Newsletter 05/18/15

El Cajon Valley Host Lions

May 18, 2015            39 Lions and 0 Guests



Lion President Mercy Walters opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Songmaster, led our fellow Lions in singing “You Are My Sunshine!”. Pledge of Allegiance was led by PP Tom Normandie. Prayer & Invocation was given by Lion Dan Garrett. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally given by Lion Carter Short.


Lion Secretary reported that we will not meet on May 25th Memorial Day Weekend and next meeting will be on June 1st. Our June 8th Lions Meeting will be held at the El Cajon Police Department, 100 Civic Center Way at 12 noon. Lion Carter Short gave an update on the Flag Day Ceremony on June 12th at the Lexington Elementary School—sign up lists will be on the tables at next meeting—for info contact our Chair Carter Short or Secretary Paul Walters. Casino Night Planning Meeting on Wednesday May 27th at 5:30pm at office of PP Tom Hoban. Please turn in your month of May Service Activity Reports to your Lion Secretary Paul Walters.

Lion Dan Garrett shared the great news that on August 17th he will be going to a Salvation Army  seminary college and learn how to become a good preacher and a pastor. We wish Lion Dan the best of luck.

Lion Mike Carleton was given a “Certificate of Recognition” signed by our Lions International President to be presented to LEO President Taylor Russell. Two $1,000.00 LEO Scholarships were awarded to 2 El Cajon Valley High School seniors by our ECVH Lions for their great efforts as outstanding LEO’s.

A Celebration & Charter Dinner for our new Lemon Grove Lions will be held on Wednesday June 3rd 5:30-6:30pm for cocktail hour/6:30pm-8:30pm for the dinner and program at the Knights of Columbus Hall 8086 Broadway, Lemon Grove, Ca. Tickets are $35.00 per person and checks can be sent to: Lions Club of Lemon Grove c/o Theresa Johnson 3303 Main St. Lemon Grove CA 91945 or give to Lion President Mercy Walters or Lion Secretary Paul Walters.

PP Ray Hackworth encouraged fellow Lions to pay a visit to PP Floyd Sorenson. Lion Ray and Lion Aaron George paid a visit to Lion Floyd who was delighted to share lots of good memories about Lionism. Lion PP Floyd Sorenson’s address is 1009 Dennstedt Court “D” in El Cajon, CA 92021. Please call first 619.464.1351 before you are coming to visit.


3rd VP Roy “Rocco” Collura, absent. Lion PP Don Anthony reported with Lion Mike Carleton giving an update on LEO’s going to Fort Rosecrans on May 24th and the Annual LEO’s Picnic on June 7th.  Lion Warren McKenna gave an update on the Padres Night on August 21st and RSVP for how many tickets you would like to purchase. Lion Mike Wasyliw, Visitations Chair, reported that a great way to help on Visitations is to pay an Individual Visitation to Lion PP Floyd Sorenson who is unable to attend our meetings.

2nd VP Van Willsey reported that our Adopt a Street Community Cleanup with re-start soon—we have a busy Saturday’s in June with our Steak Fry on June 6th, Casino Night on June 13th and Installation Dinner on June 20th. Lion Mike Wasyliw, Eyeglass Program Chair, stopped by our Lions Optometrist Office of Dr. Patel to deliver a $1,000 check to replenish our fund for student eye exams & eye glasses along with picking up 72 good used eyeglasses for our Lions Used Eyeglasses Recycling Projects.

1st VP Ray Ridlon, absent/on vacation. Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay gave an update on our Casino Night ticket sales & sponsorships. Please sell, sell, sell those tickets. Push, Push, Push the Sponsorship Levels! Each Sponsorship includes the following:  at Bronze includes 1 free ticket, Silver 2 tickets, Gold 4 tickets and Platinum 6 tickets. To date ticket sales turned in about 40 sold, along with sponsorships bringing us up to about $6,200 raised. You can also help by attending the Casino Night Planning Meeting this upcoming May 27th at 5:30 pm at PP Tom Hoban’s office.


Lion Tail Twister Bob Acker collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Dollar Fines: Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave a fine free Joke of the Week! Lion David Huntamer gave a Happy $20.00 for a Happy to be here after a few short absences! Lion Secretary Paul Walters gave a Happy $5 for a glad to see Lion Henry Coleman at our Lions Board Meeting—which he said was a very enlightening & informative experience! Lion PP Gary Sims gave a Happy $1 asking about the “We Miss You at the Lions” Card he received after missing only 2 of his regularly attended meetings throughout the year—your attendance is much appreciated Lion Gary, you are one of our faithful regulars! Lion Dr. Keen was given a fine free pass after we received word that he recently made a $500.00 Casino Night Sponsorship! Lion Tom Normadie gave a Happy $10 for a glad to be here and sharing his story of catching a baby rattler while weed wacking his back yard—shortly afterwards some of our fellow Lions shared some of their rattler photos—a 9 footer from Lion Jim Sing and a long one by Lion Sharie Hoops!


Attendance Drawing name pulled out of the hat was Lion Maral Poochigian—we missed you and hope that we will see you soon. With all our Lions members we do understand that business often comes first—and we sincerely appreciate the Lions meetings you are able to attend.

Reminder that May 25th is Memorial Day Weekend and we will be DARK and that our June 8th Lions Meeting will be at the El Cajon Police Department. Thanks to Lion Captain Jeff Arvan for making this possible.

And don’t forget that Lions Pin you wear on your blouse or collar represents that you belong to one of the greatest organizations in the world—the El Cajon Valley Host Lions “2015 Best Large Lion Club in District 4L6”. WE SINCERELY APPRECIATE YOUR LION MEMBERSHIP AND ATTENDANCE!

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