October 29, 2018 Members: 35 Guests: zero, nada, zip, none
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
First Veep Chris Leading the Meeting
Song Master:
PP Jerry Hollingsworth Song: My Country Tis of Thee |
Pledge of Allegiance: PP Bob M Invocation: Lion Capt Boni
Helen Keller quote by Carter Short: “Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that It takes to balance oneself on a bicycle”.
Guests: Sadly – NONE
Good to See: Rob Ransweiler
.Sec Paul asks that you get your activities info to him ASAP.
.MD4 will be now known as Lions of California (see web site change)
.Looking for nominations for El Cajon Citizen of the Year
.Our very own El Cajon Valley High School LEO Club will be holding a blood drive on campus on Wed, Nov 7th from 10AM – 2PM.
Arnold Martin 10/3, Keith Bailes 10/12, Don Anthony 10/13, David Keen 10/16, David Huntamer 10/29.
EXEMPT BADGES: Chris Bramwell, Mike Raney and Mark Krause (MUST wear badge to meetings)
GOOD CHEER: Give PP Wally a call to say “Hi”. Prayers to PP Tony to get better real soon!
Remember, if you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them. Paris4L6@cox.net
***NOV 6th – Tues Night Meeting Elks 6PM
Nov 8th – ECVH LC to Scripps Inst of Oceanography tour 10:30 AM see Carter Short to RSVP
Nov 11th – City of El Cajon Veterans Day Celebration 1PM
NOV 14th – Board Meeting Elks 6PM
Nov 14th – World Diabetes Day. Diabetes is an LCI Global Cause
NOV 17th – Decorate our Ma Goose float at Huntamers store
Nov 18th – Ma Goose Parade at 1PM
Nov 24th – Holiday Lights on Main Street 2-8PM El Cajon Promenade. ECVH LC booth
DEC 14TH – Assemble Xmas baskets at Hoban’s 4PM
DEC 15TH – Deliver Xmas baskets 7:30 AM from Hoban’s
DEC 17th – DARK
DEC 18th – Christmas Party 6PM at Elks Lodge
DEC 24th and DEC 31st – DARK – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
3rd Veep Gary Zink: MIA
1st Veep Chris reports he visits with PP Wally every week and will continue to do so as long as needed.
Nov 17th is the date to be at Lion David Huntamer’s store on West Main St to decorate OUR club float for the Ma Goose Parade.
2nd VP Mike Raney:
Looking for a new Programs Chair. See Mike if interested.
Need guest speakers.
1st VP Chris Bramwell: No Report
Membership Chair Cathy Bailes:
Has a volunteers signup list for the Holidays on Main street event on Nov 24th. Time slots are going fast so reach out to her asap or at a meeting.
1. Told last weeks’ joke about the talking dog. 2. A Wal Mart Greeter’s conversation with a customer about her two ‘rug rats’ and the surprise that she had two.
PP Moreau had the basket today moving swiftly about the room extracting cash from:
Chris $10 wearing his Presidential Ring, which was very flashy, but did wear his October Exempt Badge
Ray H $5 For telling the same joke as last week
Yvonne $1 for placing the “Yes on 6” cards on each table stating it was a bipartisan issue
Paul T $? For Daryl Priests honor of having the El Cajon Valley HS football/track field named after him and for riding in a beautiful white Mercedes convertible (Tom Hoban’s).
Cathy $5 Her church is collecting shoes for those in need – old or new, bring them to her
Dolores $5 had a wonderful vaca in Washington and Virginia
Mike R $5 good to be back from his vaca
Dick N $1 PP Ray’s joke was the same length as last week (probably cuz it was the same joke!)
Rob $3 – $1 for each quarter of the Notre Dame game he remembers seeing
Tom H $1 believes Chris will be a hellava President
Bob Acker $1 also believes in Chris
Tom Normandie
When asked who his favorite Lion is he says PP Gary Robinson because he is nuts enough to fish with Tom.
Tom came to El Cajon in 1983 and went to work for (Mayor) Jim Snapp at his insurance agency. Snapp encouraged Tom to join the Lions and Tom became our club Prez in 1989-90. Tom attended La Jolla HS until he was kicked out in his Junior year then went to and graduated from Mission Bay HS. As fate would have it Tom joined the Army and was in Special Ops during his enlistment.
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; CALions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: the ‘bag of names’ wasn’t to be found next week $60
Winner of 50/50 Drawing : Chris Bramwell $70
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***