Newsletter 04/02/19


April 2, 2019
Members: 28 Guests: 7

Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club

DG Mercy Walters and Sec. Paul Walters also attended but not in photo

Opening: Prez Jeff

Song Master: 1st Veep Chris            Song: God Bless America (the slowest EVER!)

Pledge of Allegiance: PP Ray Ridlon        Invocation: Treas Paul T

Helen Keller quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.”

Guests: Cathy Bramwell, Kathy Reid, Mary Moreau, Jill Sing, Pat Boorman, Susan Acker and, Lori Tomlin guest of PP Phil Smith

Good to See: Jim Sing looking great after heart surgery and IPP Felina Balistreri


Prez Jeff informed us April 2nd is National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day – much to celebrate!!

Sec Paul W distributed a Centennial Service Challenge pin to all who were members during fiscal 2017-2018 as our club met the challenge by reporting major service hours by our members, each and every month.

Treas Paul reported on the visit last Sunday to City of Hope. He was very proud to present our clubs’ check for $1,300 and our club was recognized in the Family and Friends category. Thanks to all who put their dollar in the can each meeting and those who have donated their ‘winnings’ to City of Hope. Members attending were Paul, Kiley, Elisabeth, Christian and Regina, Mercy and Paul W.

PDG Len made the First Announcement of Officers up for election for fiscal 2019-2020, to wit:

    President     Chris Bramwell`        1st Veep    Mike Raney

    2nd Veep    Gary Zink            3rd Veep     Rod Streeper and Dick Nasif

    Secretary    Paul Walters            Treasurer    Paul Tremblay

    Tail Twisters    Bob Moreau and Bob Acker    Lion Tamer    Frank Reid

    1yr Director    Carter Short & Carl Ruiz    2 yr Director    Cathy Bailes, Sandy Glas and                                     Dick Nasif

    Membership    Cathy Bailes            Web Master    Paul Tremblay

    Greeters    Dolores Galkowski, Sharie Hoops and Gary Robinson

    Bulletin Editors Yvonne Paris, Bruce Boorman and Phil Smith


Bruce Boorman 4/11, Ray Hackworth 4/13, Elisabeth Vanderlee 4/14, Sandy Glas 4/17, Jerry Hollingsworth 4/19, Len Blottin and Carter Short 4/21, Rob Ransweiler 4/30

A VERY slow Happy Birthday Song was “performed” for those present

EXEMPT BADGE: Felina, Yvonne, Chris and Ray R for $100 each. Felina said she really missed us and hopes to attend more meetings in the future. No one else fessed up to anything!

GOOD CHEER: PDG Bucky has just gone to a skilled nursing facility for further recovery.

Prayers to Gary Zink who is in Yuma to visit his brother who just suffered a heart attack.

IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them.

CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS: *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*

APRIL 10TH – Board Meeting in Conference Room 6PM

May 3rd – 4th District Membership Meeting in Yuma.

May 4th-5th – District Convention in Yuma. See PP Yvonne for registration and details.

May 18th – Gunsmoke Fundraiser

June 29th – ECVH LC Installation of Officers

July 26th – ECVH LC Day at the Races (Del Mar) 4PM. More details to come from PP Gary Sims


3rd Veep Gary Zink: out on a family emergency

2nd VP Mike Raney: we will have a guest speaker on 4th Monday meeting in April

1st VP Chris Bramwell:

Treas Paul reports he has the tickets for Gunsmoke IX. Posters and flyers are available also.

Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: No Report


A great golf joke involving The Pope, Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods. You had to be at the meeting to hear the entire story.


Bob Groff $5 Happy to be at the meeting with such good friends

Walt S $10 the Padres are off to a great start and $10 for all of Chris’ help at Walt’s house

Cathy B Happy for the Padres

Don A $5 Looking forward to a great Casino Night

Paul W Last Saturday several of our Lions went to Calexico to help their club celebrate the 70th

Anniversary of their Charter

Mike Raney $5 good to see Lion members who can’t make the regular Monday meetings

Marge $5 Go Padres!

Bob Moreau $ Good to see Jim Sing at the meeting

Jim Sing He agrees with Moreau

Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6;;

Winner of Attendance Drawing: Cathy Bailes $10

Winner of 50/50 Drawing: No one sold tickets

***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***


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