Newsletter 08/06/19


August 6, 2019    Members: Oodles    Guests: 12

Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club


Opening: Prez Chris…..and still no bell.


Song Master:  Mark Clifton                                        Song:  God Bless America

Pledge of Allegiance: Jim Sing                                   Invocation:  Paul Tremblay


Quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers but for powers equal to our tasks, to go forward with a great desire forever beating at the door of our hearts as we travel toward our distant goal.”


Guests:  Leona Black, PDG Scott Leslie, Mary Moreau, “Dixie” Hackworth, Cathy Bramwell, Marie Turkle guest of Arnold Martin, Kathy Reed, PDG Bucky Blottin, Pat Boorman, Lori Tomlin guest of Phil Smith.


Maxine Barrows guest of Dick Nasif


Welcome ALL!


Good to See:

Ray Ridlon, Don Anthony, Ed Waymire,


David Keen


Daryl Priest




.Sec Paul says new club directories are available for the asking at meetings.

.Our club donation of $2500 to the San Diego Council on Literacy helped them purchase 3900 children’s books and lucky for them they only had to pay the postage for delivery of the books.

.If you need a name badge either new or additional please see Sec Paul, an order will be placed soon.

.PDG Len spoke of our own International LEO of the Year Vanessa Nunez and how proud we are.  The club will have a ‘Hoopla’ event to honor her when she is back from her term break from USC.


Bob Groff 8/1, Rod Streeper 8/3, Ron Snow 8/10, Tom Normandie 8/15, Paul Walters 8/19, Hugh Cowan 8/21, Abraham Muheize 8/27, Sharie Hoops 8/28


EXEMPT BADGE(S): Daryl Priest, Chris Bramwell and Phil Smith, each for $100


GOOD CHEER:  Hearing nothing to the contrary everyone is alive and well.           

IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them.


CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS:  *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*

Aug 10th – Salvation Army Back to School Shopping Spree 8-10 AM at JC Penney’s.  See Boni

Aug 14th – ECVH LC Board Meeting Elks Lodge 6PM


Sept 3rd – “First Tuesday” Meeting 6PM

9/7 – District 4L6 First Membership Meeting  Time and venue TBA

Sept 11th – ECVH LC Board Meeting  Elks Lodge Conference Room 6PM SHARP

Oct 5th – Club Picnic at Bramwell’s Estate  Time TBA

Oct 13th – ECVH LC Pancake Breakfast  Elks Lodge 8AM  Sign ups soon

Oct 26th – San Diego Center for the Blind White Cane Brunch – more info to come


VP REPORTS: 3rd VP Carl Ruiz: MIA   

2nd VP Gary Zink: MIA

1st VP Mike Raney: Progress  


Membership Chair Cathy Bailes:  MIA           


PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS:  A woman and her son riding in a taxi in Chicago – it was a really cute story!



Don A – Happy that Chris is President

Scott Leslie – WE have the International LEO of the Year

Abraham – had a bouncing baby BOY

Gary R – ‘helped’ Ron Black down a slope (rather than use the steps) at Cuyamaca Lake and Ron slipped and slid down face first.  Per Gary it was Ron’s fault for not wearing the correct shoes.

Ron B – Gary did help him up after the fall and retrieved his glasses

Ed W – 20 years ago he joined the greatest club in the world (that would be us!)

David K – was in Canada evading the draft but there was no draft (???)

Mark C – won at Del Mar Races        

Ray H – won at a recent poker game


UPCOMING PROGRAM: 8/12 Cheryl Wilson from St Paul’s  AND our very own International LEO of the Year will be joining us for dinner.


Other websites to visit:  LionsDistrict4L6;;


Winner of Attendance Drawing:  David Huntamer MIA $20 next week

Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Bob Groff $100


***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***









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