Newsletter 02/04/13

El Cajon Valley Host Lions

February 4, 2013 39 Members and 2 Guests


Lion President Bill Sturgeon energetically opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Song Master, exuberantly led our fellow Lions in singing “My Country Tis of Thee”. Pledge of Allegiance was proudly led by Lion North East Region Chair, Gary Jones. Prayer & Invocation was gracefully recited by Lion 2nd VP Mercy Walters. Inspirational Helen Keller Quote of the Week was passionately given by Lion PP Ron Paris.


Lion IPP Don Anthony introduced Visiting Lions Lenore Wade from the Valley Lions and Garry Jones North East Region Chair. Spring


Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth led our fellow Lions in singing a gusty Happy Birthday Wishes for the following Lions: PP Lion Bob Moreau- Feb 1st, Lion John Galkowski-Feb 4th, Lion PP Trent Huls (posthumously honored)- Feb 5th, Lion PP Gary Robinson- Feb 8th, Lion 1st VP Kiley Grunstad-Feb 13th, Lion PP Marlene Coyne-Feb 17th, Lion Jeff Winters-Feb 19th, Lion Chris Funtall-Feb 19th, Lion 3rd VP Ray Ridlon-Feb 21st, Lion PP George Hurst-Feb 23rd, Lion Ron Black-Feb 24th, Lion Mike Raney-Feb 28th. “Birthday Congratulations & You Are Much Appreciated!!”


Dear Fellow Lions: Our LEO’s would like to invite you, your family and friends, to participate in our second and last Blood Drive this year. Our goal is to collect 50 pints! The Drive is being held at the El Cajon Valley High School Dance Room on Thursday Feb 7th from 8:30am to 2pm. The address is 1035 E. Madison Ave. The Dance Room is located at the East Side of the staff parking lot by the Marquee. Parking will be available in the Student Lot East of the Parking Lot. You may walk, or go online to make an appointment www.sandiegobloodbank.0rg, click on “donate blood” select “appointments” and provide sponsor code ECVH. Thanks to All. Proud to be a Lion—Mike Raney.


A Special Thanks to the following El Cajon Valley Host Lions & Friends who attended the Funeral Services of Past President Lion Jim Roelof on January 28th: Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Lion PP Dick Rogers, Lion PP Mark Robak, Lion PP Elmer Vierkant, Lioness Delores Galkowski, Lion George Bernard, Doris Huls, Lion Mike Wasyliw and Lion Chuck Robbins (North Park Lions). Lion Jim Roelof served as our El Cajon Valley Lions President in 1951-1952. May he Rest in Peace.


KUDO’S to Lion Paul Walters for Chairing a great El Cajon Valley Host Lions Speech Contest on January 28th! There were four (4) Speaker Contestants: Andrea Taylor– Christian Heritage High School, Denise Aparicio—El Cajon Valley HS LEO, Serena Bachoua—El Cajon Valley HS LEO, Zhara Almosawi—El Cajon Valley HS LEO. Speaker Andrea Taylor was the 1st Place Winner with a very polished and convincing Speech on the topic “Creating Jobs in America & How to Keep Them!” Judges for the contest were Les Revler, Alan Brown and Dr. Lyle Rangel. Thanks to the following Lions who helped at the Speech Contest: Timers—Lion PP Ron Paris, Lion IPP Don Anthony, Lion Mike Wasyliw. Tellers—Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay, Lion PP Gary Robinson. Door Guards—Lion PDG Len Blottin and Lion Arnold Martin. And…a Special Thanks to all the Lions, Friends and public who attended and supported the event. Next level of the Speech Contest at the Lions Zone Level will be held on March 9th 2pm at the Sizzler Restaurant on Fletcher Parkway.


A Heartfelt Thank You Letter was received from Lion Frank Galkowski thanking the El Cajon Valley Host Lions for the flowers, Get Well Cards and phone calls during his recovery from a recent stroke. Lion Frank said “Lions, you made my recovery days a Rainbow Day!!!” It sure was good to see Lion PP Hugh Cowan at our meeting today! Camp Jack “Wall of Wine” Fundraiser Tickets are on sale for a special 5 tickets for $20. See Lion PP Ray Hackworth. Camp Jack Ray Chair, for tickets with drawing on March 19th. Our Lions Meeting will be DARK/No Meeting on Monday February 25th—Our El Cajon Valley Host Lions will meet on Tuesday February 26th at noon along with the Rotary Club to honor Sunshine Horton El Cajon Citizen of the Year. May 3rd-5th Lions District 4L6 Convention in Yuma Arizona with a Thursday May 2nd Golf Match.


3rd VP Ray Ridlon was absent. Lion Ron Black reported that wife of Lion Reverend Mac recently passed away. Lion PP Tom Hoban reported that he rescued a mustang horse which gained a 100 lbs in a couple of weeks after some special Hoban Tender Loving Care. Lion PP Hugh Cowan reported that Lion PP Gordon Bush said a “Hi”—and really misses all the Lions and the meetings.

2nd VP Mercy Walters gave a commendation to Lion Paul Walters for a “Job Well Done!” with our Student Speaker Contest. Adopt a Street Cleanup for January 26th was rescheduled due to the rainy weather.

1st VP Kiley Grunstad reported he is working with Lion 3rd VP Ray Ridlon on possible “Bidding for Good” online auction. Lion Ray will give an update on his research at an upcoming meeting. Lion Roy “Rocco” Collura and 1st VP Kiley are working on a new possible fundraising venture idea.


EXEMPT BADGES were auctioned off with winning bid of $60 each to Lion PP Hugh Cowan and Lion IPP Don Anthony. Thanks for your Kind Generosity! Lion PP Mark Clifton gave a Happy $10 fine for sending some mildly distasteful email jokes to fellow Lions. Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave a Happy $5 “for a cruise” and for the Joke of the Week that was recited by Lion PP Dick Rogers.


Lion PP George Hurst, Speaker Chair, introduced Aaron Landau, President of the La Mesa Historical Society. Mr. Landau gave a fascinating History of the City of La Mesa. In February 2012 La Mesa also celebrated their 100 Year Centennial. It was the women in 1912, after winning the right to vote in 1911, who were very instrumental in the push for cityhood for La Mesa as well as El Cajon! Water & Transportation were key components that had a tremendous impact in the growth of La Mesa. In 1889 a redwood lumber Flume was built to send water from Lake Cuyamaca to provide needed water for La Mesa and other East County areas. In 1894 the railroad came to La Mesa and 900 resided in La Mesa when it became a city and today has a population of 60,000 people.


Winnings for the Attendance Drawing were extended until the next meeting. And don’t forget that Lion pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…the El Cajon Valley Lions Club “2011-2012 District 4L6 large Lion Club of the Year.

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