April 29, 2019 Members: 36 Guests: None, Zero, Nada, Zip
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Jeff who informed us that today is National Shrimp Scampi Day
Song Master:
PP Jerry (loving his standing ovation) Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Ron Black Invocation: Lion Christian
Helen Keller quote by Lion Carter Short: “Never bend you head, always hold it high, look the world straight in the eye.”
Guests: Come on folks invite your member-worthy friends/associates to a meeting
Good to See: PP Van Wilsey and Lion Jeff Smith
Sec Paul reminded us our next meeting will be TUESDAY, MAY 7TH at 6PM
Pres. Jeff presented PP Yvonne with her 35 year membership chevron
Lion Dick will be playing golf in Yuma by himself as all the others dropped out. However he did announce that he will be playing golf with PDG Len, Paul T and Mike Raney on June 20th at the Salvation Army golf tournament. If you’re interested in forming another foursome please see Lion Dick.
Bruce Boorman 4/11, Ray Hackworth 4/13, Elisabeth Vanderlee 4/14, Sandy Glas 4/17, Jerry Hollingsworth 4/19, Len Blottin and Carter Short 4/21, Rob Ransweiler 4/30
EXEMPT BADGE: Felina, Yvonne, Chris and Ray R.
GOOD CHEER: Continue prayers for Cathy Bramwell and PDG Bucky Blottin to get well soon.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them. Paris4L6@cox.net
CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS: *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*
May 3rd is the Police Department Awards Gala to be held at The Courtyard Marriot 6PM.
May 3rd – 4th District Membership Meeting in Yuma.
May 4th-5th – District Convention in Yuma. See PP Yvonne for registration and details.
MAY 7TH – Tuesday night meeting at the Lodge 6PM
May 18th – Gunsmoke IX 6-10 PM at Elks Lodge
JUNE 29th – ECVH LC Installation of Officers. Sign up for the Waiting List.
July 26th – ECVH LC Day at the Races (Del Mar) 4PM. More details to come from PP Gary Sims when Casino Night is wrapped up.
3rd Veep Gary Zink: Progress
2nd VP Mike Raney: Progress
1st VP Chris Bramwell: Is getting excited about our upcoming Gunsmoke IX Casino Night.
Treas Paul has the tickets for Gunsmoke IX. Posters and flyers are available also
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: No Report
Really great joke about Barack Obama, guns and Texas.
.Yvonne – has all registration ‘stuff’ ready for the Convention next weekend.
.Van – his daughter has decided to enlist in the military rather than attend college.
.Bill S $100 – says if you want Padre tickets get them from Warren as there are added perks. ..Also Bill told of his Grandson and how proud he is of the young man & his accomplishments.
.Chris accused Kiley of having his phone ring during the meeting only to find it was Ray H’s phone (Tail Twister Moreau knew this from the other side of the room). So Kiley wanted a simple apology which Chris finally gave him. Sometimes a plan just doesn’t work out right!
.Abraham just returned from a vacation in Kauai where he ran into Lion Daryl and his wife Tammy. ..Also Abraham was in Las Vegas for a basketball owners meeting.
.Cathy – Ron Snow won the drawing last week (one of several times) and then leaves and she wants that to stop (leaving after winning). Ron replied he always gives the winnings back to the club and that was confirmed by Treas Paul. This sounds like a Chris/Kiley plan that didn’t work out as expected.
***THANKS To Past President Phil Smith for covering for me the past couple of weeks in the writing of this newsletter. I love his humor and free style and am sure you enjoyed the change in format also. Yvonne***
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; CALions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Ray Ridlon (MIA)
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Ron Black $74
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***