El Cajon Valley Host Lions
March 23, 2015 39 Lions and no guests
Lion President Mercy Walters opened the meeting at 12:30pm. IPP Kiley Grunstad gustily led our fellow Lions in singing “God Bless America!” The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion PP George Hurst. Prayer & Invocation was recited by Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally given by Lion PP Bruce Boorman.
PDG Len Blottin, Nominating Chair, announced the 3rd notice of the proposed Slate of Officers & Board Members for 2015-2016 which included the following: President—Ray Ridlon; 1st VP—Van Willsey; 2nd VP—Felina Balistreri; 3rd VP—David Huntamer; Secretary—Paul Walters; Treasurer—Paul Tremblay; Bulletin Editors—PP Dick Rogers, PP Bruce Boorman, Mike Wasyliw; Tail Twisters—Bob Acker, PP Bob Moreau; Lion Tamers—Chris Bramwell. Ron Black; Greeters—Sharie Hoops, PP Ron Paris; Directors 1 Year—Carter Short, Jeff Winters; Directors 2 Years—Cathy Bailes, Keith Bailes, Joe Corsi, Justin Stewart, Dick Nasif; Membership—Paul Walters, Mercy Walters; Publicity—PP Dick Rogers; Webmaster—Warren McKenna; Immediate Past President—Mercy Walters. A Motion to Accept the Slate of Officers was made by Lion IPP Kiley Grunstad and Seconded by Lion PP Mark Clifton. Congratulations to our new Lion Officers & Board Members who will be installed on June 20, 2015 and will commence their term of office on July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.
Lion PDG Len Blottin gave a reminder on the Lions Orientation Social this Wednesday March 25th, 6pm-8pm at Opus Bank 368 Broadway El Cajon. All Lions, wives, husbands & significant others are welcome to attend.
Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay reported on the City of Hope trip this Sunday March 29th. Lions can still RSVP by calling Lion Treasurer Paul. We have 13 Lions signed up with 7 LEO’s. We will meet to caravan at the McDonald’s at Rancho Penasquitos off of I-15 at 7am.
Lion Secretary Paul Walters requested all your Lions Service Activity Reports be turned in today. National Flag Day is set for June 12th.
ECV Lions Foundation Board will be having an Ad Hoc meeting on Monday April 6th to review the submitted grant requests (deadline submittals by March 31, 2015) and make recommendations to the ECVH Lions Board
3rd VP Roy “Rocco” Collura, absent. Lion PP Don Anthony reported: Lion Mike Wasyliw Visitations Chair reported that we have a Visitation this Tuesday March 24th at the San Diego Host Lions “Camp Jack Wall of Wine Fundraiser” 6pm 310 Market St. Visitations during the Month of April will be to the Spring Valley Lions on Wednesday April 1st 7pm Anna’s Restaurant 8099 Broadway St. Lemon Grove and another Visitation on Wednesday April 15th at noon at the North Park Lions 3927 Utah St. San Diego. Call or email Lion Mike to sign up. Visitations are a great way to see what is happening at our other local Lions Clubs and to promote our upcoming Casino Night, etc. Lion Warren McKenna is planning a Padre Night in August with a tentative game against the St. Louis Cardinals. Steak Fry will on June 6th at the Hoban Ranch—bring bathing suits and donations of alcohol & beverage refreshments appreciated (PP Roger Stebleton has donated a case of wine coolers).
2nd VP Van Willsey reported: PP Bob Moreau gave on update on the Lions Yuma Convention on May 2-3, 2015. To date we have 13 people signed up with 7 Lions & 6 guests. Next Adopt-a-Street Community Beautification Cleanup will be on Saturday April 8th. Lion Mike Wasyliw, Eyeglass Program Co-Chair reported that there were 7 student referrals for eyeglasses in February and that our Lions SPOT Vision testing machine is being well utilized at the Cajon Valley School District.
Student Speaker Contest chair Lion Secretary Paul Walters gave the following highlights: Secretary Paul Walters and Editor Mike Wasyliw attended the Northeast Region Student Speaker Contest on March 21st at the Harbison Canyon Club House, hosted by Lion Region Chair Luana Clark. Approximately 40 people attended. The speakers were very very good using no notes. The winner was Tina Meller from the Coronado Pathways Charter School. The next level is the District 4-L6 Contest on Saturday April 11th at the North Park Lions Club House, 3927 Utah Street San Diego at 3pm. Parking is very limited, only on the street, please arrive early. There will be a Shuttle Service available at the Parking Structure just south from the clubhouse on 30th Street.
1st VP Ray Ridlon reported: bring your spouse’s to our Lions Orientation Social this Wednesday March 25th. Casino Night Planning Meeting will be this Thursday March 26th 5:30pm PP Hoban’s office 215 W. Lexington All are invited! Gunsmoke V Casino Night June 13th tickets are ready at only $50 each (reduced from last year price of $65 each). Sponsor for the cost of printing the tickets was PP Mark Clifton (as noted on the back of tickets—Thank You Lion PP Mark!) Posters are available to post at your and local businesses. Installation Dinner of Officers & Board on June 20th will be held at the incoming president Ray Ridlon Ranch. Tickets to attend $20 per with children free. Will start at 4pm to about 7pm with dinner serving at 4pm, installation at 5pm and swimming, volley ball, trampoline, etc. for the little & big kids! Speaker Program next week May 30th will be Dan McAllister, San Diego Treasurer. April 20th speaker will be former Lion PP Mark Robak to talk about scouting. Join Lion President Mercy Walters this Saturday March 28th anytime from 9am-3pm for the Lions Eyes Across California Centennial Celebration at the San Diego Center for the Blind 5922 El Cajon Blvd San Diego Ca.
Camp Jack update was given by Lion David Huntamer with the “Wall of Wine Fundraiser” drawing that will be held this Tuesday March 24th at the San Diego Host Lions. Thanks to all the fellow Lions who have signed up for supporting this event and purchasing the “Wall of Wine” Raffle Tickets.
Lion Tail Twister Bob Acker collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Dollar fines (please excuse if your name was not listed—pen ran out of ink, was a little distracted, dog ate my notes, etc.): 1st VP Ray Ridlon gave a Happy $20 for his grandson’s good ball game and being undefeated! Lion PP Bob Moreau gave a Happy $5 for a likewise grandson’s undefeated team! Lion PP Walt Simmons gave a Happy $5! Lion Cathy Bailes gave a Happy $10 for going to this Thursday Padres Spring Training in Peoria! Lion Sharie Hoops gave a Happy $5 for a happy to be here! Lion PP Bill Sturgeon gave a Happy $10 for his softball team that had a tough outing! Lion PP Ray Hackworth shared his Happy Joke of the Week—joke was very good with a no-fine! Some of the Lion Poker Players were asked to fess up and pay a fine for their winnings—we did not get any confessions! Lion 1st VP Ray Ridlon gave another Happy $5 for a happy to see that Lion PP George Hurst will be taking back the guest Speaker Program! Lion Earl Irey gave a Happy $20 for his absence last week—one of Lion Earl’s rare absences from our meetings!
Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay gave his monthly financial report: we are doing well, about $1,400 ahead, meal receipts are doing well, etc. We will be bringing a check for $700 to the City of Hope on Sunday. Previously we sent $1,000 to the City of Hope and were able to benefit from a matching funds campaign. Thanks Lion Treasurer Paul for a great report and you are much appreciated for all you do!
Attendance Drawing Winner was Lion PP Dick Rogers who donated his winnings back into the pot!
Congratulations to our newly elected Lions Officers & Board Members who will installed on June 20th and start their term on July 1st 2015 thru June 30th 2016!
Come on out to the Lions Eyes Across California Centennial Celebration this Saturday March 28th anytime between 9am-3pm at the San Diego Center for the Blind.
Thanks for the great sign ups of 13 Lions & 7 LEO’s for the Annual City of Hope Lions Day this Sunday March 29th—your participation is much appreciated!
And don’t forget that Lions Pin you wear on your collar or blouse represents that you belong to the greatest organization in the world—the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club. WE SINCERELY APPRECIATE YOUR MEMBERSHIP!