August 5, 2020
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Pres. Mike Raney
Once again, Thank You Lion Warren for getting everyone into the Zoom Board Meeting.
GOOD TO SEE: All the Lions who joined the meeting.
At this time, we have no definitive plans for our next club meeting but our caterer, Rita’s, has said returning to the Elks Lodge for meetings would be a part of Phase 4 and the County is currently back to Phase 2.
Apparently, this old scam (from April 2016) has resurfaced so please beware everyone:
“We’ve been alerted to a recent LCIF scam, in which scammers are posing as LCIF and providing information about grant money. Below are screenshots from Facebook pages posing as LCIF. Please be aware that these pages are NOT associated with LCI or the Foundation.
If someone contacts you via social media, phone or email, no matter how legitimate he or she seems, never give out personal information. Protect yourself: https://lionsclubs.org/en/blog/protect-yourself-from-scams“
Remember that our club has an LCIF Coordinator and if anything of substance comes up from LCIF you will hear it first via this newsletter.
A big THANK YOU to Doris Huls for her generous donation of $200 to our Foundation.
JULY: David Reed 7/4, Dolores Galkowski and Ed Waymire 7/10, Mike Carleton7/19, Paul Tremblay 7/26, Tom Hoban 7/31.
AUGUST: Rod Streeper 8/3, Ron Snow 8/10, Tom Normandie 8/15, Paul Walters 8/19, Abe Muheize 8/27, Sharie Hoops 8/28
PDG Bucky Blottin’s cancer has returned and Pat Boorman is going through her own battle with this nasty disease – Please keep both of these gals and their families in your daily prayers for full recoveries.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be conveyed to him/her. Paris4L6@cox.net 619/838-4262
Camp Jack has postponed their dinner and cake auction fund raiser until 2021.
Casino Night and our Pancake Breakfast are currently postponed with no dates set.
VEEP REPORTS and Other Club Business: (see Board Meeting Minutes included herein)
**Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***
Zoom Board Meeting
PRESENT: President Mike Raney, 2nd VP Carl Ruiz, 3rd VP Rob Ransweiler, Secretary Paul Walters, Treasurer Paul Tremblay, LCIF Yvonne Paris, Membership Cathy Bailes, Warren McKenna, PDG Mercy Walters, Greeters PP Gary Robinson & Dolores Galkowski, Directors Keith Bailes, Dick Nasif, Fabian Verada, Tail Twisters PP Bob Moreau, Bob Acker.
ABSENT: 2nd VP Gary Zink
MINUTES: Board Meeting minutes from June 10, 2020 were reviewed. A motion to approve by Rob Ransweiler, second by Paul Tremblay, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report-Paul Tremblay reported June and July, 2020
June 30, 2020 July 31, 2020
General Fund Account $ 36,816.50 $ 36,150.84
Activities Fund Account $ 1,349.68 $ 1,394.68
City of Hope $ 74.94 $ 74.94
Members Current Account $ 11,463.62 $ 2,971.52
Total Assets $ 49,724.74 $ 40,546.98 File For Audit
Communications/Announcements-Sec. Paul Walters
- Lions Camp Jack Cake Auction & Dinner Fund: Yvonne reported this has been postponed until the Spring of 2021.
- Crisis House: Sec. Paul reported they have to move out of their present location by Dec. 31, 2020. Rob Ransweiler reported he is on the Board and will notify us when we get closer to the date to see how our club can help.
- Letter from Leo President Selena Dao, for her $1000 scholarship. Excellent.
- Letter from Leo 1st VP Hillary Rico for her $1000 scholarship. Excellent.
New Business
Donation to San Diego Food Bank: The Club wrote a check for $10,000 from donations by 40 members to the San Diego Food Bank to serve 50,000 meals.
Rob Ransweiler suggested we contact them in the future to see when they have a matching grant.
- Club Directory: Bruce Boorman still working on the directory.
ECVH Service Activity Year End Report: Club Service Chair, Paul Walters,
sent Board members the year-end report on the totals we reported on the five LCI service categories and how all levels of Lions served. Paul is asking all members to email him if anyone performed any Service Activity after March 16.
- Gift Giving Report: Dick Nasif reported everything is on hold at the present time, except for the $5,000 freezer allocation for the Salvation Army. The SA will contact Dick when they are ready to install the freezer.
- Elks availability for meetings: Dick Nasif reported all outside activities are cancelled at the present time. This includes Club meetings and special events.
District 4L6 update: Sec. Paul announced clubs in District 4L6 dropped 176 members as of June 30, 2020. Two clubs disbanded; San Diego Presidents, and San Diego Mt. Pinatubo. San Diego Dynasty were planning to disband on June 26, and dropped all their members. On July 10 members wanted to keep the club going but could not reinstate their members. PDG Mercy Walters contacted the LCI Financial Department and asked to have five officers reinstated so they could enter other members and officers.
San Diego Forever Lions Club dropped 35 members which formed their own new club called the Chula Vista Visionaries.
As of today, the district is plus 26 with a total of 1211 members.
- Board Roller: PP Bob Moreau suggested we keep the same officers for next year 2021-2022. Paul Walters said the Club Nominating Committee usually starts looking for the next years officers in March and suggested we wait on our decision until March. 2021.
Brothers Restaurant: Due to COVID-19, the Board decided to cancel the
Annual Pancake Breakfast and Christmas Basket Program. Brothers Restaurant will not need to donate food and bake pies this year for a fundraiser. Sec. Paul will draft a letter thanking them for their past support for donating food and pies.
Old Business
- Headgear for High School Soccer Players: On hold.
- New Fundraiser15K: On hold.
Salvation Army refrigeration: On hold.
President’s Committee Reports
1st VP Gary Zink
- Casino Night: Cancelled.
- Installation of Officers: Cancelled until further notice.
2nd VP Carl Ruiz
1. Programs: Carl report he will look for support and suggestions for speakers from members once we start meeting again. .
2. Social Services (Chair Cathy Bailes): Nothing to report.
3. Student Eye Glass Program: Will resume once schools are open.
3rd VP Rob Ranswieler
- Reported to let him know what he is suppose to do and he will do it.
Membership (Chair Cathy Bailes)
- Cathy reported Nancy DeTomaso handed in her application and she was approved by the Board on May 5, she will be installed once we meet again. PDG Mercy Walters reported the installation is only a formality and once she is approved by Board, she is a member.
Student Eyeglass Program (Gary Zink)
- Student Eyeglass Program is on hold until schools reopen. It was mentioned the Jamul School District wants their SPOT Machine picked up.
LCIF Coordinator (PP Yvonne Paris)
- PP Yvonne Paris reported as of 04/30/2020 LCIF has funded 257 Covid-19 related grants totaling $4,406,432 throughout the world. She also noted in the Newsletter for everyone be careful of LCIF scams.
Good Of The Order:
- Membership meetings: Sec. Paul suggested we have a Regular Member meeting in a park or at someone’s house. Bob Moreau reported due to the San Diego County Health Department we should not have gatherings of a large amount of people. The idea of a ZOOM meeting was suggested.
- Bob Acker asked Doris Huls what she wanted to do with some stuff he had saved from Trent for many years. She said sell it. Bob raised $200 and Doris said give it to the Foundation.
Next Board Meeting: TBA
Submitted by Secretary Paul Walters, 08-09-2020
20-21 SEC BOARD MINUTES 08-05-20