April 8, 2019 Members: 37 Guests: 3
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: President Jeff rang and clanged the assembled group to order following a delicious and nourishing noontime meal. The original and best song master ever, PP Jerry Hollingsworth, led us in resounding rendition of “My Country ’tis of thee.” The song has never sounded better.
PP Van Willsey, nice to see him back in the fold, stood tall and led us in the Pledge of allegiance and a heartfelt invocation was given by Lion Christian Wille. Lion Carter Short recited a famous Helen Keller quote for the group to start the meeting off on a good step as well.
Guests: Guests were in abundant supply today with Lion Bob Acker bringing his lovely wife Susan along for lunch and PP Felina brought along her close friends, Anette and Chris Letta to join in the frivolity with us too.
Lion secretary Paul Walters shared a letter from our current ECVHS Leo Advisor Doug Davis thanking the LIONS for attending the joint meeting at the library recently and the generosity of the Club members in attendance that day. Our privilege and pleasure as always! …PDG Len made the Second Announcement of Officers up for election for fiscal 2019-2020. The next Club meeting will be the third and final reading and then a vote on the proposed slate happens. All nominees appear to be a safe bet to assume their new positions with one lone exception hanging in the balance (NEGATIVE)…PP Tom Hoban was presented with a Lions Club Key Award for bringing in an untold number of new members to our Club. Congratulations Lion Tom…Was it just me or did it seem eerily quiet and orderly during today’s meeting with PP Gary Sims MIA. Just wondering…Super nice to see Lion Jim Sing back again for his second consecutive meeting today following his hospital stay…And our sincere best wishes go to out PP Tom Normandie and his lovely wife Malone as she recovers from her recent surgery. PP Tom reported that Malone was able to leave the hospital today. Everyone is sending you both our best wishes, thoughts and prayers for a complete and speedy recovery. God Bless…Oh, and PP Kiley Grunstad showed up today albeit well after the start of the meeting. Better late than never, eh PP Ed Waymire? …
May 3rd ,4th and 5th District Membership Meeting and District Convention in Yuma, AZ.
(See PP Yvonne for registration and details.)
May 18th – GUNSMOKE IX. Our Casino Night is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Get your tickets distributed now.
July 26th –” Del Mar Day at the Races” 4PM first post. More details to come from PP Gary Sims
3rd VP Gary Zink: Progress
2nd VP Mike Raney: Reported our guest speaker program have been well received and that many more are coming up over the course of the next few weeks. He offered his thanks to everyone who have contributed topics for programs.
1st VP Chris Bramwell:
Preparation continues for Casino Night Fundraiser on Saturday May 18th. Lots of behind the scene stuff going on to make this one the very best ever. Along with our friends and partners at the Winchester Widows, Lion Chris has assembled a stellar cast of supporting members to ensure both the success and a good time at this important event.
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes thanked everyone for brining in guests to our meeting today and encouraged all to keep it up every week.
Happy Dollars:
PP VW Van Willsey ponied up big money for missing so many meetings recently. Welcome back Lion Van. 2nd VP Mike Raney was happy to see PP’s Jerry Hollingsworth and Ray Hackworth sitting up front today. PP Tom Hoban enjoyed a recent trip to Las Vegas and basked in the glow of his $30k in winnings he netted before leaving. Lion Abraham Muheize returned home as a big winner as well during an outing at the newly remodeled Sycuan Casino. Lion Carter Short was happy that he got his tax returns done ahead of the looming April 15th deadline. Dear friend Lion Ron Black enjoyed a recent trip to Texas to visit friends and relatives. PP Mark Clifton was pleased to be watching his grandkids play some Little League baseball. Happy that PP Kiley Grunstad was happy that the stock market was up, and the GS cookies were gone for another year. Gotta love those frozen Thin Mints in the freezer at home. Lion Jeff Smith, the good guy that he is, was just happy to be here as were we. Lion Sandy Betty Glas was thrilled her tax returns were completed ahead of time. Lion Christian Wille shared a remarkable tale with me about the overall good and good will in people. After being stranded at the International border at the end of the day without his car, Lion Christian was able to hitch a ride home from a complete stranger who was driving a large motorhome that was towing a VW Bus following an outing in Tecate, Mexico. The driver pulled up next to him by the side of the road and told Lion Wille, ” I don’t know why but something told me I was supposed to stop and pick you up.” A fascinating and inspiring story – but maybe, just maybe, the person offering him the ride home that day wasn’t a stranger at all… Some gave all; all gave some. It is appreciated and it was truly a good day for the Tail Twister bucket, or should it be called the Tale Twister bucket instead…hmmm.
On January 23, 1968, the USS Pueblo, a Navy intelligence vessel, was engaged in a routine surveillance of the North Korean coast when it was intercepted by North Korean patrol boats. On board that ship that day back in ’68 was our speaker today, Jim Kell.
According to U.S. reports, the Pueblo was in international waters almost 16 miles from shore, but the North Koreans turned their guns on the lightly armed vessel and demanded its surrender. With capture inevitable, the Americans stalled for time, destroying the classified information aboard while taking on further fire.
Several crew members were wounded, and one was killed. Finally, the Pueblo was boarded, and the 83 crew members were bound, blindfolded, imprisoned and charged with spying. Mr. Kell ‘s riveting first-hand accounts of the events that followed over the next eleven months following that day captured the audience attention at today’s meeting. Thank you to Lion Bob Acker for arranging this great program for us.
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; CALions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Not present $10 rolls over next week.
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Jeff Smith $745!!
***And don’t forget that pin you wear on your collar represents that
you belong to the greatest service organization in the world!