Newsletter 09/15/17


September 15, 2017    Members 35 Guests: 3

Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club


Opening:  President Felina Balistreri


Song Master:  PP Gary Sims                                       Song:  God Bless America

Pledge of Allegiance:   PP Walt Simmons                  Invocation:  PP Mark Clifton


Helen Keller quote by Lion Carter Short: It wouldn’t be much of a stretch to believe that Helen said “I’m glad that I’m unable to watch the NFL!”.  But she didn’t so Lion Charter pretty much summed it up for most of us.




Pat Salzarulo visiting from Guide Dogs for the Blind, PP Mark Clifton’s guest Mark Agostino and El Cajon City Attorney Morgan Foley.


New directories are available at the Sec/Treas table when you come in for meetings and don’t forget to purchase your 50/50 drawing tickets to help out our Admin Account and your pocket!

Sec Paul Walters will start collecting eyeglasses for the Eyes Across America event on 3/17/18.


PDG Len presented Lion Frank LaHaye with the prestigious Centennial Membership Award.  And  then reminded everyone to get their SDCB drawing tickets from Lion Bob Groff and also your event tickets.


SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS:  Terry Winegar 9/11, Kirby Morrison 9/15, Jim Sing  9/16, Jonathan Martin 9/19, Mark Krause  9/22, Mercy Walters 9/25 and, Sean Kelsey 9/28. 


SEPT. EXEMPT BADGESLion Dick Nasif, PP Don Anthony, 2nd VP Chris, PP Ray Hackworth.


GOOD CHEER:  Great to see PP Walt Simmons at the meeting today.  Leona Black is doing much better per Lion Ron.  Keep them and Malone Normandie in your prayers.

Remember, if you know of any of our members who are in distress, sick, in the hospital or just got out of the hospital, have been diagnosed with some rare 3rd world country disease or infestation, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be shared.



Oct 3rdFIRST Tuesday – Night Meeting – 6PM meeting and dinner before

Oct 4th – Visitation to Peninsula Lions Club 6:30 PM Pt Loma Cafe 4865 N Harbor Dr, San Diego

Oct 6th – East County Chamber  First Friday Breakfast 7:15AM Steele Canyon Golf Club $25pp

Oct 7thECVHLC Picnic at PP Bob and Mary Moreau’s 2PM–signup sheets available at meetings

Oct 8th – Spring Valley LC Autumn Wine Tasting 2-4PM at San Pasqual Winery 8364 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa $15 until 10/4 then at the door $20.  Munchies included

Oct 11thECVHLC Board Meeting 6PM Elks  dinner 5PM $14

Oct 14th  – San Diego Center for the Blind Annual Recognition Luncheon at Doubletree, Mission       Valley – 11AM to 2PM – $65 PP.   Auction items appreciated – deliver to SDCB – Blottin/Groff

Oct 18thEl Cajon Valley Lions Foundation Board 6PM  dinner before $14

Oct 19th – La Mesa Lions Sketti dinner 6-8PM at La Mesa Community Center $25

Oct 29thECVHLC Pancake Breakfast at Elks Lodge 8AM to Noon

Nov 7thFIRST Tuesday – Night Meeting 5:30 dinner meeting at 6PM

Nov 8thECVHLC Board Meeting 6PM Elks  dinner 5PM $14



3rd VP Mike Raney: The storage shed will be cleaned out with un-needed items donated to Salvation Army

Picnic –
PP Bob Moreau This will be a deep pit BBQ.  PP Bob says there will be a Horseshoe Tournament. Bring your own chairs. 55 attending so far.

Ma Goose Parade – PP Mark Clifton assisting IPP Van Wilsey – Lion Mike R says the LEO Club members will carry signs with ‘words’ such as Peace, Love, Harmony, etc

Visitations – PP Gary Robinson – We always need at least 4 members to attend to get District Visitation Contest credit.  Next visitation will be Thurs Oct 4 6:30 PM to Peninsula.


2nd VP Chris Bramwell:   MIA


1st VP Jeff Winters: 

Pancake Breakfast tickets are all delivered so now we must SELL, SELL, SELL


Membership Chair Cathy Bailes:
 Remember to attend the First Friday Breakfast as she won’t be there but rather in Spain.  Don’t forget to RSVP to the Chamber at 619/440-6161.


PP Ray’s Ramblings:  An old cowboy dressed in full regalia went to a bar and a young lady sat next to him and asked “Are you a real cowboy?”.  He replied yes and gave all the reasons why then he asked what she was to which she replied “a Lesbian” and proceeded to explain all the reasons why…she liked women, etc.  When the old cowboy approached the bar for another drink the bartender asked him if was a real cowboy to which he replied “I thought I was but I just found out I’m a lesbian”.


HAPPY DOLLARS:  PP/TT Bob Moreau had the basket today. 

Carter Short $ covered PP Ray’s ramblings for the day.

Roger Stebleton $5 Went on a Grand Canyon train trip with the lovely Pat & his in-laws.

Cathy Bailes $ going to Spain and sold the most tickets (709) for the church’s cruise raffle and although none of us won the cruise Lion Cathy did receive a beautiful necklace for her work. They raised $8500 for the San Diego Padres Las Madres group.

Mike Raney $5 Attended the El Cajon Valley HS 2nd Annual Athletics Hall of Fame Awards dinner, along with PP Yvonne and Lion Bob, and Lion Daryl Priest donated a new scoreboard for the football field to be known in the future as Daryl R Priest Field.

Paul Tremblay $5 as he falsely accused 2 fellow Lions of stealing his keys which he ultimately found right where HE left them.

Paul Walters $5 Happy to see PP Walt here today

Gary Sims $5 Sorry he gave such lousy directions to Frank LaHaye after attending his sons ball game in Bear Valley.  Frank apparently went his own way and made the trip in no time at all.

Tom Normandie $5 added a new member to his golf group, Aztecs won their great game and are now rated #19 in the nation, up from #22.  And is so happy that Gary Sims taught everyone a new way to clap which he had just learned from Mark Clifton – don’t ask!

Felina Balistreri $5 for continuing to not follow the written meeting agenda

Frank LaHaye $5 can’t decipher my own notes that indicated “C A here”.  Sorry Lion Frank.



Chief Legal Officer for the City of El Cajon Morgan Foley, an attorney since 1985.

He says treating the City like a large corporation some of Morgan’s responsibilities include drafting agreements to bring new business to El Cajon, drafting, amending and negotiating contracts, litigation including tort, civil, housing issues and amendments to the City Charter.

The City Council has 4 districts as approved by the voters and the next election for one council seat under this amendment will be in 2018, the other 3 seats come up in 2020 noting candidates for the Council seats must reside in the district they wish to represent.

Morgan’s office also has responsibility for combating the illegal cannabis dispensaries and has closed 27 so far.  The City’s zoning and codes are used to accomplish this task.  Property owners are responsible for their tenants and as such can be fined from $2,500/day-$75,000 to $200,000 when cited although it is usually the property owners who report illegal operations but have problems getting their tenants to vacate the space.

The City is currently in negotiations with Live Nation to run ECPAC.  The new animal care facility will be online soon. 

Morgan’s office must also respond to requests for public records which amount to 350-400/year.  They must stay up to date on new laws and regulations for State & Federal.

Morgan addressed the MJ issues and homeless issues and there were many questions about both.


Dorothy Miranda Woods:  Anyone wishing to contact Dorothy she has moved and her new address is 7641 Calle Mazamitla, Palm Springs, CA 92264


Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6;;


Winner of Attendance Drawing:  Mike Raney, $30


Winner of the 50/50 Opportunity Drawing:  Yvonne Paris (again) $41 (to City of Hope Fund)


***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***





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