July 11, 2022, Members: ____ Guests: ___
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: IPP Mike Raney
Song Masters: PP Chris Bramwell Patriotic Song: Marine’s Hymn
Pledge of Allegiance: 1st Veep Carl Ruiz Invocation: PP Christian Wille
Thank you to PDG Mercy Walters for a wonderful Inspiration Speech.
A moment of silence for our past club members. They will forever be remembered in our hearts and minds.
GUESTS: So many came to celebrate our new Pres. Rob and his Board.
Rusty, Carol Ruiz, Odie Goward, Mike Stowers, Dawn & Don Dominguez, Zach Nation, Mary Case, Laura Puridon, Elana Levin-Craig, Pat Boorman, Leona Black, Jay and Sandy Reynard.
Good to see: Roger Stebleton, Kiley Grunstad, Tony Forchette
HELEN KELLER Quote by: – PP Bruce Boorman
“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”
David Reed 7/4, Dolores Galkowski and Ed Waymire 7/10, Mike Carleton 7/19, Paul Tremblay 7/26, Tom Hoban 7/31
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be conveyed to him/her. Paris4L6@cox.net 619/838-4262
July 14th – ECVH LC Board Meeting at Elks Lodge 6PM Conference Room
July 18th – ECVH LC Business Meeting 12-noon Elks Lodge dining room
July 21st – El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation Board meeting 6PM Elks Lodge Conference Room
July 29th – El Cajon Valley Lions Day at the Races 4pm Del Mar Fairgrounds $25 Gary Sims
August 19th – ECVH LC Padre Night $35 – RSVP to Warren McKenna, Warren@gothere.com
INSTALLATION: MC President Rob Ransweiler, Installing Officer PP Roger Stebleton
IPP Mike Raney gave his Farewell Remarks and gave Kudos to Dick Nasif, PP Gary Sims and PP Bill Sturgeon.
He then presented two Melvin Jones Fellowship Awards – PP Bill Sturgeon and PP Mark Clifton.
PP Mark also received the MD4 Student Speakers Dwight Stanford Award for sponsoring 9 new members.
Lions of the Year (2021-2022) are then-1st Veep Rob Ransweiler and PP Christian Wille – CONGRATS
Pres. Rob then presented IPP Mike with the Lions Fourth District Student Speakers Foundation Scholarship Al Ohrmund Supporter Award.
Pres. Rob then gave his promises and commitments for the coming Lions year.
PP Roger Stebleton then took to the podium and after some heartwarming remarks of the past and hopes for the future of the club he called all of the Board to the front for one big “I Will” finalizing the ceremony.
But before adjourning Pres. Rob presented PP Roger Stebleton with his 45-year tenure pin.
Many photos followed by Jay Reynard and they will be published in the San Diego East County Community Times at a date TBD.
Congratulations to all the new officers and directors and may we have a wonderful year of service and fun.
Quip of the Week:
Eggs are fantastic for a fitness diet, if you don’t like the taste, just add cocoa, flour, sugar, butter, baking powder and cook at 180 for 30 minutes.