Newsletter 11/06/18


November 6, 2018    Members: 25    Guests: 3

Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club

Opening:  Prez Jeff

Song Master:  First Veep Chris                                   Song: God Bless America

Pledge of Allegiance:  PP Tony                                   Invocation: Treas Paul

Helen Keller quote by PP Gary Robinson: Who moved the furniture?  I’m going to take a chance and say Helen Keller did not say this as a published quote.

Guests: “Dixie”Hackworth, Mary Moreau and Tiffany Bramwell, Chris’ daughter introduced by PP Don Anthony

Good to See:
PP Tony Forchette, PP Dr. Mark Krause and Dr. David Keen

 Dr. Mark Krause in the house tonight


.Lemon Grove LC is co-sponsoring a festival/chili cookoff on Nov 10th 6-8P{M at St John of the       Cross Catholic Church on Broadway in Lemon Grove.

.San Diego Dynasty LC will hold their Charter Night soon $45 See Sec Paul

.Our very own dog Seymour will be graduating Nov 17th at Guide Dogs of the Desert.  See Nasif

.Sec Paul has our Mother Goose trading pins for the taking (small donation if you wish)

***NOTE:  On Sunday November 11th at 11AM please stop whatever you may be doing and give a minute of silence for our Veterans “All Gave Some – Some Gave All”.  Thank you for your service and sacrifices***.


Bonita Kelsey 11/11, Walt Simmons 11/12, Bob Acker 11/14, Felina Balistreri 11/24, Chris Bramwell 11/27.  1st Veep Chris paid a $5 fine for getting to hear his personal Happy Birthday Song.

EXEMPT BADGES:  First Veep Chris Bramwell got it for $66 (his age on 11/27)

 Tailtwister Bob Moreau collecting from Veep Chris

GOOD CHEER:  PP Wally says he’ll be at next Mondays’ meeting

Remember, if you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them.


Nov 8th – ECVH LC to Scripps Inst of Oceanography tour 10:30 AM see Carter Short to RSVP

Nov 11th – City of El Cajon Veterans Day Celebration 1PM

NOV 14th – Board Meeting Elks 6PM

Nov 14th – World Diabetes Day.  Diabetes is an LCI Global Cause

NOV 17th – Decorate our Ma Goose float at Huntamers store 9AM

Nov 17th – 2nd District Membership Meeting 9AM El Toyon Elementary School 2000 E Division St National City.  Club Officers requested to attend.

Nov 18th – Ma Goose Parade at 1PM

Nov 24th – Holiday Lights on Main Street 2-8PM El Cajon Promenade. ECVH LC booth

DEC 14TH – Assemble Xmas baskets at Hoban’s business 4PM

DEC 15TH –  Deliver Xmas baskets 7:30 AM from Hoban’s

DEC 17th – DARK

DEC  18th – Christmas Party 6PM at Elks Lodge

DEC 24th and DEC 31st – DARK – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


3rd Veep Gary Zink:

Float decorating on the 17th – everyone please come to help work on our float – only a few is not enough

2nd VP Mike Raney: MIA

Looking for a new Programs Chair.  See Mike if interested.

Need guest speakers.

1st VP Chris Bramwell: has been so traumatized tonight he was unable to speak

Membership Chair Cathy Bailes:
 Holiday Lights on Main Street volunteer list will be published next week at meeting – still can use help in the 6-8PM slot.

PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS:  An Irish fisherman was seen using a stick with a string to fish on a very rainy day.  A passerby invited him to have a drink on him at the Inn.  After a few drinks the passerby asked the fisherman how many he had caught to which he replied “You’re the 8th today!.”


Cathy B $5 good to see PP Tony back

Len $? 60 years ago he joined the Navy (when Chris was only 6 years old)

Christian $? Happy Birthday to Chris and says he is one of the nicest guys in the club

Don $5 Is not going to stop teasing Chris

Paul W $5 glad PP Tony is back

Tony $2 for the BDay Song (guess he liked it)

Frank Reid $52 for his 52nd Wedding Anniversary today

David and Mark K $5 thanks for having evening meetings

Jeff W $10 had a very successful fishing trip

Bob B $5 no story, just happy tonight

Other websites to visit:  LionsDistrict4L6;;

Winner of Attendance Drawing:  Bob Groff  $60 (donated $20 back to the club)

Winner of 50/50 Drawing : Jim Nelson $73

***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***


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