El Cajon Valley Host Lions
March 30, 2015 33 Lions and 3 Guests
Lion President Mercy Walters opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Songmaster, led our Lions in singing “My Country Tis of Thee!”The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Warren McKenna. Prayer & Invocation was recited by Lion Dan Garrett. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally given by Lion Carter Short.
IPP Kiley Grunstad introduced our 3 guests that include: Dale Christison—guest of Lion Jeff Winters from ADO Computer Systems; “Our Future Lion Brent”—grandson of Lion PP Bob Moreau; Dan McAllister—our featured guest speaker.
Lion Secretary Paul Walters reported that our next Lions Board Meeting will be on Wednesday April 8th. Student Speaker Contest, District 4L-6 level, at the North Park Lions Club House, 3927 Utah Street San Diego at 3pm (parking is very limited, please arrive early, shuttle service Parking Structure south of Clubhouse on 30th St). Public Speaking at its Best by our future community leaders!
Lion Dan Garrett announced the 2nd Annual Salvation Army East County Golf Tournament at Sycuan Golf Resort on Wednesday April 29th to benefit the new Salvation Army Food Bank. $125.00 per golfer/$400 for a foursome. Thanks to our ECVH Lions for sponsoring two holes of the tournament.
Lion President Mercy Walters gave some highlights on the March 28th Lions Eyes Across America held at the San Diego Blind Community Center. This event honored the Lions Centennial Celebration and promoted the Lions Clubs sight, hearing & other programs that serve our communities. Lion President Mercy was featured on KUSI TV and recognized for the 5,000+ used eyeglasses that were collected and to be recycled for persons in the United States and developing countries overseas.
We had an awesome Visitation to the San Diego Host Lions “Wall of Wind Fundraiser” on March 24th. A Special Thanks to the following Lions & guests who attended: PDG Len Blottin (PDG Bucky Blottin), President Mercy Walters, Secretary Paul Walters, PP Ron Paris, PP Ray Hackworth (Dorothy), 2nd VP Van Willsey (Diane), Lion David Huntamer (Holly, Marley, Mya). President Mercy received an engraved Gavel for the El Cajon Valley Host Lions superb support & help with Camp Jack. Thanks for all you do Lion David Huntamer for chairing our outstanding Camp Jack Program!
Our ECVH Lions Social & Orientation held on March 25th hosted at Opus Bank was an outstanding event! Presentations were given by PDG Len Blottin and many of our Lions Past Presidents sharing the history of our Lions club, what we do and why we do it. Thanks to Lion Justin Stewart for hosting the event. A great evening & Thanks to all the following who spoke and attended: President Mercy Walters, Secretary Paul Walters, PDG Len Blottin, PP Don Anthony, PP Gary Robinson, PP Dick Rogers, PP Ron Paris, PP Bob Moreau ( & wife Mary), PP Ray Hackworth (& wife Dorothy), 1st VP Ray Ridlon, 2nd VP Van Willsey (& friend Diane), Justin Stewart, Joe Corsi (& wife Leigh), Ron Black (& wife Leona), Jeff Arvan (& wife Krishna), Dick Nasif, Dan Garrett (& wife Taneya), Chris Bramwell, Mike Carleton, Felina Balistreri, Catherine Bailes and Keith Bailes
15 Lions & LEO’s & guests from our El Cajon Valley Host Lions attended the Annual Lions Tribute Day at the City of Hope Research Center & Hospital in Duarte California on March 29th. Very informative presentations were given on amazing genetically engineered immune lymphocytic T-Cell Therapy for eating up selective cancer cells; the “value of exercise” which changes your genes and has an enormous association or correlation in preventing cancer! and new treatment strategies on treating lung cancer. Our City of Hope Chairman Paul Tremblay and 3 LEO’s presented a donation check of $700 (and a previously sent check of $1000) to the City of Hope. Lion Christian Willie received a Certificate of Appreciation for being the District 4L-6 City of Hope representative. A Special Thanks to the following who attended: LEO President Taylor Russell, LEO Jesus Foer, LEO Contessa Telefore, Lion Christian Willie & wife Reggie, Lion Mike Wasyliw, PP Gary Robinson, IPP Kiley Grunstad & wife Jolinda, PP Ron Snow & wife Garalyn, PP Ray Hackworth, Treasurer Paul Tremblay, Secretary Paul Walters and President Mercy Walters.
3rd VP Roy “Rocco” Collura, absent. Lion Mike Wasyliw, Visitations Chair, thanked all fellow Lions & guests who attended the Camp Jack “Wall of Wine Fundraiser” Visitation. Our next Visitations will be on Wednesday April 1st at 7Pm Spring Valley Lions @Anna’s Family Restaurant 8099 Broadway Ave. Lemon Grove and on Wednesday April 15th at noon North Park Lions Club House 3927 Utah St. San Diego.
2nd VP Van Willsey reported that our Yuma Convention on May 2-3rd has a good list of attendees. Lion PP Bob Moreau reminded fellow Lions to send out the registration forms which are due by April 24th. Adopt-A-Street Community Cleanup will be on Saturday April 18th.
1st VP Ray Ridlon reported that the Gunsmoke V Casino Night co-sponsored by the El Cajon Valley Host Lions & The Winchester Widows is right around the corner on Saturday June 13th from 6-10pm at the Ronald Reagan Community Center. The Casino Night Planning Meeting on March 26th went well and minutes will be sent to all attendees. Next Planning meeting will be on April 22nd at PP Tom Hoban’s business office. Sponsor Sheets for Casino Night Gunsmoke V are on the tables and all fellow Lions are encouraged to be sponsors or solicit sponsorships in the community. Sell, Sell, Sell those tickets at only $50.00 each!! Our goal this year is to raise $25,000+ that will benefit our sight & eyeglass programs, food basket deliveries, support of Camp Jack’s work with underprivileged and disadvantaged youth, Adopt-a-Street Community Cleanup program, and many other social programs, our motto, “We Serve”, has never wavered.
Lion PP Bob Moreau, Tail Twister, collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Dollar fines: Lion Mike Wasyliw gave a Happy $20 for missing the Downtown Lions Visitation (due to unexpected grandpa duty care of grandkids! Lion Secretary Paul Walters gave a Happy $20 for the great City of Hope visit! Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay gave a Happy $5 for President Mercy’s great interview on KUSI News! Lion PP Ron Snow was given a great to see you today and responded with a Happy $100 great to be here! Lion Felina Balistreri, 2nd VP elect, gave a Happy $50 happy to be here! Lion 1st VP Ray Ridlon gave a Happy $5 for his upcoming 7 week vacation!
Lion 1st VP Ray Ridlon, Guest Speakers Chair, introduced our featured guest speaker Dan McAllister, San Diego County Treasurer Tax Collector. Dan mentioned he is serving his 4th term with a 99% majority vote from his last election and that 982,00 parcel tax statements were sent out this year. His staff is doing some good outreach education to the community on property and real estate taxes along with ensuring that his office staff are bi-lingual with 16 different languages. We are all encouraged to keep Prop 13 alive and ensure that it does not go away in any way!
ATTENDANCE DRAWING WINNER was Lion Jim Sing and don’t forget that Lions Pin you wear on your collar or blouse represents that you belong to a great organization—the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club! WE APPRECIATE YOUR MEMBERSHIP