Newsletter 03/04/13

El Cajon Valley Host Lions

March 4, 2013 36 Lions and 5 Guests



Lion President Bill Sturgeon opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Song Master, enthusiastically led our fellow Lions in singing ”You’re a Grand Ole Flag”. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Patriot Lion PP Phil Smith. Prayer & Invocation was recited by Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay. Inspirational Helen Keller Quote of the Week was given by Lion Roy “Rocco” Collura.


Lion IPP Don Anthony introduced five (5) guests: Lenore Wade, Sandra Glass—guest of Lion “Rocco” Collura, Fred Green, Janet Page and Jenna—granddaughter & guest of Lion PP Bob Moreau.


Congratulations to Lion President Bill Sturgeon and eight other outstanding nominees for the 2012 El Cajon Citizen of the Year. The 2012 Citizen of the Year was awarded to Sunshine Horton who has amassed some incredible accomplishments along with overcoming some incredible challenges in her life. She was homeless when she first moved to El Cajon 33 years ago and initially had to receive assistance. Ever since that time she’s been giving back to our community in countless volunteer hours to her community! Lions who attended the luncheon on February 26th to honor Lion President Bill Sturgeon and Sunshine Horton and nominees included: Lion Frank Galkowski, Lion President Bill Sturgeon & spouse Gerry, Lion 3rd VP Ray Ridlon, Lion PP Ron Paris, Lion PP Yvonne Paris, Lion Paul Walters, Lion 2nd VP Mercy Walters, Lion PP Bruce Boorman & spouse Pat, Lion Christian Willie, Lion Mike Wasyliw, Lion Arnold Martin, Lion PP Mark Clifton, Lion IPP Don Anthony and Lion 1st VP Kiley Grunstad. Lion President Bill mentioned that Sunshine Horton, Citizen of the Year, has expressed interest in joining the Lions Club!


Lions 3rd Cabinet Meeting on March 15-16 at El Centro***Singing Hills Lions Honoring our Military Fundraiser March 23rd @ VFW Hall 136 Chambers Ave El Cajon***Santee Lions are collecting donated toiletries for battered kids & holding their monthly Pancake Breakfasts at Santee Lakes***District 4L6 Convention in Yuma from May 3-5, 2013 with deadline to register on April 18th***Our next Lions Board Meeting this next Thursday at Lion 3rd VP Ray Ridlon’s Place.***Zone Speech Contest on Saturday March 9th @ Sizzler’s Restaurant on Fletcher Parkway @1:30pm***Our next Lions Meeting 3-11-13@ECValley High School at 11:30am***City of Hope Visitation on Sunday March 24th—see Lion Paul Tremblay, Chair.


Congratulations to the following Lions for Happy Birthday’s this month: Lion PP Mike Mortellaro—March 3rd, Lion Christian Willie—March 3rd, Lion Roy “Rocco” Collura—March 8th and Lion PP Elmer Vierkant-March 26th.


3rd VP Ray Ridlon reminded Lion members that our next Lions Meeting on March 11th will be with LEO’s at the El Cajon Valley High School at 11:30am. Board Meeting will be next Thursday at 6pm.

2nd VP Mercy Walters reported that last Saturday’s Adopt a Street Cleanup Lion volunteers included: Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Lion PP Mark Clifton, Lion Paul Walters and Lion 3rd VP Mercy Walters. Lion Paul Walters, Speech Contest Chair, reported that Zone Speech Contest is this next Saturday March 9th at 1:30pm at the Sizzler’s Restaurant on Fletcher Parkway in El Cajon. Audrey Taylor, winner of our Club Contest will compete and has a good chance of going to the next level of the Lions Regional Speech Contest. Lion Van Willsey, Chair of our Lions Eyeglass Program reported that a couple of referrals for eye exams/eye glasses have been received and a new eye doctor (wife of Dr. Patal) will cover the Santee School District. The 8th Annual MD-4 Academy Awards of Lionism on February 9th in Sacramento was attended by Lion 2nd VP Mercy Walters and Lion Paul Walters—at the banquet our El Cajon Valley Host Lions received recognition and were nominated for our Camp Jack Program/Most Significant Service Project for a Large Club.

1st VP Kiley Grunstad reported on our Lions Summer Escape Drawing Fundraiser with tickets at $100 for the opportunity to win Gift of Travel worth $4200 with Triple AAA Travel at Grossmont Center. Tickets will be available at our next meeting. A Special Drawing Party will be held Friday May 31st at our Ronald Reagan Community Center. This year’s Lions Summer Escape Fundraiser will be in lieu of our Lions Casino Night Fundraiser.


Congratulations and Thanks to this month’s Exempt Badge recipients, Lion PP Gary Sims and Lion President Bill Sturgeon, with their winning bids of $50.00 each. Lion PP Gary shared story of his wife Gail’s big win of $1,060.00 on Video Poker & his generous cut of $500.00 from the winnings. Lion President Bill Sturgeon was proudly sporting his new “World Championship Baseball Ring” which was covered by his new Exempt Badge.


Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave his Lions Joke of the Week to kick off the Happy Dollars & Happy Fines. Lion PP Gary Sims, Tail Twister, collected the following fines: Lion Felina Balestreri gave a Happy Dollar & a Pink Slip Donation and reported that she was happy to be here. Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay gave a Happy $20 for a great weekend visiting 10 wineries in Temecula and celebrating his grandson’s 2nd birthday and mother’s 92nd birthday. Lion 3rd VP Mercy Walters gave a Happy $5 for her nephew who is an OBG physician. Kiley Grunstad 1st VP gave some Happy Dollars thanking fellow Lions for purchasing his Girl Scout Cookies. Lion Kiley also gave a plug for an upcoming seminar “Time to Take Stock” that will be hosted by Kiley C. Grunstad, AAMS on April 18th at 6pm @ Edward Jones Investments 3855 Avocado Blvd Suite 100 La Mesa—RSVP call :Teresa Slagle @ 619.670.0036 Dinner will be served! Lion Tony Hodge gave a Happy Concerned $20 for the upcoming election of a new pope.


Lion PP George Hurst, Speaker Chair, introduced our featured speaker, Mike Barletta, from the Sheriff’s Department. Officer Barletta has served 27 years with Sheriff’s Dept. and gave a very enlightened overview of the Sheriff’s Department and statistics that included: in 2012 overall crimes upswing increased by 8%, violent crimes up by 11% and armed robberies up by 35%. Recent assault on police officers with 6 officers killed in the past 69 days. A new Sheriff’s patrol station is located in the Rancho San Diego area off of highway 94.


No winner this week for the Attendance Drawing. Thanks again for all fellow Lions who attended and honored Lion President Bill Sturgeon & Sunshine Horton, 2012 El Cajon Citizen of the Year. Reminder that our next Lions Meeting on March 11th will be with our LEO’s at the El Cajon Valley High School at 11:30am. And don’t forget that pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…The El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club “2011-2012 District 4L6 large Lions Club of the Year”.

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