El Cajon Valley Host Lions
February 11, 2013 30 Members and 2 Guests
Lion President Bill Sturgeon opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Song Master, led our fellow Lions in singing “You’re a Grand Ole Flag”. Pledge of Allegiance was proudly led by Lion PP Ed Waymire. Prayer & Invocation was fervently presided by Lion PP Gary Sims. Inspirational Helen Keller Quote of the Week was given by Lion Jeff Winters.
Lion IPP Don Anthony introduced Gary Zing, guest of Lion PP Gary Sims and Jenny Irey, guest of Lion Earl Irey.
El Cajon Valley Hosts Lions will be “DARK” on Monday February 18th to Celebrate President’s Day. Our Lions will not meet/DARK on Monday February 25th but will meet on Tuesday February 26th at noon for a joint Lions & Rotary Luncheon Meeting to honor Sunshine Horton, El Cajon Citizen of the Year. Lions Finance Meeting will be held today immediately following our Lions Meeting. Lions Board Meeting will be held this evening, Monday February 11th at 6pm at Hoban Property Management. City of Hope Annual Visitation will be on Sunday March 24th—Sign Up Sheets are on the tables or call Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay. LEO’S will host our Lion’s Meeting at the El Cajon Valley High School in March. Lion PP Ray Hackworth encouraged all Lions to purchase Camp Jack Wall of Wine Fundraiser Tickets $20 for 5 tickets with drawing on March 19th at Downtown Lions Club Meeting. It sure was good to see Lion PP Ed Waymire back at our meetings after a short absence!
3rd VP Ray Ridlon—no report
2nd VP Mercy Walters—excused absence
1st VP Kiley Grunstad—excused absence
Lion PP Ray Hackworth shared his Happy Joke of the Week about his “gong clock” with Lion President Bill Sturgeon kicking in a $5 fine for the joke. Lion PP Gary Sims served as the Tail Twister this week collecting the following Happy Dollars & Happy Fines. Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay gave a Happy $5 for his grandson’s Baptism. Lion PP Ron Paris gave a Happy $3 for his wine tasting outing in LA. Lion PP Don Anthony gave a Happy Dollar for the Aztecs Basketball Team! Lion PP Bruno Cirello gave a Happy $10 for his trip to Oahu Hawaii for the North Shores Surf Competition—there were plenty of high waves! Lion Bob Acker gave a Happy $50 for his Wedding Anniversary! Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave some Happy Dollars to thank our Lions for purchasing his Wall of Wine Fundraiser Tickets—Lion Bob Acker happily kicked in another $20 bucks and expects to win the 50 Bottles of Wine Raffle! Lion PDG Len Blottin gave a Happy $5 for Lion PP Ray Hackworth’s vigorous Camp Jack Fundraising and showcased his new haircut! Lion 3rd VP Ray Ridlon gave a Happy $10 fine for missing the last Lions Meeting. Lion PP George Hurst was asked to pay up some Happy Dollars for missing last week’s Lions meeting which sang him a Happy Birthday Song—Lion George chipped in and signed a pink slip. Lion Kirby Morrison gave a Happy $1 and was “ribbed” by Lion PP Gary Sims for his Stockbroker & Financial Planning acumen. Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay added another $1 Happy Dollar for Lion PP Gary Sims “stirring” Prayer & Invocation today!
Lion PP George Hurst, Speakers Chair, introduced Carol Cunningham who gave an interesting history of the “Clark Family’s First Years in El Cajon”. This presentation was the last in a series of the History of El Cajon’s 100 Year Centennial. In 1911 the Clark Family followed the cry of “go West young man…” and purchased 40 acres by Dehesa Road for $15,000 to start a citrus ranch. The Clark and Shea Family enjoyed having an every Sunday afternoon drive in the country and hiking the local El Cap/El Cajon Mountain area. In 1913 there was a “Big Freeze” and in 1916 the “Big Flood” which had the schools closed for 2 weeks due to 2ft of mud everywhere! Getaway Trips to the desert were made on the wood “Plank Road” to the Yuma desert area. Another great history story of the El Cajon in its early years!
Attendance Drawing was won by Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay. And don’t forget that Lion Pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club “2011-2012 District 4L6 large Lion Club of the Year”.