Newsletter 01/27/20


January 27, 2020    Members: 33   Guests: 2

Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club


Opening: 1st Veep Mike

Song Master:  PP Gary S                                 Song:  God Bless America

Pledge of Allegiance:  Lion Bob G                  Invocation:  PP Mark C


Quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.”



Carlee Ransweiler daughter of Proud Papa Rob

; Nancy Detomaso  3rd visit



Good to See: EVERYONE





The Jan 25th Kings basketball game was so much fun and there were 38 of us present


Lion Abraham presented to Pres. Chris, for the club,


. a “Community First Award” for our service and First Veep Mike Raney gave Lion Abraham accolades.


IPDG Mercy got hit in the face with a loose ball while sitting in the front row and not paying attention. So sorry Mercy.



Van Willsey 1/19 and Skip Kiefer 1/20. 


EXEMPT BADGES: PP Grant Thiem Jr., Pres. Chris, PP Tom Hoban


GOOD CHEER:  All seems to be well with everyone – let’s keep it that way!!!



IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them.


CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS:  *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*

Feb 1st – LCIF Melvin Jones Fellowship Luncheon 11AM Pacific Southwest Assoc of Realtors $25.  Deadline to RSVP is Wed Jan 29th.  See Yvonne if you plan to attend. 


FEB 4th – First Tuesday – Meeting/Student Speakers Contest 6PM

FEB 10th – Joint Meeting/Citizen of the Year Luncheon at RR Community Ctr – Noon

FEB 12th – Board Meeting Elks Lodge 6PM – 5PM dinner $14

MAR 2nd – DARK

MAR 3rd – First Tuesday – Meeting 6PM

Mar 13-14th – 3rd Membership Meeting El Centro-Wyndham Travelodge

June 20th – Tentative date for club Installation



Vice Presidents Reports:

First Veep Mike Raney:  Has scheduled programs for Feb 24th and March (date tbd)

2nd Veep Gary Zink:  No Report

3rd Veep Carl Ruiz:  Progress

Membership Chair Cathy Bailes: No Report


PP Ray’s Ramblings:  

1.  An elderly couple were in church and he said to his wife “I had a silent fart” to which she responded “you need a battery in your hearing aid!”

2.  A cowboy took his car to the shop to get fixed and the repairman told him, in language he could relate to, “if it was a horse I would shoot it”.


Happy Dollars:

Those who had a blast at the Kings basketball game last Saturday night:  Len $5,  Bob Moreau $5 (and he won 2 of the raffles), Yvonne $20 and sorry for Mercy getting hit with the basketball, Mike R $5 and the loss of Kobe, Bob G $10.  Cathy B $5 missed the game for a friends birthday party.

Kiley $10 – wants to get rid of his Lions pin collection – if interested contact him within the next week.

Tony $10 Bob Acker said he would get him a cup of coffee but never did stating there were no cups and before he finished his sentence PP Bob Moreau brought Tony his coffee.

Mark C $5 spent the weekend with his mom in law and now she is coming to visit and help him celebrate receiving his “Business of the Year” award.

Paul T $5 Aztecs win 21-0

Bill S $5-$20 ??? played ball in AZ or Mexico or New Mexico ???


Impromptu PROGRAM:

 Carlee Ransweiler

Carlee  began her sophomore year at the University of Indiannapolis last semester (August)  and while playing soccer, which she was recruited for, she suffered a concussion and has ongoing related issues.  The doctor said no more soccer for now and because of the negative effects of the concussion she was unable to complete school work due to low cognitive memory so she came home to the ‘nest’ in December.  Carlee will continue with physical therapy and work with her neurologist.  She hopes to return to college, somewhere, and continue her education majoring in psychology.

Carlee told us about traumatic brain injuries such as hers and she advocates the “Full 90” headgear for protection.  Dad Rob also gave us some insight into these brain injuries and the number 1 cause of them is soccer as they do so many ‘headers’.

Luckily Carlee has no CTE micro abrasions on her brain and they are hopeful she will have a full recovery.  She can play non-contact sports and is getting her ‘soccer fix’ coaching girls soccer at her high school alma mater.

Thank you Carlee for a great presentation and we wish you the best of luck in your future.  Come see us anytime!


Other websites to visit:  LionsDistrict4L6;;


Winner of today’s Attendance Drawing:   No Prez so no bag of balls so next week$20

Winner of today’s 50/50 Drawing:  Bruce Boorman $73 and he donated it to our Foundation


**Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***




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