El Cajon Valley Host Lions
April 13, 2015 37 Lions and 3 Guests
Lion President Mercy Walters opened the meeting at 12:30pm. PP Jerry Hollingsworth led our Lions and guests in singing “You’re a Grand Ole Flag!” Pledge of Allegiance was led by IPP Kiley Grunstad. Prayer & Invocation was given by Lion Dan Garrett. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally given by Lion PP Bruce Boorman.
The following three guests were introduced: Henry Coleman—guest of Lion PP Bob Moreau; Lion Bob Groff from the Heartland Lions and Ms. Ginger from the El Cajon Rotary. Ginger came by for a brief visit with 2 shopping bags of eyeglasses (60 pairs of glasses & cases) and also mentioned that 10 of her Rotary Club members plan on attending our Casino Night!
Lion Secretary Paul Walters gave the following reports: April 22nd Casino Night Planning Meeting @ 5:31pm at offices of PP Tom Hoban. April 29th Salvation Army Golf Tournament; May 7th La Mesa Lions Annual Lion Lydia’s Spaghetti Dinner 5:30-8pm at La Mesa Community Center 4975 Memorial Drive in La Mesa tickets $12.00 each or $15 at the door; May 13th our next Lions Board Meeting; June 6th Steak Fry; June 12th Flag Day at Madison Elementary School; June 13th Lions Learning Day.
El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation will meet today on April 13th (following our Lions meeting) to review distribution of funding requests submitted by 11 charitable organizations.
The District 4L6 Student Speaker Contest was held on Saturday, April 11, 2015, at the North Park Lions Clubhouse. The winner was Camden Stableton from Riverview Charter High School in Lakeside. His sponsoring Club was San Diego Majestic from the South Bay Region. The event was attended by Paul Walters and Mike Wasyliw. The next level is the MD Area 4 Student Speaker Contest to be held on Saturday, May 9th, at the University of Redlands, Hall of Letters, Room 100, 1200 E. Colton Ave, Redlands, CA 92373.
3rd VP Roy “Rocco” Collura, absent. Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay reported: Annual Police Awards Recognition Ceremony on May 9th. Lion Mike Wasyliw, Visitations Chair, reported that our next Visitation will be this Wednesday April 15th at noon to the North Park Lions.
2nd VP Van Willsey reported that deadline to register for the Lions District 4L6 Convention in Yuma is April 24th. Kudo’s to the new Social Services Chairs Lion Cathy & Keith Bailes who have interviewed and approved an East County resident in need of Lions funded eyeglasses!
1st VP Ray Ridlon, excused—on vacation. Lion 2nd VP Van Willsey reminded all to boost our Casino Night Ticket Sales. When selling those tickets or asking for sponsorships ask “to donate to a cause” and not necessarily only to buy a ticket(s). All fellow Lions are asked to sell 2 or more tickets and renew your sponsorships at past level or above—if at all possible!
Henry Coleman was introduced as a new prospective member by father-in-law and sponsor PP Bob Moreau. An Ad-Hoc Board Meeting was held after the regular meeting to approve the application submitted by Mr. Coleman with motion carried and approved. Lion Henry will be installed at our next Lions Meeting on April 20th and a congratulations to Lion Henry Coleman and sponsor PP Bob Moreau. We have met the LCI Centennial Membership Challenge of bringing in a new member during the month of October & April!
An outstanding Student Speaker Contest at the 4L6 District level was held on April 11th at the North Park Lions Clubhouse. The winner was Camden Stableton from Riverview Charter High school in Lakeside, Ca and his sponsoring club was the San Diego Majestic Lions. The event was well attended by approx 100 people that included Lion Secretary Paul Walters and Lion Mike Wasyliw. The next level is the MD Area level contest on May 9th at the University of Redlands Hall of Letters, Room 100, 1200 E. Colton Ave. Redlands, CA 92373. For additional info contact Lion Secretary Paul, Speaker Contest Chair.
PP Bob Moreau, Tail Twister, collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Dollar Fines: Lion Secretary Paul Walters gave a Happy $5 to see our guest Henry Coleman apply to join our Lions Club! Lion Cathy Bailes gave a Happy $5 & another Happy $5 for the SD Padres who came through this weekend and their good playing ball! Lion PP Ed Waymire gave a Happy $5 for a happy to be here and will try to make it here at least on a quarterly basis or more! Lion PP Phil Smith gave a Happy $5 for a trip to St. Thomas to check out…?! Lion Ron Black gave a Happy $10 for a thanks on the Waste Management tee shirt order(s)! Lion Chris Bramwell upped his challenge bet to $200 and then to $400 to have Lion Bob Acker wear a suit when collecting Happy Dollars..the bet was GRANCEFULLY declined by Lion Tail Twister Bob! Lion PP Bruce Boorman gave a Happy $5 for a trip to Henderson Neveda to spend time with daughters from South Dakota & Henderson! Lion PP Bruce was “razzed a little” for his email alert of our Board Meeting that was sent out as “bored meeting”…was this a Freudian slip?—Lion Mike Wasyliw, Bulletin Team needs to take some blame for initially listing the wrong meeting place for the Lions Board Meeting (will pay fine at a later date)! Lion PP Ed Waymire gave another Happy $5 for the fabulous Masters Golf Tournament in Augusta and a sorry that he was not able to be there in person! Lion Dick Nasif gave a Happy $2! Lion Warren McKenna gave a Happy $5 for the Padres and the big grand slam and an invite to go to some of the Padres Games with excellent seats right behind Padres 1st Base! Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave a Happy $20 who went to the Padres game and first time in his life saw a grand slam! Lion PP Ray shared his Joke of the Week which was fine free! Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay gave a Happy $5 for the great golf tournament and a glad to see our own Phil Mickelson do well on the course!
Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay gave a well rounded and optimistic Financial Report. We are looking good at approximately $800 ahead of our planned budget year to date. Lion Paul shared a plea to support our Casino Night by purchasing tickets and sponsorships!
Attendance Drawing Winner was Lion Warren McKenna!
Sell, Sell, Sell those Casino Night tickets and sponsorships! Lion President Mercy shared the good news that to date we have $3050 in pledged Sponsorships and $1,000 in tickets/sponsorships to PP Tom Hoban with a grand total to date of $4,050.00!
And don’t forget that Lions Pin you wear on your collar or blouse represents that you belong to one of the greatest organizations in the world—The El Cajon Valley Host Lions! WE APPRECIATE YOUR MEMBERSHIP AND ATTENDANCE.
LOCATION: Coco’s 1324 East Main, 6PM
PRESENT: President Mercy Walters, Secretary Paul Walters, 2nd VP Van Willsey, Treasurer Paul Tremblay, PDG Len Blottin, Greeters PP Ron Paris & Sharie Hoops, Director Dick Nasif, PP Gary Robinson, PP Bob Moreau.
EXCUSED ABSENCE: Director Mike Raney, 1ST VP Ray Ridlon, Editor Mike Wasyliw.
ABSENT: Directors Jeff Winters & Carter Short, LionTamer’s Arnold Martin and PP Jerry Hollingsworth, TailTwister Bob Acker, 3rd VP Rocco, PP Dick Rogers, Mike Carleton, Webmaster Warren McKenna, IPP Kiley Grunstad.
Minutes-March 11th Board minutes were reviewed. Motion to accept: 2nd VP Van Willsey, Second by PP Ron Paris, Approved.
Treasurer’s Report-Paul Tremblay
General Account $ 18,204.35
Activities Account $ 2,915.10
City of Hope $ 146.88 Members Current Account $ 7,400.46
Total Assets $ 28,666.79
Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report: PP Bob Moreau, Second PDG Len Blottin. Approved, upon audit to file.
1. April 11, 4th Pre-Cab Meeting, Coco’s 1324 East Main, 8:30.
2. April 11, District 4L6 Student Speaker Contest, 3PM, 3927 Utah St. Arrive early, parking on the street, or the N. Park Theater Parking Structure ($5), 2920 N. Parkway on 29th St.
3. April 22, Casino Meeting, 5:30 PM, Hoban’s Office, 215 W. Lexington Ave..
4. April 25, South Bay Region Bowling Tournament, proceeds go to the Student Speaker Foundation (Contact Secretary Paul if interested).
5. April 29, Salvation Army Golf Tournament, Cottonwood Golf Course.
Vice President’s/Committee Reports
1st VP Ray Ridlon (Absent)
1. Date for Installation of Officers 2015-2016, June 20, Rays House, 4 PM.
2. Gunsmoke V, June 13th Reagan Center. Need Sponsors!
2nd VP Van Willsey
1. Adopt-a-Street, April 18, 1033 W. Main, 7:30 AM.
2. District 4L6 Convention, May 1-3 at Yuma, PP Bob Moreau Chairman.
3rd VP Rocco Collura (Absent)
1. Club visitation will be on Wednesday, April 15, North Park Lions, noon, 3927 Utah St.
2. Flag Day, June 13th, Madison Elementary School, El Cajon.
Membership-Paul Walters
1. Membership status of Mike Mortellaro. PDG Len Blottin volunteered to talk with him on April 9th. Follow up due at the next Board Meeting, May 13th.
Eyeglass Program-Mike Wasyliw (Absent)
1. No report sent.
Old Business
1. Franchise Tax Board (FTB). Treasurer Paul Tremblay reported all necessary forms to have the Club reinstated have been submitted to the FTB by Certified Mail. The FTB replied that a decision will be made within 90 day. Report due next Board Meeting.
2. Lions Eyes Across California. President Mercy Walters reported the event was a great success for the exposure of Lions in District 4L6 and for the San Diego Center For The Blind. 5,135 used eyeglasses, 18 used hearing aids, 17 cell phones and 25 ink-jet cartridges were collected.
New Business
1. ECVH Charitable Gift Giving Chairman Dick Nasif, reported he has received 11 requests from Charitable Organizations to be considered for funding. The Charitable Committee (Chair Dick Nasif, Secretary Paul Walters, Treasurer Paul Tremblay, PP Ron Paris, and Bob Acker) met on April 6 and selected 5 of the 11 to be considered for Charitable Gift Giving. Chairman Dick Nasif recommended to the Board to approve the following requests:
Guide Dogs of the Desert $10,000.00
San Diego Center for the Blind $ 8,844.00
Boys and Girls Club of East County $ 5,000.00
Lion’s Camp Jack $10,000.00
Canine Companions for Independence $ 5,000.00
Motion to accept, 2nd VP Van Willsey, Second by PP Bob Moreau. Approved.
Chairman Dick Nasif and the committee will present the recommendation to the Foundation on Monday, April 13. Actual amounts and distribution of funds (Restricted/Non-Restricted) will be decided by the Foundation.
The following requests may be considered at a later date by the Board and does not need Foundation approval: Partnership in Industry ($1000) , Salvation Army ($3000), Cajon Valley School District ($4,394.50), The International Academy of Jazz ($2000), Stoney’s Kids ($5000), Crisis House ($2500).
The Charitable Committee also recommended the Boys and Girls Club of East County be an annual Trent Huls Memorial Fund Award, pending approval by the Foundation.
2. PDG Len Blottins asked about the funding for Leo Scholarships and Leo Youth Exchange Program. Chairman Dick Nasif reported no requests have been submitted by the Leo Club Advisor’s.
3. Received a request for a donation from a Granite High School student. The Board recommended sending the request to the Heartland Lions Club. Request denied.
4. A request was received from the Harbison Lions Club to help a disabled person who has a bone infection at her knee prosthesis and needs to have a porch lift so she can have access to her home after she receives her medical treatments. A motion was made by PP Bob Moreau to donate $1000 to the Harbison Canyon Lions Club. Second by PDG Len Blottin, motion approved.
5. Member Jeff Arvan requested support for the Tip-A-Cop Fundraiser at the Claim Jumper Restaurant in La Mesa which will be hosted by local law enforcement agencies on behalf of the Special Olympics. Officers will serve the food and receive tips with 100% being donated to the Special Olympics. Motion to donate $100 was made by PP Bob Moreau, Second by 2nd VP Van Willsey. Motion approved.
Good Of The Order: None
Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, May 13, PDG Len’s Office 1000 N. Johnson, 6PM.
Secretary Paul Walters will bring the food.
Submitted by Secretary Paul Walters, 03-18-15
14-15 sec board minutes 03-11-15, c/doc