January 14, 2019 Members: 29 Guests: 0
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Business Meeting
Opening: Prez Jeff
Song Master: PP Jerry Hollingsworth Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: PP George Hurst Invocation: PP Phil Smith
Helen Keller quote by PP Bruce Boorman: What a blind person needs is not a teacher but another self.”
Guests: None, Nada, Zip, Zilch……………not one iota
Good to See: Warren McKenna, George Hurst, Jerry Hollingsworth, Chris Bramwell
.PP Yvonne again announced we are getting new, nicer name badges. Final order today for any member desiring a 2nd badge for $5. Club will pay for the first badge to be kept in the badge box for use at club meetings. We should have them by month-end.
.PP Yvonne also gave an update on PP Ray Hackworth and Dorothy. Please visit but keep it brief as he needs to rest to recover.
.Sec Paul says the new price for First Friday breakfast will be $28. RSVP required.
.Treas Paul gave an update on financial condition of the club from last weeks’ Board Meeting. (see info at bottom of this newsletter)
.Prez Jeff summoned PP Gary Sims and Lion Dick Nasif to the podium to present them with the LCI Diamond and Gold Centennial Membership pins, respectively. Congrats Lions!
.Sec Paul is also our Student Speaker Program Chair and our club contest is Feb 12th but he can use some help with timers etc so please volunteer to assist that evening so our contest runs smoothly and is a memorable event for the students.
.DG Mercy spoke on the upcoming MD4 Convention in Sacramento and the benefits of attending. A Lion can be certified on the eye testing machines such as the SPOT. There is a new eye testing machine for infants. Additionally District 4L6 is tied for first place in membership growth for the current fiscal year in CA.
Van Willsey 1/19, Skip Kiefer 1/20
EXEMPT BADGE: PP Roger S and PP Bob Moreau
GOOD CHEER: PP Ray Hackworth is now recovering at Mt. Miguel Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, 325 Kempton in Spring Valley. He needs his rest but would enjoy visitors for brief periods.
Lion Bob Groff is home from rehab and continues to improve. Should be at next weeks meeting.
Remember, if you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them. Paris4L6@cox.net
CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS: *Unless otherwise noted all other Meetings are Mon at Noon*
FEB 4TH – DARK – instead attend the El Cajon Citizen of the Year Luncheon on the 5th
FEB 5TH – El Cajon Citizen of the Year Luncheon – counts as our regular meeting
Feb 8-10 – CA Lions Convention in Sacamento
Feb 9th – Lions Camp Jack Cake Auction & Dinner Fund Raiser Coronado Yacht Club $50 6PM – see PP Yvonne or Lion David H for reservations and/or raffle tickets
FEB 12TH – Night Meeting 6PM and Student Speakers Contest at 7PM
Feb 13th – Board Meeting Elks 6PM – come early for special $14 dinner 5:15PM
MAR 5th – Night Meeting 6PM at Elks Lodge
MAR 13th – Board Meeting Elks 6PM – come early for special $14 dinner 5:15PM
3rd Veep Gary Zink: MIA
2nd VP Mike Raney: Progress
1st VP Chris Bramwell: Progress
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes:
Fabian Vereda was approved as our newest Lion member at the Board Meeting. The Membership Committee met after todays’ meeting.
Mike Raney $5 Happy to hear Bob Groff is home
Cathy $5 each for PP Jerry and PP George being at todays meeting
George $5 Very happy to be at todays meeting
Chris $75 purchased his sister in law a new Honda CRV and bought himself a 2019 Mustang “Bullit” but does he really need 480HP? DG Mercy offered to test drive it for him.
Bill Sturgeon $25 purchased a used Dodge Dakota
Gary Robinson $5 had a successful colonoscopy last week and they don’t want to see him for another 10 years.
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; CALions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Terry Winegar $20. MIA
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Chris Bramwell $50.
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***
LOCATION: Elk’s Lodge, 1400 E. Washington, El Cajon
PRESENT: President Jeff Winters, 1st VP Chris Bramwell, 2rd VP Mike Raney, Secretary Paul Walters, Treasurer Paul Tremblay, Directors Keith Bailes, Dick Nasif, Carter Short, Carl Ruiz Membership Cathy Bailes, LCIF Coordinator PP Yvonne Paris, TailTwister PP Bob Moreau. ,
EXCUSED ABSENCE: 1st VP Gary Zink, Sandy Glas, IPP Felina Balistreri, PP Gary Robinson,
Rod Streeper.
ABSENT: Frank Reid, Bob Acker,
MINUTES: Minutes from the December 12th Board meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve
PP Yvonne Paris, second by Cathy Bailes, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report-Paul Tremblay
General Account $ 19,933.84
Activities Account $ 7,596.33
City of Hope $ 1,122.18
Members Current Account $ 16,077.92
Total Assets $ 44,730.27 File For Audit
Communications/Announcements-Sec. Paul Walters
- Jan 12, Saturday, Melvin Jones Fellowship Luncheon, Steele Canyon Golf Course, 11AM-2PM, $25, send check to CT Joanne Burke, 2910 Buena Vista, Ave., Lemon Grove, CA, 91945. Payable to District 4L6, Memo: Melvin Jones Lunch.
East County Chamber has increased their registration fee for attending the First Friday Breakfast to $28. Must RSVP 1-619-440-6161.
Old Business
- El Cajon Promenade Bench Legacy Project: The Board approved to proceed and write a check to the City of El Cajon for $3,000. Dick will let LCIF Coordinator Yvonne Paris know if the letters “LCIF” can be added to plaque.
- El Cajon Citizen Of The Year: Paul Walters reported Daryl Priest was not the winner of the EC COTY, he missed by two points, one vote. The winner was Joe Mackey sponsored by El Cajon Economic Development Commission. Paul requested to form a small committee next year to help us with getting other organizations to support our nominee.
- New Name Badges: PP Yvonne Paris reported, each member will get a new badge at no cost. Members can apply for a second name badge for $5.00 by notifying her or signing up at the meeting on 01-14-19, the last to order. She said we will need to get a new name badge box, maybe PP Van can make one.
- MD4 Convention Delegates: Sec. Paul wanted to know if anyone else is going to the convention, he needs to send in the delegate form. Only Paul will be the delegate for the Club. Governor’s and PDG’s are automatic delegates.
Evening Meetings: President Jeff reported that some members are not happy with having evening meetings. Sec. Paul reminded the board the evening meeting were started over one year ago so members who work can attend and be more supportive of the Club, some members have joined only because we have an evening meeting. Dick Nasif reported the Board approved to have a six month trial period, and also approved to continue after the six month period.
The Board will review and make a decision at the February board meeting.
Sec. Paul reported we need to have this decided no later than February so the
4th Quarter meeting dates can be approved by the Elks and Rita’s Catering.
Vice President’s/Committee Reports
1st VP Chris Bramwell
- Student Speakers Contest (Chair Paul Walters): Paul reported we have two speakers and four judges. Date will be Feb. 12, 2019, 6PM, Elks. He has contacted four schools and no response has been received to date. Leos have been contacted more than once and one Leo has entered the contest.
Publicity Chair Sandy Glas: no report.
2nd VP Mike Raney
1. Program (Chair: 2nd VP Mike Raney): Mike reported several members have given him contact information for speakers. Sec. Paul reported in the past we have had speakers on the first Tuesday evening meeting, second and fourth regular meeting weeks, the third week is always a business meeting.
2. Social Services (Chair Cathy Bailes): Nothing to report.
3. Conventions (Chair Yvonne Paris): Yvonne reported the MD4 Convention will be on Feb. 8-10, in Sacramento, contact her if you wish to register.
3rd VP Gary Zink
Visitations (Chair Gary Robinson): Absent, no report.
Membership (Cathy Bailes)
Sec. Paul made a motion to approve the membership application for Fabian Vereda,
second by Dick Nasif, motion carried. PP Bruce Boorman is the Sponsor.
Cathy reported we will have a short membership meeting after the regular meeting on
Jan 14.
Student Eyeglass Program (Frank Reid).
Treasurer Paul Tremblay reported we donated $1000 to Dr. Patel for his services.
LCIF Coordinator (PP Yvonne Paris)
Melvin Jones luncheon this Saturday, January 12.
Good Of The Order:
Guide Dogs Of The Desert: Dick Nasif showed pictures of guide dogs
Marley and Walker.
Dick Nasif reported our Elks contact person, Georgia LeBon, is leaving in March.
He has secured the dates for the Casino Fundraiser (May 18), Pancake Breakfast
(Oct 13), and Xnas Party (Dec. 17). Thank You Dick!! He does not know who will be the new contact person. Sec. Paul reminded the board we need to secure the club meeting dates for April-June 2019.
Lion Eyes Across California (LEAC): Sec. Paul reported LEAC is on March 16, we need to collect more used eyeglasses. Pres. Jeff said he has about 1,000 counted and will bring them to the event.
Next Board Meeting: Feb. 13, 2019, 6PM, Elk’s Lodge, Conference Room.
Submitted by Secretary Paul Walters, 01-15-19
18-19 SEC BOARD MINUTES 01-09-19, c/doc/lib