May 20, 2019
Members: 33 Guests: 2
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez-Elect Chris 4 Meetings to go!
Song Master: PP Jerry Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: PP Bob M Invocation: Capt Boni
Prez-Elect Chris Presiding Song Master PP Jerry
Helen Keller quote by Lion Carter Short: “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows”
Guests: Program Speakers Lorena Cordova and Monica Zech
Good to See: Kirby Morrison and Ron Snow (if ever so briefly)
.Sec Paul says we will be presenting our Charitable Fund checks at our June 4th PM meeting.
.P-E Chris read a Thank You letter from ECPD Chief of Police Jeff Davis for our ongoing support to the ECPD Awards Program. We have sponsored the “ECPD Volunteer of the Year” Award for years.
.Treas Paul T gave a quick down-and-dirty report on Gunsmoke IX. As for the 50/50 the club netted $527, we had a few less attendees this year, made $910 on the Opportunity Drawing which was initiated by the Winchester Widows and we made nearly $5,700 on the Silent Auction. Well done Lions!!!
Bill Sturgeon 5/4, Roger Stebleton 5/8, Frank Reid 5/7, Carl Ruiz 5/27, Phil Smith 5/29
EXEMPT BADGE: Prez-Elect Chris and IPP Felina
GOOD CHEER: Everyone is healthy to the best of my knowledge – hope that’s true!
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them. Paris4L6@cox.net
CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS: *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*
JUNE 4TH – First Tuesday – Night Meeting 6PM (distribution of Charitable funds to recipients
June 14th – Flag Day Program at Johnson Elementary School, W Madison. 10:15 AM
JUNE 29th – ECVH LC Installation of Officers 1-4PM aboard the Emerald/Hornblower Cruise
JULY 26th – ECVH LC Day at the Races (Del Mar) 4PM. $25 See PP Gary Sims to sign up.
Fiscal Year 2019-2020:
July 2nd – First Tuesday NIGHT MEETING 6PM
July 10th – ECVH LC Board Meeting Elks Lodge Conference Room 6PM
July 13th – ECVH LC Steak Fry at Hoban’s. Details to come
3rd Veep Gary Zink: June 14th is our Flag Day program at Johnson Elementary at 10:15AM.
The Club steak fry will be July 13th at PP Tom and Renee’s beautiful home.
The Club picnic will be at Prez-Elect Chris’ home this year. Will probably be in October.
2nd VP Mike Raney: Progress
1st VP Chris Bramwell: See Treas Paul’s report in Communications section on casino night
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: No Report
Two little ditty’s about looking your age. Never heard the 1st one but the 2nd was was great!
PP Ray
HAPPY DOLLARS: PP Bob M handled the basket again believing TT Bob A is slacking.
.Those putting into the pot for a great Gunsmoke event: Cathy Bailes, Abraham and he loved playing craps and is looking for sponsors for the summer basketball league, Gary S won the IPad, Felina and her twin sister was molested by 3rd Veep Gary Z (mistakenly), Mike R and Paul T thanks for putting in for me – I won the outfitted camera and 9 silent auction items.
And finally our own Carl Ruiz won the 50/50 drawing for a whopping $528, and his Grandson had a great time also.
PROGRAM: Lorena Cordova and Monica Zech from the City of El Cajon re finalizing the Climate Acton Plan.
The CAP team organized last August to look primarily at sustainability for the next 10-20 years within the City of El Cajon. The team is comprised of professionals from various fields. Their target goals address emission/toxin levels and the need to reduce them for future generations.
State and Federal levels are working on their own areas to give suggestions to interested City Governments. The State mandated getting our levels down to the 1990 levels which we have been in compliance with for some time. The Feds want a 40% reduction in emissions.
The biggest emissions come from traffic.
The Planning Commission will meet to approve/reject/modify whatever the team comes up with, before June 18th. The PC’s recommendation will then go to the City Council and their approval of a final plan is expected at the July 9th City Council meeting.
For more information please go to the City of El Cajon website and click on the link.
Lorena Cordova Monica Zech
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; CALions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: ????? MIA $30 next time
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Gary Robinson $71
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***