May 2, 2022 Members: 26 Guests: 4
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Mike Raney
Song Masters: PP Gary Sims Patriotic Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: Carter Short Invocation: Cathy Bailes
GUESTS: Dave Schwab (Tony), Eva Pacheco, Kristina Parker, Jerry Buckley
Good to see: Carter Short
HELEN KELLER Quote by: Bruce Boorman
“Be of good cheer. Do not think of today’s failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles. Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost.”
Convention results: Lion Leo Williams from the San Diego Forever Lions Club will be our new 3rd Vice District Governor effective 7/1/2022. As with any convention with than 2 candidates attendance swelled to 180 in attendance with 81 voting delegates. Both PDG Mercy and Sec Paul Walters received numerous awards for their service.
Other items voted on will be published in a future newsletter.
Lions Learning Day 2022 will be held on Saturday, June 4th. Venue TBD.
Bill Sturgeon 5/4, Keith MacArthur 5/5, Frank Reid 5/7, Roger Stebleton 5/8, Carl Ruiz 5/27, Phil Smith 5/28. Only 2nd Veep Carl was present at today’s meeting so all eyes were on him as we serenaded him with Happy Birthday Song.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be conveyed to him/her. Paris4L6@cox.net 619/838-4262
May 12th – ECVH LC Board Meeting 6PM Elks Lodge Conference Room
June 4th – District 4L6 Lions Learning Day – details will be forthcoming
1st Veep Rob Ransweiler: MIA
2nd Veep Carl Ruiz: Progress
3rd Veep – Keith MacArthur: MIA
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: Progress
PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS: No jokebook from which to draw even more humor today.

Exempt Badges May: Chris. And Carter $100 if PP Tom Hoban put in a like amount so Tom paid $25 each for himself, Prez Mike Raney, Jim Sing and Dick Nasif. Not sure if PP Mark Clifton matched the $100 or got off with only paying his initial bid of $10.
.Carl $50 for his Birthday fine
.Wally $5 Congrats on Sec Paul receiving a Douglas Alexander Appreciation Certificate.
.Mike $20 attended the Aztecs basketball awards ceremony and another $10 for his first time to a District Convention.
.Jim Sing $20 because Tom Hoban is so generous
.Paul W $5 Three Aztec football players got drafted in the first round
.Cathy $? She and Keith are travelling to Memphis, TN in June.
.Mark C paid $100 for Ron Nevels 1st fine, as his sponsor. Seems Ron was in Las Vegas last weekend for the football draft.
.Yvonne $5 Happy the 75th celebration is over with and everyone had fun.
Jerry Buckley, Eva Pacheco & Kristina Parker from Excellence and Justice Education Academy.
This Charter School opened in 2005 and is located at 851 S Johnson Ave, El Cajon (in the old Cuyamaca Elementary School buildings). In 2018 they were named the Charter School of the year in CA.
Their Mission Statement states “As dual language Charter Schools, EJE Academies prepares students from diverse populations to excel in higher education and to be leaders in creating a just global society”. The school serves T-K through 8th grade. They began with 180 students and currently have 800 enrolled. They serve at-risk demographics but also have an AVID program. Of their 232 middle school students 110 are in the AVID program. Parents have to volunteer 40 hours/year.
The state of California awarded AJEA $18.5M to modernize the school. They receive other income from private funding sources. With renovation being made, their will be new buildings added to the existing campus which will house a wellness center, daycare & and enrichment center, a student garden, outdoor stage, a lunch shelter, and a new flex space & renovated kitchen. If you wish further information go to ejeacademies.org
NOTE: If any member wishes to Chair or be on a club committee please contact either the incoming Vice President of that committee or notify Nominating Committee Chair PDG Len Blottin. It is hopeful that all committee positions will be filled in support of our club.
WINNER OF ATTENDANCE DRAWING: George Hurst MIA so next week $20
WINNER OF OPPORTUNITY DRAWING: Yvonne Paris $48 donating some to City of Hope
“Passion: There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart – pursue those!”