aug 10th – ECVH Padre Night – Sign up with Warren McKenna. $30 7:05 game. Section 121. 5PM meet at McCormick & Schmicks in the Omni Hotel for eats/drinks. Parking on 6th $15
Aug 25th – First District Membership Meeting at El Cajon Police Dept. all-purpose room. Doors open at 8AM and meeting begins at 9AM. Club Officers should attend – everyone is welcome
Sept 3,4 and 10th – DARK
Sept 11th – Tues night meeting/dinner – Elks Lodge 6PM
Sept 12th – ECVH Board Meeting 6PM – come early for dinner 5PM $14
Sept 15th – ECVH family picnic at 1st Veep Bramwell’s home. Phils BBQ will cater. 3-7PM
3rd Veep Gary Zink Thanks to everyone who helped make the steak fry a success.
Warren still has 8 tickets left for this Friday night’s Padre game
2nd VP Mike Raney: Work in Progress
1st VP Chris Bramwell Sign up sheets were passed around to everyone present to RSVP for the clubs’ Family Picnic at Chris’ home on Sept 15th. He needs a good count for the caterer. Horseshoes will be played, cigar’s will be smoked and everyone will have a great time.
Treas Paul says the City of Hope visit will be the last Sunday in March 2019.
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes:
No Report.
PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS: A customer was looking for Polish Sausage………in an Ace Hardware store. The middle of the story was the funny part!
Paul W – Happy to see Kathy Zeman
Felina – Had a great time at the steak fry
Gary S – Going on vaca next week
Len – Happy about our Foundation becoming a public charity
Bob G – $15 for a great 80th BDay Party
Mike R – $20 Many thanks to the bartenders and chefs at the steak fry
Jim and Marge – Going on a vacation to Illinois
Cathy B – Welcome to Kathy Z and hubby Frank. Cathy and Keith just back from a trip to Tennessee where there was major humidity
Warren – Happy to be back but leaving again for 10-days in HAWAII
Amber Hughes Coordinator for the East County Education Alliance for the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District.
The colleges have a good Veterans Program. High school students can take college courses with certain requirements. At Grossmont there is new construction taking place.
There are currently more than 150 Degree and Certificate Programs available. Attending a community college saves money and students can transfer to a 4-year university with the credits earned at a community college.
There is counseling and tutoring available and they have CCCAA sports teams, with team & individual national championships. Also student government leadership, clubs and student organizations on both campuses together with Career Centers.
For both colleges a new program called “My College Promise” is available which is one year of free enrollment fees for first-time college students. There are eligibility requirements for this program which must be completed no later than Sept 4, 2018 and more information can be obtained at MyCollegePromise.net. This program does require attendance as a full-time student carrying at least 12 units per semester and to maintain a 2.0 college GPA to be eligible for Spring semester.
Further information about each college can be found at Cuyamaca.edu OR Grossmont.edu OR about both colleges and programs available at gcccd.edu/now.
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; MD4Lions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Bruce Boorman $30
Winner of the 50/50 Opportunity Drawing: Bucky Blottin $107
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***