Newsletter 01/08/19


January 8, 2019
Members: 28 Guests: 14

Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club



Opening: Prez Jeff

Song Master: PP Roger Stebleton            Song: God Bless America

Pledge of Allegiance: 2nd Veep Mike Raney        Invocation: Treas Paul Tremblay


Helen Keller quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “The heresy of one age becomes the orthodoxy of the next.”


Guests: Mary Moreau, Ginger Potous guest of Dick Nasif, Kathy Reid, Renee Hoban, prospective member Fabian Vereda, Steve Pharr guest of Roger S, Pat Boorman, Marie Turkle guest of Arnold Martin and………LEO President Chris Butler and officers Abigail, Vanessa and Farah together with the new Faculty LEO Advisor Doug Davies.


Guest Steve Pharr with PP Roger


Lion Dick with Guest Ginger Potous


Lion Mike C., VP Mike R., LEO Advisor Doug Davies, LEO Pres Chris, and LEO Officers Abigail, Vanessa, and Farah


Good to See: Van Willsey and Mark Krause



.PP Yvonne announced we are getting new, nicer name badges. Sample also available at meeting on Jan 14th for final order of any member desiring a 2nd badge for $4.85. Club will pay for the first badge to be kept in the badge box for use at club meetings. You should consider the 2nd badge if you participate in visitations or First Friday Breakfasts etc.

.PP Yvonne says the new location for the LCIF Luncheon on Jan 12th is Steel Canyon Golf Club at 3199 Stonefield Dr, Jamul 91935. Several Melvin Jones members have signed up to attend.

.Lion Dick Nasif told us of the perils of Ray and Dorothy Hackworth. Ray will go to La Vida Real after his rehab period where Dorothy will be waiting for him to join her. Ray is currently at Mt Miguel Covenant Village Rehab 325 Kempton St, Spring Valley. He would love visitors.


Van Willsey 1/19, Skip Kiefer 1/20


EXEMPT BADGE: Two at $40 each. PP Roger S going on a trip to Thailand, followed by a brief trip in their motor coach followed by yet another trip to Costa Rica. PP Bob Moreau will be celebrating his 75th Birthday in Las Vegas, guessing the beautiful Mary will be along for the ride.


GOOD CHEER: Lion Bob Groff will be back home Jan 9th after a month at the rehab facility. PP Ray Hackworth fell on New Year’s Eve, broke his hip and is now recovering at Mt. Miguel Covenant Village Rehab. A card and a plant have been sent on behalf of the club members.

Remember, if you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them.




Jan 12th – Melvin Jones Luncheon 11AM-2PM at Steel Canyon Golf Club 3199 Stonefield Dr, Jamul $25 See PP Yvonne

FEB 4TH – DARK – instead attend the El Cajon Citizen of the Year Luncheon on the 5th

FEB 5TH – El Cajon Citizen of the Year Luncheon – counts as our regular meeting

Feb 9th – Lions Camp Jack Cake Auction & Dinner Fund Raiser Coronado Yacht Club $50 6PM – see PP Yvonne or Lion David H for reservations and/or raffle tickets

FEB 12TH – Night Meeting 6PM and Student Speakers Contest at 7PM

Feb 13th – Board Meeting Elks 6PM – come early for special $14 dinner 5:15PM



3rd Veep Gary Zink: Progress


2nd VP Mike Raney: No Report


1st VP Chris Bramwell: MIA    


Membership Chair Cathy Bailes:

Sec Paul has received a Membership Application from Fabian Vereda and will bring it to the Board Meeting on the 9th. If approved our club will retain it’s 2nd-largest-club in the District. As of now we are 3rd behind San Diego Forever.


PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS: This section is temporarily suspended during PP Ray’s recovery.


Paul Walters $5 Charger beat the Ravens, Mike Raney $5 LEO club members joined us, Tom Hoban $5 Happy to see the LEO club officers, Dolores G $5 for a recent trip to HA, Roger S $5 mumbled something under his breath, Mark Clifton $20 visited Ray H today and happy to see his good friend Steve Pharr


PROGRAM : Each of the LEO club officers told us what being a member has meant to them and how that will affect their future plans after high school.


Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6;;


Winner of Attendance Drawing: PP Yvonne Paris $20


Winner of 50/50 Drawing : Lion Dick Nasif $60.


***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***


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