July 9, 2012 40 Members Present 1 Visiting Lion Guest
KUDOS! KUDOS! KUDOS! Our Distinguished Guest & Visiting Lion, Immediate PDG Brad Weeks, recognized and honored the El Cajon Valley Host Lions as “The Best Lion Club of The Year 2011-2012” (in the category of large clubs with 30+ members). A lot of credit for this outstanding achievement goes to the awesome leadership of Immediate Past President Lion Don Anthony and his Lion Leadership Team—along with each individual lion member who have contributed their time & energy to complete “over 147 Lions Activities & Projects” during the past fiscal year.
We will have another incredible Lion Year in 2012-2013 with Lion President Bill Sturgeon at the helm. Lion President Bill opened the meeting by sounding the bell at 12:30pm. Pledge of Allegiance was given PP Walt Simmons. Opening Song was led by PP Jerry Hollingsworth with one of our favorites “It’s a Grand Ole Flag”! Prayer & Invocation was recited by Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay giving praise & gratitude and Thanking God for our continued new Lions members. An inspirational Helen Keller Quote of the Week was given by PP Mike Mortellaro.
Lion Roy Collura received his official Lions Badge after only a very brief Lions Probationary Period. Lion Roy has “jumped right in” by becoming actively involved with the Gunsmoke III Auction and our recent Lions Annual BBQ.
Lion Mollie Bigger also received her official Lions Badge after her short Probationary Period. It’s good to see Lionism vibrantly alive & well at our El Cajon Valley Host Lions.
Lion PP Ray Hackworth thanked all the fellow Lions who were able to attend the Funeral Mass & Memorial Service for PDG Jack Wyatt “Mr. Camp Jack”. Roving Reporter, Lion PP Dick Rogers reported that there were 6 El Cajon Valley Lions in attendance—PP Gary Robinson, PP Dick Rogers, PP Mark Krause, Lion Dick Nasif, President Bill Sturgeon and PP Ray Hackworth. There were at least 6 other PDG’s Past District Governor’s in attendance. PP Ray Hackworth gave a nice tribute and eulogy about Jack Wyatt’s Legacy of Camp Jack.
$335.75 in Happy Dollars & Happy Fines collected last week has been designated for Camp Jack as decreed by Lion President Bill Sturgeon. PP Ray Hackworth reminded fellow Lions that Camp Jack is only 3 weeks away. Next week, two signup sheets will be passed around for the Sunday July 29th BBQ and the two week Fishing Derby every Tuesday & Wednesday. This is a great way for our newer Lions to get more involved with the Camp Jack Experience. Affordable, low cost or donated transportation of buses and/or vans are still needed for the event—2 trips per day with 20-25 kids. All the youth gear and duffel bags will be transported to Camp Oliver courtesy of Lion Jeff Winters.
Lion Lesa Mitchell invited all Lions and their friends to the July 12th Grand Re-Opening of the Boys & Girls Clubs of East County Lakeside Clubhouse’s NEW Technology Center. Doors open at 9:30am, light refreshments will be served, etc. see you there at 12824 Lakeshore Drive Lakeside Ca. –by the Lindo Lakes area. GTECH Corp has donated 25 new computers & accessories to the Clubhouse’s Tech Center. Boys & Girls Clubs of East County will also be having their 39th Annual Golf Day on Friday July 20th at the Willow Glen Course at Sycuan Resort. Plenty of Sponsorship Opportunities for this event.
PP Gary Sims reported that Day at the Races still have 10 slots open that are filling up very fast.
Lions Board Meeting will be held this Thursday July 12th 6pm at Hoban Property Management 215 W. Lexington Ave. El Cajon. All Lion Members are always welcome to attend.
Another flurry of Happy Dollars & Happy Fines totaling $569.00 were collected and earmarked for Camp Jack today! Lion Mike Carleton began with a Happy $10 for his beach trip to Mexico, Lion Bruce Boorman’s Happy 10 for his South Dakota trip, President Bill Sturgeon’s Happy 20 for his Baseball Team & honoring Camp Jack Wyatt, PP Walt Simmons Happy 3 for finally seeing Lion Bill Sturgeon as President, PP Tom Hoban Happy 20 for seeing long lost Tom Normandie at the meeting, PP Tom Normandie’s Happy 50 for his two new family additions of 2 Golden Retriever puppies, Lion Lesa Mitchell’s Happy 5 for her son & daughter in law in new home, Lion Paul Tremblay’s Happy 5 for his trip to Paseo Robles & wine tasting, Lion Roy Collura’s Happy 5 for his new Lions Badge, Lion Van Willsey’s Happy 5 for Camp Jack, Lion Bob Acker’s Happy 10 for good bass fishing & Camp Jack, PP Roger Stebleton’s Happy 20 for Camp Jack, PDG Len Blottin’s Happy 5 for his foster daughter and son from Oklahoma, PDG Brad Weeks’s Happy 20 for Camp Jack, Lion Paul Walters’s Happy 5 for Camp Jack, PP Don Anthony’s Happy 20 for Camp Jack, Lion Felina Balistreri’s Happy 20 for Camp Jack, PP Tom Hoban’s Happy 100 to honor PP Don Anthony and his “Horse Whisperer” help with new horse, Lion Tony Hodge’s Happy 100 for his 11 yrs. without smoking, PP Ray Hackworth’s Happy 20 for Camp Jack, Lion Warren McKenna’s Happy 20 for his poker game winnings, Lion Kiley Grunstad’s Happy 20 for Camp Jack Fishing Program, PP Mike Mortellaro’s Happy 20 for the great cigars at the Lions Steak Fry, PP Gary Sims’s Happy 20 for Camp Jack. Additionally Lion Tony Hodge donated 2 Padres Tickets & Parking Pass to the club for a raffle—winning bid was PP Ray Hackworth for $80. –proceeds to Camp Jack.
SDSU Aztec Coaches presentation will be rescheduled at a future date.
Please keep LionPP Trent Huls in your daily thoughts & prayers while he is recovering in Intensive Care at Alvarado Hospital.
Don’t forget that pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…The El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club “Best Lion Club of the Year 2011-2012”