Newsletter 05/07/19


May 7, 2019    Members: 31   Guests: 8

Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club


Opening:  Prez Jeff   informing us that today is “National Roast Leg of Lamb Day”

Song Master:  Prez-Elect Chris                                   Song:  God Bless America

Pledge of Allegiance:  PP Tony                                   Invocation:  Treas Paul


Helen Keller quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “College isn’t the place to go for ideas.”


Guests:  Leona Black, Dorothy Hackworth, Mary Moreau, Marie Turkle, Susan Acker, Tiffany Bramwell, Pat Boorman, Lion Marcia DeRuntz

Good to See: PP Mark Krause



.As we found out last week PP Van’s daughter decided upon the military instead of college.  Papa Van is proud as she just enlisted in the United States Navy.  Congrats to you both!


.Accolades to the following for awards received at the recent District Convention:  Governor Mercy presented Prez Jeff Winters with a Melvin Jones Fellowship from LCIF, PP Gary Robinson for the Visitation Award (1st Place), Sec Paul received the International Presidents Award for being 100% compliant (doing everything LCI requires of a club Secretary plus some), Recognition Awards to Dick Nasif as District Chair for Guide Dogs of the Desert Committee, Sec Paul Tremblay as District Chair for the City of Hope and PP Yvonne as the Convention Treasurer.  Additionally, PP Jim Nelson won in the Talent-No Talent Contest for a plethora of jokes – the crowd loved ’em.




Sec Paul Tremblay as District Chair for the City of Hope


International Director Billy Blankenship

Sec Paul received the International Presidents Award

Dick Nasif as District Chair for Guide Dogs of the Desert Committee



Governor Mercy presented Pres. Jeff Winters with a Melvin Jones Fellowship from LCIF


Pres. Jeff thanked everyone who donated to the club’s Hospitality Suite (Room 100) at the Convention.


Bill Sturgeon 5/4, Roger Stebleton 5/8, Frank Reid 5/7, Carl Ruiz 5/27, Phil Smith 5/29

Frank was the only BDay Boy present, so he alone had to endure our rendition of the BDay Song


EXEMPT BADGE: Prez-Elect Chris and IPP Felina for either $50, $5l.50 or $100


GOOD CHEER:  Cathy Bramwell back to the hospital to get rid of that nasty stone.  Get Well! 

IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them.


CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS:  *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*

May 18th – Gunsmoke IX 6-10 PM at Elks Lodge

June 14th – Flag Day Program at Johnson Elementary School.  Time TBA

JUNE 29th – ECVH LC Installation of Officers.  Sign up for the Waiting List.

July 26th – ECVH LC Day at the Races (Del Mar) 4PM.  More details to come from PP Gary Sims when Casino Night is wrapped up.

Fiscal Year 2019-2020:

July 2nd – First Tuesday NIGHT MEETING 6PM

July 10th – ECVH LC Board Meeting Elks Lodge Conference Room 6PM



3rd Veep Gary Zink: June 14th is our Flag Day program at Johnson Elementary. Time TBA


2nd VP Mike Raney:  No Report


1st VP Chris Bramwell:  We need more items for the Silent Auction – take physical items to PP Tom Hoban’s office for Renee (Winchester Widows).

Please turn in all ticket stubs and money to Treas at our meeting on Monday, May 13th.  We don’t want long lines of people waiting to purchase tickets so sell those tickets NOW.


Membership Chair Cathy Bailes:  MIA         



No “Rambling” so hopefully next week.



Gary S $5 – for Frank’s BDay

Felina $25 – back to work at a new job and a different bank at California Bank & Trust

Dolores $10 – had a great weekend

Yvonne $5 – reminding Prez Jeff that what happens in Yuma stays in Yuma

Mike R $5+5 – for our guest speaker tonight

Don A $20 – Just HAPPY

Jim N $5 – 10% of his winnings from Talent-No Talent Contest in Yuma

Wally $5 – for Chris’ beautiful Tiffany joining us tonight

Comments: Dick Nasif says Chris’ singing is great compared to Jeff, David H and Kiley doing their Karaoke in Yuma and more accolades to Sec Paul for the great job he does for our club.  Len then told the story of David’s putting talent (or lack thereof) and his eerie ability to hit a ‘target’. 



Lion Marsha DeRuntz with The Vision Clinic on the 3rd floor of the Blind Recreation Center on Upas, San Diego.

The Vision Clinic provides glasses to low and no-income clients.  The Blind Recreation Center (BRC) is having financial difficulties and would appreciate any donations or club fundraisers for the benefit of the BRC to keep them afloat.

Lion Marsha reiterated how important it is to take care of your eyes/vison care by getting your eyes examined at least every 2 years if under 40 years of age and every year after 40.


UPCOMING PROGRAM: Lorena Cordova from the City of El Cajon.  Finalizing the Climate Acton Plan


Other websites to visit:  LionsDistrict4L6;;


Winner of Attendance Drawing:  Len Blottin $ 20


Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Ron Black $66


***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***





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