El Cajon Valley Host Lions
June 1, 2015 35 Lions and 3 Guests
Lion President Mercy Walters opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Songmaster, led our fellow Lions and guests in singing “You’re a Grand Ole Flag!”Pledge of Allegiance was given by Lion Henry Coleman. Prayer & Invocation was given by Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally given by Lion Carter Short.
IPP Kiley Grunstad introduced our 3 guests: Jeff Smith from Kirk Plumbing here for his 4th visit—guest of Lion PP Mark Clifton; Chris Venventi, intern at Edward Jones—guest of IPP Kiley Grunstad and Laura Welty from SDGE our guest speaker.
Congratulations to the following Lions with Birthday’s during the Month of June: Lion PP Gary Sims—June 4th; Lion Earl Irey—June 9th; Lion PP Ron Paris—June 10th; Lion Cathy Bailes—June 10th; Lion Tony Hodge—June 10th; Lion Dr. Jay Jacobson—June 26th and Lion PP Grant Thiem—June 26th. Singing of Happy Birthday was led by our Songmaster Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth.
Our next Lions Meeting June 8th noon, will be at the El Cajon Police Department, 100 Civic Center Way in the Conference Room left of the entrance with a tour following the meeting.
Lion Secretary Paul Walters reported the following: Lions Board Meeting on Wednesday June 10th at 6pm Coco’s Restaurant on Main St. in El Cajon; Flag Day on June 12th 8:15am & 9:30am at Madison Elementary School; Lions Learning Day on June 13th 8am to noon Kaplan College in Vista, Ca; Lemon Grove Lions Charter Dinner this Wednesday June 3rd at Knights of Columbus Hall 8086 Broadway Lemon Grove.
Congratulations to the following fellow Lions with winning bids on the monthly Exempt Badges: PP Bruce Boorman $250.00 (which included a Silver Sponsorship for the Casino Night!); Lion Carter Short $100.00 for a new truck on the way and Lion Dan Garrett $80.00. Thanks for your generosity!
3rd VP Roy Collura, absent. Lion PP Don Anthony with PP Ron Paris giving an update on our Lions Steak Fry this Saturday June 6th at PP Hoban Ranch—sign up lists are on the tables or call Lion PP Ron. Lion Warren McKenna gave an update on the August 21st Padres Night Baseball Game—we have purchased a block of 25 tickets.
2nd VP Van Willsey, no report.
1st VP Ray Ridlon reported that he was glad to be back from his long vacation and reminded all that he had paid up his Happy Fine of $200 before going on his vacation. Casino Night Planning Meeting was held on May 27th with need to push selling the sponsorships and volunteer help is needed on the 4pm set up and tear down cleanup at about 10pm. Installation Dinner on June 20th at incoming president Ray Ridlon’s residence 16120 Loose Creek Rd. Jamul, Ca 91935 from 4pm-7pm with plenty of family fun that includes swimming, a kid’s playhouse, etc. $15.00 per person with kids free.
Lion PP Ray Hackworth shared his Happy Joke of the Week and got one of his rare thumbs down and asked to pay a minor fine. Lion Tail Twister PP Bob Moreau collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Fines: Lion Cathy Bailes gave a Happy $5 for her granddaughter’s graduation and wishing a Happy Birthday to our fellow Lions with birthday’s this month! Lion Henry Coleman gave a Happy $10 for his daughter “expecting” with an upcoming grandson! Lion PP Bob Moreau gave a Happy $10 for the great news of Lion Henry which will give PP Moreau another great grandson—the 9th time! Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay gave a Happy $20 for another grandchild soon—which will be the 5th grandchild! Lion Secretary Paul Walters gave a Happy $5 with a hoping to see our guest Jeff Smith on his 4th visit and hoping to see him consider becoming a Lion soon! Lion PP Mark Clifton gave a Happy $20 for a upcoming new grandson! Lion 2nd VP Van Willsey gave a Happy $10 for a happy to be here! Lion Ron Black gave some Happy Dollars for a trip to the Midwest! Lion PP Walt Simmons gave a Happy $3 for his new Easy Turf new lawns that will need no watering! Lion Arnold Martin gave a Happy Dollar with a glad to be here!
Our featured guest speaker was Laura Welty an Energy Solutions Advisor from SDGE. Ms. Welty reported that SDGE has seen many positive upgrade changes in the past 15 years that include: infrastructure changes, wood to steel poles, weather stations, wind technologies, etc. For the first time in 14 years, a change is coming to how electricity rates are structured. California passed an electric rate reform law, Assembly Bill 327, that will change the way state’s public utilities bill for electricity. To comply with the law, the California Public Utilities Commission is looking at different ways to make rates fairer. Laura shared some great ideas on ways to lower your energy bills such as run your refrigerator full for max efficiency, switch out light bulbs to LED’s, upgrade old appliances to more energy efficient models, a free ecobee programmable thermostat and other incentives that range from $1,000 to $3000. Visit sdge.com/euc to learn more or call Laura at 619.540.3914 for additional information.
Attendance Drawing Winner was Lion PP Dick Rogers.
Steak Fry this Saturday June 6th at PP Hoban Ranch.
Give a call 619.464.1351 and visit Lion PP Floyd Sorenson who is unable to attend our meetings due to health challenges. Lion Floyd’s address is 1009 Dennstedt Court “D” El Cajon Ca. 92021.
Reminder that our next Lions Meeting on June 8th will be held at the El Cajon Police Dept at noon with a tour to follow.
And don’t forget that Lions Pin you wear on your collar or blouse represents that you belong to one of the greatest organizations in the world—the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club “2015 Best Large Lion Club in District 4L6” WE GENUINELY APPRECIATE YOUR LION ATTENDANCE & MEMBERSHIP!