May 13, 2019 Members: 38 Guests: 1
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Pres. Jeff informing us that today is “National Crouton Day”. 5 Meetings to go!
Song Master: pres.-Elect Chris Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: PP Ed Invocation: Bonni
Helen Keller quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “I do not want the peace which passeth understanding, I want the understanding which bringeth peace.”
Guests: Renee Hoban
Good to See:
PP Ed Waymire |
Bonni Kelsey |
Fabian Vereda & Abraham Muheize |
.Sec Paul says sign up sheets are on the table for our Flag Day Program on Friday, June 14th at 10:15 AM – Johnson Elementary School. With only one assembly and over 700 students your assistance is needed.
.Treas Paul gave a brief financial report from last weeks Board Meeting. (see reverse).
.Dick N and Bonni June 20th is the Salvation Army Golf Tourney. Cost is $125 pp/$400 for a foursome but sign up before the end of the month and its’ $87.50 pp. Such a deal!
.PP Moreau gave an update on Installation. There is metered parking available, the County Admin Bldg. is available and there are 14 reserved space. Several members took advantage of the reserved parking at $25 and PP Tom H purchased the remaining 5 for those that need it. We are on the Hornblower boat “Emerald” with boarding at 12:45PM and return at 4PM.
Bill Sturgeon 5/4, Roger Stebleton 5/8, Frank Reid 5/7, Carl Ruiz 5/27, Phil Smith 5/29
EXEMPT BADGE: Prez-Elect Chris and IPP Felina
GOOD CHEER: Cathy Bramwell is home so things are looking up.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them. Paris4L6@cox.net
CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS: *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*
May 18th – Gunsmoke IX 6-10 PM at Elks Lodge
June 14th – Flag Day Program at Johnson Elementary School. 10:15 AM
JUNE 29th – ECVH LC Installation of Officers. Sign up for the Waiting List.
July 26th – ECVH LC Day at the Races (Del Mar) 4PM. More details to come from PP Gary Sims when Casino Night is wrapped up.
Fiscal Year 2019-2020:
July 2nd – First Tuesday NIGHT MEETING 6PM
July 10th – ECVH LC Board Meeting Elks Lodge Conference Room 6PM
July 13th – ECVH LC Steak Fry at Hoban’s. Details to come
3rd Veep Gary Zink: June 14th is our Flag Day program at Johnson Elementary at 10:15AM.
The Clubs’ steak fry will be July 13th at PP Tom and Renee’s beautiful home. Gary thanks PP’s sims and Clifton for handling all the food purchasing, prep and cooking.
The Club picnic will be at pres.-Elect Chris’ home this year. Date and time TBA after consulting with Cathy.
2nd VP Mike Raney: Progress
1st VP Chris Bramwell: For those who volunteered to help ‘set-up’ for our casino night this Saturday please be there at 4PM. If you have ticket stubs and money to turn in please also come early so we don’t have a long line at check-in.
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: No Report
This little ditty was a monologue from the “Cheers” TV show comparing a herd of buffalo to brain cells.
Dick N received a call on his cell phone shortly after the meeting began and his ‘salutation’ wasn’t nice so he proceeded to tattle on that ‘someone’.
“Someone” Kiley $50 bought Jolinda a Tesla Model 3 (which they ordered 3 years ago).
Tom H used Edward Jones Financial (‘someone’ Kiley) for his employee 401K program.
Christian $2 for the help our LEO members gave for the Elks Youth Awards ceremony recently
Bonni lots of good things going on with her children
Abraham received approval from El Cajon Valley HS to have a summer basketball league on campus. Last year they raised over $9,000 for the ASB.
Cathy B They were in TN last week for their Granddaughters college graduation.
Bob G $5 toward the new batteries for Jolinda’s Tesla
Ed $5 Happy to be back and hear all the tattle-tailing.
Rod 29th Wedding Anniversary coming up
Phil S $10 for not celebrating an anniversary.
UPCOMING PROGRAM: Lorena Cordova from the City of El Cajon. Finalizing the Climate Acton Plan
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; CALions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Daryl Priest MIA
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Bob Moreau $72
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***
LOCATION: Elk’s Lodge, 1400 E. Washington, El Cajon
PRESENT: President Jeff Winters, 2nd VP Mike Raney, 3rd VP Gary Zink, Secretary Paul Walters, Treasurer Paul Tremblay, Directors Dick Nasif, Carl Ruiz, Keith Bailes, Rod Streeper, LCIF Coordinator PP Yvonne Paris, Membership Cathy Bailes, IPP Felina Balistreri, PP Gary
Robinson, LionTamer PP Bob Moreau, PDG Len Blottin.
ABSENT: 1st VP Chris Bramwell,
Frank Reid, Bob Acker, Carter Short.
MINUTES: Minutes from the April 10th Board Meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve
PP Bob Moreau, second by PP Yvonne Paris, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report-Paul Tremblay
General Account $ 17,856.37
Activities Account $ 4,596.33
City of Hope $ 290.18
Members Current Account $ 24,231.42
Total Assets $ 46,974.30 File For Audit
BANKING: Paul Tremblay reported he is not happy with Union Bank for lack of
community service when asked. He made a motion to switch to California
Bank & Trust after the books are closed July 1, where IPP Felina is now working,
second by PP Yvonne Paris, motion carried.
Communications/Announcements-Sec. Paul Walters
- June 20, Salvation Army Golf Tournament.
- Gunsmoke IX, May 18, Elks, 6PM.
- Installation Of Officers, June 29, Saturday, Hornblower Crusie Line
Old Business
1. ECVHL Installation Of Officers 2019: The
installation will be aboard a boat from the Hornblower Cruise Line. Bob Moreau reported a $5,000 down payment has been paid for 72 people at a cost of $55 each. To date 82 people have signed up. The additional 10 people will need to pay $98. To keep the price at $55, Bob Moreau wanted a motion made from the Board to allocate an additional $430 so everyone will be paying the same $55. A motion was made by Cathy Bailes to allocate an additional $430, second by Keith Bailes, motion carried. A balance of $3833.13 is still due to be paid. The date will be Saturday, June 29th, 1-4PM. dinner will be provided, no-host bar, and a 3 hour tour of San Diego Harbor. Guaranteed parking will be available at the dock for $25 per car. Information will
be available at the meeting on Monday, May 13th. Boarding time 12:45PM.
- Bench Legacy Project: Dick Nasif reported he is waiting to hear back from the City Manager.
- PU101 Due May 15. Secretary Paul reported he has entered the New Officers for ECVHL in MyLCI for the PU101 Form.
New Business
Sec. Paul reported the home club of the Governor is responsible for purchasing the new banner and accessories for the incoming Governor, he will need to spend approximately $500.
District 4L6 Convention Ballot Results: Sec. Paul reported the new District
4L6 Governor is Norm MacKenzie, 1st VDG is Brian Clapper, 2nd VDG is Jennifer Mendoza. Also the 2022 Convention will be in Yuma again.
Gift Giving Committee Recommendations (Chair Dick Nasif): Dick reported the committee met (Dick Nasif Chair, Paul Tremblay, Paul Walters, Bob Acher, and Gary Robinson substituting for Bob Moreau) and recommended the following allocations for consideration:
Club: Camp Jack, $10,000; East County Transition Living Center, $2,000; El Cajon Main Street Flag Program, $500; and San Diego Council on Literacy, $2.000. Total Proposed for Club Consideration= $14,500. Motion to approve PP Yvonne Paris, second by Paul Walters, motion carried.
Foundation: The committee recommended the following for consideration.
Ham Walker account, $10,000 Guide Dogs Of The Desert.
Foundation Funding: Boys & Girls Club Of East County, $2,500; Canine Companions for Independence, $5,000; Salvation Army, $3,000: San Diego Center For The Blind, $5,000. Total Proposed=$25,500.
Denied: The following organizations were denied their request (Adopt a Grandparent $1,000; Sunshine Haven $1,000; and Barrio Logan College Institute $5,000.
The Board suggest the evening meeting on June 4th for recipients to receive their checks.
President’s/Committee Reports
1st VP Chris Bramwell (ABSENT)
- Publicity (Chair Sandy Glas): Paul Tremblay reported Sandy has been submitting ads for Gunsmoke IX in local papers and using Facebook. She also posted fliers throughout the community.
- Gunsmoke IX: Paul Tremblay reported we need to sell more tickets and don’t wait until the last minute to turn in your money. Dick Nasif asked what kind of food do we want, the Board selected taco bar, chips, salsa, and more.
2nd VP Mike Raney
1. Program (Chair: 2nd VP Mike Raney): Mike reported he has received numerous contacts for speakers from club members.
2. Social Services (Chair Cathy Bailes): Nothing to report.
3. Conventions (Chair Yvonne Paris): Yvonne reported the convention went well.
3rd VP Gary Zink
- ECVHL Picnic: Gary will contact Henry Coleman.
- ECVHL Steak Fry: Gary will contact PP Mark and PP Van.
- ECVHL National Flag Day: Sec. Paul and 3nd VP Gary reported Flag Day will be on Friday, June 14, 10:15 AM at Johnson Elementary School, West Madison, El Cajon.
Membership (Cathy Bailes)
- Sec. Paul suggested we need to have an orientation for our newest six members, one was installed back in 10-16-17.
Student Eyeglass Program (Frank Reid), (ABSENT)
- Sec. Paul reported a few months ago the Board requested the number of children who have received eye screening at schools, number referred to Dr. Patel, and the number who received eyeglasses. Pres. Jeff and 3nd VP Gary Zink reported they will remind Frank to call the nurses to get some numbers.
LCIF Coordinator (PP Yvonne Paris)
- Nothing to report.
Good Of The Order:
Next Board Meeting: June 12, 2019, 6PM, Elk’s Lodge, Conference Room.
Submitted by Secretary Paul Walters, 05-13-19 18-19 SEC BOARD MINUTES 05-08-19, c/doc/lib