Newsletter 03/18/13

El Cajon Valley Host Lions

March 18, 2013       35 Members and 2 Guests


Lion President Bill Sturgeon opened the meeting at 12:30pm with a poetic “Irish Blessing!” Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Song Master, led our Lions in singing “God Bless America”. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by Lion PP Bruno Cirello. Prayer & Invocation was given by Lion 2nd VP Mercy Walters.


Lion IPP Don Anthony introduced two (2) guests: Lori Brown, Case Worker, from Senator Joel Anderson’s Office and Javier Galvan, guest of Lion Tony Hodge.


Lion 2nd VP Mercy Walters received a Certificate of Merit as Volunteer Lion of the Year Award from Senator Joel Anderson commending Lion Mercy for her outstanding dedication and volunteerism with the Lions. During the past year, 2nd VP Lion Mercy Walters and her husband Lion Paul Walters logged over 1200 hours in Lions related activities. Incredible Job Well Done!

Lion Mike Carleton received a Certificate of Merit for his outstanding efforts serving as our LEO’s Advisor and great mentor for many years. Outstanding Job Well Done!


President, Kiley Grunstad—1st Vice President, Mercy Walters—2nd Vice President, Ray Ridlon—3rd Vice President, Van Willsey—Secretary, PP Gary Robinson—Treasurer, Paul Tremblay—Bulletin Editor Mike Wasyliw, PP Phil Smith, PP Dick Rogers, PP Bruce  Boorman—Tail twisters, Bob Acker, PP Bob Moreau—Lion tamers, PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Arnold Martin—Greeters, PP Ron Paris, Sharie Hoops—Directors (One Year) Christian Wille, Jeff Winters—Directors (Two Years) Dick Nasif, Mike Raney—Membership, Mercy Walters, Paul Walters—Webmaster, Warren Mckenna—Publicity, PP Dick Rogers—Immediate Past President, Bill Sturgeon. Congratulations to all the Lions who have accepted the nomination to serve. Slate will be posted and announced at  next three (3) Lions meeting.


A Thank You letter was received from the Principal at West Hills High School for the recent Christmas Baskets for five (5) needy families***Camp Jack update was given by Lion PP Ray Hackworth. Wall of Wine Auction will be held Tuesday evening March 19th 6pm at Downtown San Diego Lions. Over $5,055 was raised for the Wall of Wine Raffle—with over $1500 from our generous El Cajon Valley Host Lions that will send fifteen (15) kids to Camp Jack. Lion PP Ray shared his secret of fundraising and that is “Just Ask!” which he uses as his motto and his nickname***Singing Hills Lions will be hosting their fundraiser for the Warrior Foundation, Lions Military Charity Fund at VFW Hall 136 Chambers Street El Cajon on Saturday March 23rd  from 6-11pm. Lion PDG Len Blottin gave a plug for our Summer Escape Drawing’s Gift of Travel worth $4200. You don’t sell for the prize but more for the opportunity to put a pair of glasses on two kids!***Reminder to put in your bucks for our City of Hope Donation Cans.


3RD VP Ray Ridlon reported that the Lions Foundation Meeting will be held on Monday April 1st at 6pm, Por Favor Restaurant in El Cajon. There are seven (7) Foundation Board vacancies that need to be filled along with election of a new chairperson.

2nd VP Mercy Walters reported that Adopt a Street Cleanup will not be held in March due to Easter Break. Lion Paul Walters, Student Speaker Chair, reported that Region Speaker Contest will be held this Thursday March 21st 7pm at the Ronald Reagan Community Center. District Speaker Contest will be held on Saturday April 27th 1:15pm at the San Diego Blind Community Center 310 Market Street. Area Speaker Contest will be held on Saturday May 11th 2pm at the Brea Lions Center in Brea California. MD4 Final Student Speaker Contest will be held on Saturday June 1st at the Torrance Marriott Southbay in Torrance California. 3rd Cabinet Meeting in El Centro was attended by our Lions District Tail Twisters Lion 2nd VP Mercy and Lion Paul Walters. Membership Recruitment & Retention was emphasized with the C.E.P. Club Excellence Process.

1st VP Kiley Grunstad announced Tickets! Tickets !! Tickets !!!—Sell, Sell, Sell!  for our Summer Cruise Escape Drawing –$100 tickets for the opportunity to win the Gift of Travel worth $4200. Lion Kiley said to remember the motto of Lion PP Ray Hackworth “Just Ask”!  It works, I just sold five (5) tickets. 

Lion PP Dick Rogers, Publicity Chair, announced that the Lion Installation Dinner of new officers will be held on Saturday June 15th with a Hawaiian theme featuring a Jimmy Buffet sing along.

Lion Paul Tremblay gave a reminder for the upcoming City of Hope Visitation on Sunday April 7th.  Please sign up to attend this awesome annual event—Lion Christian Willie and wife Reggie will be heading the delegation and will be presenting our Lions check of $1300 to the City of Hope Hospital & Research Center.

Happy Dollars

Lion PP Gary Sims, Tail Twister, collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Fines: Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay gave some Happy Dollars and reported that he ran across Tony Forchette who indicated he was possibly interested in  re-joining our Lions if  Lion PP Ray Hackworth would pay a $100 fine! Lion President Bill Sturgeon asked fellow Lions who missed the LEO’s Luncheon and Board Meeting to pay a $5 fine for missing each meeting. Lion Paul Walters gave a Happy $5 for Lion 3rd VP Ray Ridlon’s warm hospitality at our Board Meeting. Lion Roy “Rocco” Colura gave a Happy $15. Lion PP Ed Waymire gave a Happy $5 for a “Good to be Back” and sharing his Texan Dog Blue joke—always good to see you Lion PP Ed! Lion Mike Wasyliw gave a Happy $5 fine for missing our Lions Board Meeting due to Grandkids Duty. Lion 2nd VP Mercy Walters gave a Happy $2 to honor all our fellow Lions and for missing last week’s LEO’s meeting ($3 IOU is pending).


Attendance Drawing was won by Lion Arnold Martin with proceeds donated to the City of Hope Cans. And Don’t forget that Lions pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world..the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club “2011-2012 District 4L6 large Lions Club of the Year”.C

Lois Franklin

A Memorial Celebration of Lois’s life will be held Friday, March 22nd from 10am at the Ronald Reagan Community Center, 195 E. Douglas Ave. El Cajon CA 92020. Mrs. Rod (Lois) Franklin was a great “shaker & mover” in her community and added a lot of zest to the El Cajon Valley Lions when Lions PP Rod Franklin was president in 1964-1965. Lois was a great promoter of education, serving as president of the Cuyamaca Elementary School PTA and under her leadership as President of the LARC’s Ladies Auxiliary raised funds to purchase the property for the Arc’s Angels Unaware Center in 1962 for persons with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities.

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