Newsletter 06/17/19


June 17, 2019    Members: 38  Guests: 2

Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club



Opening: Prez Jeff     announcing today is “National Garbage Man Day”     1 Meetings to go!

Song Master:  PP Jerry                                               Song:  God Bless America

Pledge of Allegiance:  PDG Len                                  Invocation:  Boni


quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”


Arlene Broman guest and mother of Boni Kelsey,

Brent guest of PP Bob Moreau



Good to See:

Ron Black , Roger Stebleton

Mercy Walters, Skip Kiefer


Kirby Morrison



.A big thank you to PP Gary Sims (Chair), PP Gary Robinson, Gary Zink, Paul Walters, Ron Black, !st VP Chris Bramwell and Abraham Muheize for passing out 749 American Flags and flag fact sheets to children at the ECVHL National Flag Day at Johnson Elementary School on June 14.


.Sec Paul read a Thank You letter from Kelly Sullivan for the eyeglasses she was provided via El Cajon Valley Host Lions.

.District Installation on Sun 7/28, 4-8PM at St Mark Golf Resort in Lake San Marcos $45 prepaid.

.District 4L6 Learning Day this Saturday 9AM-1PM at Boys and Gi8rls Club of San Marcos 1 Positive Place, San Marcos. $15 includes morning coffee and pastries, subway box lunch, drinks and training materials.  Contact Sec Paul if interested.

.Dick Nasif says our club has 2-foursomes and are sponsoring 2 holes for the upcoming (June 20th) Salvation Army Golf Tourny.  You too can sponsor a hole for a mere $100. Event begins at 11AM with a 1PM shotgun start at Sycuan Golf Course (nee Singing Hills).

.PP Bill Sturgeon was presented with his tenure pin for 15 years of service in Lionism.  Congrats!       


.PP Yvonne donated and Prez-Elect Chris purchased 2 tickets for the Fair generously paying $12.


.DG Mercy informed us on the State of the District.  District 4L6 had to close 7 clubs and in spite of that remained No. 1 in membership growth in the state – that’s out of 14 other Districts!  District 4L6 was one of the two districts in CA with 100% reporting of district activities to LCI.  As for gender parity 4L6 has a very balanced membership.


Yvonne Paris 6/3, Gary Sims 6/4, Cathy Bailes 6/10, Tony Forchette 6/13, Cathy Zeman 6/16, Grant Thiem and Jay Jacobson 6/26. 




GOOD CHEER:  Please keep PP Wally in your thoughts and prayers as he progresses through 8 weeks of a new cancer treatment……1 down and 7 to go!

IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them.

CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS:  *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*

June 22nd –  Lions Learning Day at Boys & Girls Club of San Marcos 9AM

JUNE 29th – ECVH LC Installation of Officers 1-4PM aboard the Emerald/Hornblower Cruise

Fiscal Year 2019-2020:

July 2nd – First Tuesday NIGHT MEETING 6PM

July 10th – ECVH LC Board Meeting Elks Lodge Conference Room 6PM

July 13th – ECVH LC Steak Fry at Hoban’s.  Details to come

July 26th – ECVH LC Day at the Races (Del Mar) 4PM.  $25 See PP Gary Sims to sign up.

July 28th – District 4L6 Installation 4-8PM at St Mark Golf Resort in San Marcos $45

Aug 6th – First Tuesday NIGHT MEETING 6PM

Aug 14th – ECVH LC Board Meeting Elks Lodge 6PM

Oct 5th – Club Picnic at Branwell’s Estate



3rd VP Gary Zink: Newbie Abraham Muheize will be next years Eyeglass Program Chair

2nd VP Mike Raney: Progress

1st VP/President Elect Chris Bramwell: Promises to keep his Installation speech to under an hour


PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS: _Today’s tidbit had to do with Aging and how we ‘handle’ it.  An elderly gentlemen went to a bar and a friendly young woman approached him and said she would do anything he wanted for $100 but his request must be made in no more than 3 words.  He handed her the $100 and said “Paint My House”.

ED Note: As I’ve often said age and cunningness will always overcome youth and innocence.



Chris $50 yet another brand new very expensive car

Dick N $10 for a new Rolex submariner watch – Did Chris pay for this one?

Van $ Had a great Fathers Day with his daughter who recently enlisted in the Marines

Cathy $ Padres won 2 games

Roger $40 good on for Padres and missed 4 meetings due to trips to Thailand, AZ, Costa Rica and Utah

Boni $ Son has gone into the Marines and is boot camp – she’s an empty nester and sad.

Mike R $10 enjoyed a great golf trip and went to Yakima, WA for a graduation.

Skip $100 been gone a long time, had a great golf trip and his son graduated from UCSD

Paul W $ super Flag Day Program

Bruce $ Granddaughter recently won an Emmy, as a producer for ABC, on a story of the Mandolay Bay shootings.

Mercy $10 Sec Paul received an International Presidents Certificate for an outstanding job as our Districts’ GST (Global Service Team) Coordinator.  Also Gov Mercy received the Fukushima Award for sustained membership growth in our district.

Gary S $ good to see Brent (yes he really grew waaaaay up).  Also saw the Smokey Robinson show at the Fair.

Paul T $5 great Fathers Day and his ex-wife even said he was a good Dad.

Yvonne $20 Bob received a 3-wheel semi-recumbent bike from his youngest son Eric.  Bob took two-1 mile rides around the neighborhood pulling his 250# Son on his skateboard – no small feat!





Other websites to visit:  LionsDistrict4L6;;


Winner of Attendance Drawing:  ________________________$20


Winner of 50/50 Drawing:     ———————————————$____


***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***




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