El Cajon Valley Host Lions
October 14, 2013 31 Lions and 1 Guest
Lion Acting President Mercy Walters opened up the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion President Kiley Grunstad was excused due to a business obligation. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Songmaster led our Lions in singing a favorite classic “You Are My Sunshine!” Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay. Prayer & Invocation was recited by Lion PP Mark Clifton. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally given by Lion Mike Wasyliw.
Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth led our Lions in singing Happy Birthday for the following fellow Lions: Lion Mike Wasyliw—October 4th, Lion PP Don Anthony—October 13th, Lion Dr. David Keen—October 16th, Lion Arnold Martin—October 23rd. Congratulations!
Lion Secretary PP Gary Robinson reported that on October 20th the Spring Valley Lions will be having their Wine Tasting Fundraiser at the San Pasqual Winery, ticket prices $20 each.
We have received the application for the MD 4 Lions Convention in Ontario California.
Lion Christian Willie happily announced, with a Happy $50.00, that his wife’s birthday, Reggie was on October 10th and that they are celebrating their 39th Wedding Anniversary!
Lion Christian made a strong plea for all of our Lions to support and attend our upcoming City of Hope Lions Day in 2014. Lion Paul Tremblay expressed that this year’s City of Hope goal is to RSVP and fill up 2 tables with fellow Lions, Family & LEO’s. Lion 1st VP Mercy Walters made a pledge to invite our Lions District Governor and contact our local Lions Clubs to support and attend the City of Hope event.
December 7th Lions 4L6 Christmas Party. Wounded Warriors and their families will be honored at this event. Lion Paul Walters had asked our El Cajon Valley Host Lions to consider sponsoring a Wounded Warrior to attend the Christmas Party—Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth gave a pledge of $100 to sponsor a Wounded Warrior.
October 17th our LEO’s from the El Cajon Valley High school will be having their Blood Drive—Lions donors get front of the line privileges.
Lion PP Tom Hoban’s Celebration Party went very well with some great music, plenty of dancing and many of our fellow Lions having a great time!
Lion Acting President Mercy Walters introduced our guest Lion Donna Lee, Past President of the United Lions Club. The United Lions Club will be hosting a Veterans Village, Homeless Vets, Golf Tournament on November 10th at the San Diego River Walk Golf Club.
3rd VP Van Willsey reported that we had a good Visitation to our Heartland Lions on October 9th with the following 4 Lions attending: Lion PDG Len Blottin, Lion PP Ron Paris, Lion Paul Walters and Lion Mike Wasyliw. Thanks again for all Lions who are supporting our Visitations—we will try to schedule a couple more Visitations before our upcoming Lions Pancake Breakfast. Our Mother Goose Parade float vehicle is being assessed—to still use our existing platform, consider looking at another vehicle and a possible trailer, etc. Any suggestions or feedback of ideas appreciated.
2nd VP Ray Ridlon reported that our Adopt a Street Cleanup will be on Wednesday October 30th at 7:30am meeting at Clifton Mercedes. All Lions are invited to help on this very worthwhile community project that keeps our city streets litter free.
1st VP Report Mercy Walters had Lion PP Don Anthony give an update on our Lions Pancake Breakfast on October 27th—food list has been received from Lion Ron Black, supplies have been inventoried, articles are in our local newspapers, etc. Lion 1st VP Mercy and Lion Paul Walters attended the installation of officers for the new Lions San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club—with 107 members they are the 2nd largest club in our district. Membership Committee Report was given by Lion Paul Walters who reported that we will set up some nice promotional display boards at our Lions Pancake Breakfast on October 27th, along with our Pancake Banner Sponsors: Rubber Stamp Café, Terry Parker Realtors and Window Solutions. Lion Paul Walters wanted to sincerely thank our 9 Lions who attended the Chamber of Commerce Breakfast on October 4th—Lion PP Roger Stebleton, Lion PP Bruce Boorman, Lion PP Gary Sims, Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Lion President Kiley Grunstad, Lion 1st VP Mercy Walters, Lion Paul Walters and Lion Mike Wasyliw. The Chamber Breakfast was a good opportunity to promote our Lions Membership Drive and showcase all the great things we do in the community.
Lion Tail Twister PP Bob Moreau collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Fines from the following Lions: Lion PP Gary Sims gave a Happy $5 for his wife’s nephew having a wedding in Cabo! Lion Sharie Hoops gave a Happy $5 for a wonderful weekend with former Lion Tony Forchette and his wife Heidi! Lion PP Phil Smith flashed his exempt badge and said he was happy to be here! Lion Paul Walters gave a Happy $5 glad to have guest Lion Donna Lee at our meeting today! Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay gave a Happy $1 for his 8th Anniversary trip to Cancun where he had to stay in a hurricane shelter! Lion 1st VP Mercy Walters gave a Happy $5 for missing last week Visitation and Board Meeting! Lion PP Mark Clifton gave a Happy $5 for a great party at the Hoban’s & the outstanding band “Cool Rush”!
Lion Paul Tremblay gave his monthly Treasurer’s Report. The Budget Committee recently met and submitted a proposed budget that was approved at the October 10th Lions Board Meeting. We are doing well and right on budget!
Thanks to Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth and fellow Lions who attended the Memorial Services for Vivian Frances Dedrick who was the dear wife of Lion PP Warren Dedrick and a very strong supporter of the El Cajon Valley Host Lions. Lion Warren Dedrick served as our El Cajon Valley Host Lions president from 1954 to 1955.
Flu Shots from Lion Dr. Terry Winegar will be on Monday November 4th. All goodwill donations will go to our El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation.
Congratulations to Lion Christian Willie on his 39th Wedding Anniversary to his dear wife Reggie.
And don’t forget that Lions Pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club!