El Cajon Valley Host Lions
July 28, 2014 34 Lions and 5 Guests
Lion President Mercy Walters opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Song Master led our Lions in singing “You’re a Grand Ole Flag! Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion PP Gary Sims. Prayer & Invocation was recited by Lion President Mercy Walters. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally given by Lion Christian Willie.
Lion IPP Kiley Grunstad warmly introduced the following five guests: Justin Steward from Opus Bank—here for his 2nd visit & guest of Lion PP Roger Stebleton, Chris Bramwell—3rd visit & has received Lions Membership Application & guest of Lion PP Bob Moreau, Renee Hoban–guest of Lion PP Tom Hoban, Marley Huntamer—son & great fishing helper at Camp Jack & guest of Lion David Huntamer and guest speaker Rosa Flores.
Renee Hoban, representing the Winchester Widows, announced their upcoming Pancake Breakfast on Sunday August 3rd 8am-12:30pm at the Lakeside Elks Lodge 11633 Woodside Ave. Lakeside Ca. Cost: $8.00 adults/$4.00 children 4-10, call Barbara Franzese 619.246.6585 for tickets.
Our El Cajon Valley Host Lions presented a check of $2,260.00 to Renee & her Winchester Widows for co-sponsoring our Lions Casino Night along with thanking Renee for the great partnership on co-hosting the Gunsmoke IV Casino Night 2014.
Lion Secretary Paul Walters reported that the District 4L6 Installation of Officers & Dinner on July 26th went well with Lion PDG Len Blottin installing the new officers. Lion PP Ray Hackworth was honored at the District Installation Dinner for his years of outstanding service and leadership with the Camp Jack Program.
With deep regrets we have been saddened to hear of the death of Mary Vierkant, wife of Lion PP Elmer Vierkant, who passed away last week only a few short months after the death of her dear husband.
Our next Lions Board Meeting will be held on Thursday August 14th 6pm at the home of PDG Len Blottin. All Lions are invited and encouraged to attend.
A Special Thanks for the great response of the following Lions who helped at the Camp Jack Fishing Clinic teaching the kids how to catch fish and the art of patience: Lion Ron Black, PDG Len Blottin, PP Roger Stebleton, PP Bob Moreau, PP Gary Sims, Lion Dick Nasif, Lion Mike Wasyliw, Lion Dave Huntamer and PP Ray Hackworth. It was a great 1st day of fishing with an estimated 24+ fish caught. Lion PP Bob Moreau brought his grand kids & a great grandkid and Lion Dick Nasif likewise brought his grandkids. We also had Lion Katie from the Downtown Lions taking photos, Lion Mel from the Escondido Lions and PDG Scott Leslie chauffeuring the kids from the camp to the lake.
On our Second day of fishing on Wednesday July 23rd a Special Thanks goes out to the following Lions who were there for the kids: PDG Len Blottin, PP Gary Sims, 2nd VP Van Willsey, PP Tom Hoban, Lion David Huntamer, PP Ray Hackworth and Lion Paul Walters. Fishing report of estimated 14+ catches on day 2 of the Fishing Derby & Clinic. Marley Huntamer, young son of Lion David Huntamer Camp Jack Chair, did a great job netting the catches and helping to put them on the stringer!
3RD VP Roy “Rocco” Collura, excused absence. Lion PP Don Anthony reported that Lion Rocco is working on the picnic, our float committee is forming and we have an 18ft wheeler & trailer for our float. A well wishes and good luck was expressed to Lion Rocco on his recent new job! Lion President Mercy Walters and Lion Mike Wasyliw– Visitations Chair, gave an update on our Lions Visitations Contest that starts on August 1st through April 1st with winners awarded at the next District Convention. All we need is 4 Lions to make it an official visitation. We’ll kickoff our Visitations with a month of August schedule to visit some of our local Lions Clubs.
2nd VP Van Willsey reported that we’ll be announcing an Adopt a Street Community Cleanup date in the next couple of weeks. Our Lions Eyeglass Program has received a request from the VA for information and possible help for glasses for veterans.
1st VP Ray Ridlon had Lion Dave Huntamer—Camp Jack Chair, give an update on the first great week of Camp Jack. Our Lions Business Directory on our Lions Website will list Lions and their businesses. A proposed link on the website would include our Lions Roster which would be password protected—this item will be discussed at our next Lions Board Meeting on August 14th.
Membership Report was given by Lion Secretary Paul Walters who reported that our Membership Drive is going well— guests, Marel Poochigian has submitted her membership application, Chris Bramwell has received a membership application and submitted his letter of intent to join, Justin Stewart has been here for his 2nd visit and Joe Gorsky from USS Midway Museum has been given a membership application. We will be forming a Membership Committee to mentor our new members.
Lion Tail Twister Bob Acker collected the following Happy Dollars and Happy Dollar Fines: Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave a Happy $50 for the great honor of being recognized at the 4L6 Installation Dinner for his efforts on serving with the Camp Jack Program! Lion Ray also shared his fine free Joke of the Week! Lion Mike Wasyliw gave a Happy $35 for his 35th Wedding Anniversary to his dear wife Debbie! Lion Dave Huntamer gave a Happy $20 for all the great Lion help at Camp Jack! Lion Carter Short gave a Happy $20 for our fantastic Camp Jack! Lion Bob Acker gave a Happy $20 for his family & grandkids! Lion PP Roger Stebleton asked that our Lion President be assessed a fine for being mis-named “Robert”! Guest, Chris Bramwell gave a Happy $5 for a happy to be here & a look forward to joining the club!
Lion 1st VP & Speakers Chair Ray Ridlon introduced our featured guest speaker Rosa Flores from CSA San Diego County. Ms. Flores is a Fair Housing Advocate that helps mediate tenant/landlord issues. Other issues CSA addresses include: hate crime prevention, civil rights of first generation immigrants, human trafficking, youth education and voter education.
Lion Ron Black was the Attendance Drawing Winner and graciously donated his jackpot to our City of Hope.
Good to see a surprise visit from Lion PP Dr. Mark Krause—always great to see you and thanks for stopping by!
Thanks to all fellow Lions for helping at the Camp Jack Fishing Derby & Clinic on August 21st, 22nd, 30th & 31st—you are much appreciated!
Our deep condolences go out to the Vierkant Family for the loss of their dear mother Mary and wife of recently deceased Lion PP Elmer Vierkant. Mary Vierkant passed away last week just a few months after the death of her dear husband Elmer.