July 2, 2012 33 Lions and 2 Guests Vol. 66, Issue 1
With much anticipation and the excitement of a New Beginning,
Lion President Bill Sturgeon officially began his term of office . He
arrived at 12:25pm, grabbed a quick bite to eat, and rang the bell at
12:32pm to officially open the meeting. As with all new Lion Presidents
many of our members tested our new president by trying to briefly
“ignore him” by not rising for the opening song of the day led by PP
Jerry Hollingsworth. President Bill Sturgeon graciously passed the test
of “maintaining his cool & a good sense of humor.“ Afterward, all Lions
rose and sang a patriotic song with much gusto. Pledge was given by
1st VP Kiley Grunstad and Opening Prayer Invocation by 2nd VP Mercy
Walters. An Inspirational Helen Keller Quote of the Week was given
by Lion Paul Walters: “Never Bend Your Head. Hold It High. Look
The World Straight In The Eye”. President Bill in his Installation
speech challenged our Lions to reflect on the words of Helen Keller
and become more inspired in “Faithfull Service” along with having
lots of fun performing our various service projects. Immediate Past
President Don Anthony presented President Bill Sturgeon with his new
Lion President Name Badge and likewise presented PP Don Anthony
with the Immediate Past President Lion Name Badge.
Shortly into the meeting it was good to see PP Gordon Bush arrive
at the meeting after his short absence. An update was given on PP Trent
Huls who is back in ICU at Alvarado Hospital—please keep Trent in your
daily thoughts and prayers. It was announced that the Lions Steak Fry
at PP Tom Hoban’s Home was incredible with delicious steaks and an
awesome group of Lions. Four left over frozen steaks from the Steak Fry
were auctioned off with the winning bid of $42.75 by PP Phil Smith (one
of the 4 Lions who signed up but were unable to attend the Steak Fry.)
Lion PP Mike Carleton, Lion PP Tom Hoban and Lion PP Ed
Waymire were honored for their birthday’s in July with a heartfelt
Happy Birthday delivered by Song master PP Jerry Hollingsworth &
fellow Lions.
New monthly exempt badges were auctioned off to the highest
bidders at $50.00 each to Immediate Past President Don Anthony and
President Bill Sturgeon.
A 15yr. Monarch Chevron Service Pin was presented to Lion Mike
Lion President Bill Sturgeon on his recent Installation speech
pledged to encourage fellow Lions to be more generous with their
Happy Dollars. Proceeds from the July 2nd meeting will benefit Camp
Jack. Some of the many Happy Dollars included: 2nd VP Lion Mercy
Walters a Happy 50 for her front page photo in the El Cajon Herald.
Ten other Lions who were also featured in the Herald gave $5.00 each.
Lion Ron Black gave a Happy 10 “for swatting plenty of mosquito’s”
during his vacation to Minnesota. A “flurry of Happy Dollars” ensued
where there was so many Happy Dollars flying around that it was quite
difficult for the Bulletin Editor to write down all the names—All Your
Happy Dollars were sincerely appreciated!—and my apologies for the
many omission of names of our generous Happy Dollar Lions.
Lion Past President Ray Hackworth gave an inspiring update on
our upcoming Camp Jack starting Sunday, July 29th. 72 kids are signed
up for the 1st week, 25 kids opening the 2nd week and plans to get 144
disadvantaged and at-risk kids/youth to Camp Jack this year. PP Ray
Hackworth invited all Lions, especially some of our newer Lions, to be
there on Sunday, July 29th to warmly send off the kids on a bus to Camp
Oliver and help at the BBQ Celebration. Every Tuesday and Wednesday
there will be a Fishing Derby at the Camp Jack Cuyamaca Lake.
Lionism has been deeply saddened by the death of PDG Jack Wyatt
on June 12, 2012 who was especially proud
of his Camp Jack project. A Funeral Mass &
Celebration of Life Service will be held on
July 7th at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church,
2766 Navajo Road El Cajon at 10am.
The Annual Tradition of Camp Jack will
go on with the continued Leadership of PP Ray
Hackworth with his 17th year of dedication to
the Lions Camp Jack project.
3rd VP Ray Ridlon & Foundation Chairman requested a vote of
approval for the 2012-2013 Board of Trustees. Oral vote was called
with 32 ayes and 1 nay.
2nd VP Mercy Walters recognized PP Dick Rogers for outstanding
work this past year (and recent previous years) as our Lions Publicity
Chair. PP Tom Hoban was also recognized for his outstanding &
incredible generosity with our El Cajon Valley Lions.
Allen Carlisle, CEO/General Manager of Padre Dam Municipal
Water District gave a very enlightening presentation on Water & the Value
of Water in our lives and communities. A very balanced presentation on
why our water bills have gone up and steps taken to reduce operating
costs while still providing quality water and services.
Please remember that the Lions Pin you wear on your collar
represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the
A New Year
With the beginning of a new year in the history of our
club there are several things to note. This is the beginning
of our 66th year of service. This is also the first bulletin of
Bulletin Editor Mike Wasyliw. He follows PP Ed Waymire
who was behind the pen for five years