Newsletter 07/07/14

El Cajon Valley Host Lions

July 7, 2014 34 Lions and 1 Guest


It was sure good to see Lion IPP Kiley Grunstad cover and open the meeting at 12:30pm. Our Lion President Mercy Walters was at the Lions International Convention in Toronto Canada. Lion 1st VP Ray Ridlon was on vacation in Israel. Lion 2nd VP Van Willsey was excused. Lion 3rd VP Roy “Rocco” Collura had an excused absence. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Songmaster, led our Lions in singing “God Bless America!” Pledge of Allegiance was recited by Lion Dick Nasif. Prayer & Invocation was led by Father John Bosco. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally given by Lion Jeff Winters.


Lion Arnold Martin introduced our guest Father John Bosco who resides at the Santa Sophia Parish in Spring Valley and will be our guest speaker at today’s meeting.


Lion PP Acting Secretary Gary Robinson reported that a Lions Social Media Workshop will be held on Tuesday July 22nd 6:30pm at the Blind Community Center of San Diego 1805 Upas St. San Diego phone #619.298.5021. Lions Board Meeting July 17th 6pm at Nicolossi’s Restaurant in El Cajon—all Lions are invited to attend. “Thank You” Card was received from Lesa Mitchell at the East County Boys & Girls Club thanking Lions for all their support and an invite to come by for a tour at any time. Family of Lion PP Elmer Vierkant sent a “Thank You” Letter thanking the El Cajon Valley Host Lions for their thoughtful presence and support of their father who considered the Lions a big part of his life.

Lion PP Ray Hackworth, on behalf of Lion Dave Huntamer (who is on vacation), gave a reminder that Camp Jack is coming up soon with the BBQ on Sunday July 20th—be there around 4pm to help with serving at 6pm. Fishing Clinic for the kids will be on July 22-23 and July 29-30th –be there at 8:30am. Contact Lion Dave Huntamer, Camp Jack chair at 619.993.5080 or to sign up. We will have 72 campers per week.

Lion PP Gary Sims reported that there are 4 slots open for the Day at the Races on Friday August 1st $25.00 per person start time at 4pm.

Congratulations to Lion PP Don Anthony who received the “Lions Membership Advancement Key” for his outstanding efforts on bringing in new Lions members!


Congratulations to the following fellow Lions with Birthday’s in July: Lion PP Ed Waymire—July 10th, Lion Mike Carleton—July 19th, Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay—July 26th and Lion PP Tom Hoban—July 31st! Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth led our fellow Lions in singing a hearty Happy Birthday!


Five Exempt Badges were turned back in at end of the fiscal year. Auction winners at $55.00 each were Lion PP George Hurst—for his upcoming trip to Hawaii, Lion PP Roger Stebleton—for being gone a few month in Costa Rica, and Lion PDG Len Blottin—for a trip to Hawaii. A couple of the Exempt Badges were saved for our Lion President Mercy Walters and Lion Paul Walters.


Lion Bob Acker, Tail Twister collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Dollar Fines: Lion PP Ray Hackworth gave a Happy $20 and shared a few Jokes of the Week! Lion Cathy Bailes gave a Happy $5 for her granddaughter who will be visiting a couple of weeks from Memphis! Lion PP Bob Moreau gave a Happy $5 for having his cell phone go off—Lion Bob explained that the important call was a sale of 2 tickets to the Lions Day at the Races! Lion Shari Hoops gave a Happy $5 and reported that she is a wounded warrior on the mend and doing much better! Lion PP Ron Snow gave some Happy Dollars to share 3 good jokes—some good joke competition for Lion PP Ray Hackworth?!


Our featured guest speaker was Father John Bosco residing at Sophia Parish in Spring Valley to complete his Justice & Peace studies. Father Bosco, a Catholic priest from Uganda shared the great need in his country for services for the blind and persons with disabilities & special needs. Father John spent some time in Rwanda Africa (and was asked to leave) where a civil war conflict killed 800,000 people, with two warring factions, within a 3 month period. Father Bosco will send us some information on possible ways that our Lions can support sight projects in Uganda.


Lion Arnold Martin was the lucky Attendance Drawing Winner who donated his proceeds to our City of Hope Drive.

Help is needed with the upcoming Camp Jack Program starting on July 20th and lasting two weeks. This is one of our major community projects (and a District 4L6 event) to help 144 disadvantaged/at risk kids & youth with a weeklong incredible camping and fishing experience. Contact Lion Dave Huntamer, Camp Jack chair to sign up.

And don’t forget that Lions Pin you wear on your collar or blouse represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world—the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club!

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