April 15, 2019 Members: 32 Guests: 1
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Prez Jeff
Song Master: PP Jerry Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: PP Walt ` Invocation: PP Mark C
Helen Keller quote by Lion Carter Short: “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the night.”
Guests: 1st VDG and Candidate for District Governor Norm MacKenzie
Good to See:
Carter Short |
Kirby Morrison
PDG Len made the 3rd and Final Announcement of Officers for today’s election for fiscal 2019-2020. Congrats to our new officers and good luck in the coming year.
Sec Paul reminded us that April 27th is the District Student Speakers Contest and it will be held at the Foothills Christian Church on Bradley in El Cajon. Go to the Adult Building 1A ont SWC.
May 3rd is the Police Department Awards Gala to be held at The Courtyard Marriot 6PM.
Treas Paul shared financial information from last weeks club Board Meeting.
Dick Nasif reported that the Foundation Board Meeting will be Wed April 17th 6PM. All are invited.
Bruce Boorman 4/11, Ray Hackworth 4/13, Elisabeth Vanderlee 4/14, Sandy Glas 4/17, Jerry Hollingsworth 4/19, Len Blottin and Carter Short 4/21, Rob Ransweiler 4/30
EXEMPT BADGE: Felina, Yvonne, Chris and Ray R.
GOOD CHEER: Len thanked the club for the orchid for Bucky. She should be able to come home this Friday.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them. Paris4L6@cox.net
CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS: *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*
APRIL 21ST – Have a Happy and Blessed Easter. Hope y’all find lotsa eggs!
May 3rd – 4th District Membership Meeting in Yuma.
May 4th-5th – District Convention in Yuma. See PP Yvonne for registration and details.
May 18th – Gunsmoke IX – Get your tickets from Paul Tremblay
June 29th – ECVH LC Installation of Officers. Sign up for the Waiting List.
July 26th – ECVH LC Day at the Races (Del Mar) 4PM. More details to come from PP Gary Sims when Casino Night is wrapped up.
3rd Veep Gary Zink: Progress
2nd VP Mike Raney: We will have a speaker next week (See below)
1st VP Chris Bramwell:
Treas Paul reports he has the tickets for Gunsmoke IX. Posters and flyers are available also.
Casino Night Committee Meeting after next week’s meeting
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: No Report
A man agreed with the wife’s request for a mink coat, an expensive Lexus and a million dollar home. When he was finished with the cell phone call all his friends were in amazement that he had agreed to spend so much money. The man laid down the phone and said “whose phone is this anyway?”.
Ray H $5 for his joke
Gary S $20 ???
Yvonne $5 Sad that Notre Dame Cathedral is burning out of control
Norm MacKenzie $5 left his phone on and of course it rang when the meeting started
Sandy $5 was at a cooking/pilates class in Lemon Grove recently and the owner gave a Gift Certificate for Gunsmoke IX. He is a member of the Lemon Grove Lions Club.
Cathy B $1 her grand daughter is graduating from a nursing program. AND $10 as she was wearing 2 different earrings today and no one noticed (guess that includes Keith).
Carter $20 his son is doing a food drive for Foothills Church through his Cub Scout Troop. Bring canned goods or money to next weeks meeting.
The following Lions generously gave ($86) for Carters’ son’s food drive: Bob Groff, Mike Raney, Bob Acker, Bob Moreau Len Blottin, Gary Robinson, Paul Tremblay, Cathy Bailes, Phil Smith, Keith Bailes, Mark Clifton, Bruce Boorman and Tom Hoban. Thanks Lions!
UPCOMING PROGRAMS: Monday, April 22nd Kim Gibbens from the San Diego Center for the Blind
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; CALions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Jeff Winters $20
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Ron Snow $65
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***
LOCATION: Elk’s Lodge, 1400 E. Washington, El Cajon
PRESENT: President Jeff Winters, 2nd VP Mike Raney, 3rd VP Gary Zink, Secretary Paul Walters, Treasurer Paul Tremblay, Directors Dick Nasif, Carl Ruiz, Keith Bailes, LCIF Coordinator PP Yvonne Paris, Membership Cathy Bailes, IPP Felina Balistreri, PP Gary
Bob Moreau, Rod Streeper.
ABSENT: 1st VP Chris Bramwell,
Frank Reid, Bob Acker, Carter Short.
MINUTES: Minutes from the March l3 Board Meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve Cathy Bailes, second by Keith Bailes, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report-Paul Tremblay
General Account $ 20,470.35
Activities Account $ 4,596.33
City of Hope $ 82.18
Members Current Account $ 7,805.23
Total Assets $ 32,954.09 File For Audit
Communications/Announcements-Sec. Paul Walters
- District 4L6 Convention, Yuma, May 4-5.
- District 4L6 4th Membership Meeting, May 3, Yuma, 3PM.
April 27, District 4L6 Student Speakers Contest, Foothills Christian Church,
365 West Bradley, El Cajon, Adult Building, Room# 1A, BEGINS 1 PM SHARP!!
Old Business
1. ECVHL Installation Of Officers 2019: The
installation will be aboard a boat from the Hornblower Cruise Line. Bob Moreau reported a $5,000 down payment has been paid, the cost per person would be $55, for 72. To date 85 people have signed up, and the sign up has been cut off, a waiting list will be made with no guarantees. The date will be Saturday, June 29th, 1-4PM. Dinner will be provided, no-host bar, and a 3 hour tour of San Diego Harbor. Progress report due next Board Meeting.
- Bench Legacy Project: Dick Nasif reported he received a letter from Mayor Bill Wells thanking ECVHL for the donation. We will select a park bench location and will be notified when everything is final. The City Council has agreed to have a Opening Ceremony.
- District 4L6 Convention Delegates/Alternates: Sec. Paul asked the Board who they wanted for Convention Delegates/Alternates. A motion was made by Cathy Bailes to approve PP Yvonne Paris, Paul Walters, PP Gary Robinson, PP Jim Nelson, PP Marge Nelson, PP Kiley Grunstad, and Dick Nasif as Delegates, and Pres. Jeff Winters, Bob Groff as Alternates; second by IPP Felina Balistreri, motion carried. Sec. Paul reported Delegates will be reimbursed for their registration fees if they vote. Delegates will need to keep their Certification pink slip and give to Treasurer Paul Tremblay for verification and reimbursement.
District 4L6 Convention Ballot: Sec. Paul reported we will vote for Governor,
1st VDG, 2nd VDG, and shall the 2022 Convention be held at the Hilton Gardens Inn in Yuma, AZ. Delegates need to vote YES or NO, do not leave blank.
- El Cajon Flag Street Program: Sec. Paul reported the committee has approved to move their flags and supplies from the Elks storage shed to the basement of the El Cajon Police Station.
- New Officers 2019-2020: PDG Len reported we will vote for the approval of the nominations on Monday 04-15-19, ballots are printed and ready.
- Salvation Army Golf Tournament June 20: Dick Nasif made a motion to allocate $200 to the SA to sponsor two holes at $100 each, second by Paul Walters, motion carried.
Governor Elect Banner: Sec. Paul and PDG Len Blottin informed the Club that is customary for the Governor’s Home Club (ECVHL) to purchase the banner and accessories for the Governor Elect 2019-2020. Estimate cost is $406.75 plus shipping. Motion to allocate up to $500, PDG Len Blottin, second by Cathy Bailes, motion carried.
President’s/Committee Reports
1st VP Chris Bramwell (ABSENT)
- Student Speakers Contest: District 4L6 Student Speakers Contest will be on April 27.
- Publicity (Chair Sandi Glas): Absent, no report.
Casino: Progress: Paul Tremblay reported he has a list of the Sponsors to date, and
the total amount pledged is more than last year.
2nd VP Mike Raney
1. Program (Chair: 2nd VP Mike Raney): Mike reported he has received numerous contacts for speakers from club members.
2. Social Services (Chair Cathy Bailes): Nothing to report.
3. Conventions (Chair Yvonne Paris): Yvonne reported the 4th District Membership Meeting will be on Friday, May 3, 4L6 Convention will be on May 4-5, Hilton Gardens, Yuma, AZ. Registration forms are available, see Yvonne.
3rd VP Gary Zink
- Visitations (Chair Gary Robinson): Visitation ended April 1, 2019.
Membership (Cathy Bailes)
- April is membership month, a grant from LCI is available for $35 for each new member.
Student Eyeglass Program (Frank Reid), (ABSENT)
- Sec. Paul reported a few months ago the Board requested the number of children who have received eye screening at schools, number referred to Dr. Patel, and the number who received eyeglasses. Report due next Board Meeting. 2nd VP Gary Zink reported he will help with the numbers.
LCIF Coordinator (PP Yvonne Paris)
- Paul Tremblay reported he received a wire on 03/11/19 from LCIF Club Community Impact Grant for $1038. The grant money will be used to offset the cost of the park bench.
Good Of The Order:
Dick Nasif reported he has received 12 Gift Giving Grant requests for a total of $56,000 and the committee will meet on April 22.
Next Board Meeting: May 08, 2019, 6PM, Elk’s Lodge, Conference Room.
Submitted by Secretary Paul Walters, 04-16-19