July 2, 2019 Members: 35 Guests: 7
Facebook: El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club
Opening: Pres. Chris (and lost his gavel half way through the meeting)
Song Master: PP Gary Sims Song: God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: PP Bob Moreau Invocation: Treas Paul T
Quote by PP Bruce Boorman: “College isn’t the place to go for ideas.”
Guests: First Lady Cathy Bramwell, Leona Black, Marie Turkle, “Dixie” Hackworth, Mary Moreau, Susan Acker and Pat Boorman. Nice to see you all and thanks for joining us.
Good to See: Terry Winegar
.Dick Nasif asked that we take a moment of silence in remembrance of our ‘passed’ members.
.Also he read the slate of members for the new Foundation Board this fiscal year asking for approval from the membership – approved by the ‘vast majority’.
.Per PP Gary Robinson the ONLY members who cannot be fined are the Tail Twisters. This was voted on at the Installation and so “it is”!
.Prez Chris thanked the Three Doctors, Terry Winegar, David Keen and PP Mark Krause for attending the meeting.
David Reed 7/4, Dolores Galkowski and Ed Waymire 7/10, Mike Carleton 7/19, Paul Tremblay 7/26, Tom Hoban 7/31. PP Ed and Mike C were missing so the others endured our rendition of the Birthday Song.
EXEMPT BADGE(S): Chris, Terry, David K, Tom H and Paul T – each paid $35
GOOD CHEER: Please keep PP Wally in your thoughts and prayers as he progresses through 8 weeks of a new cancer treatment which begin on July 8th.
IF you know of any members who are in distress, sick or in the hospital, PLEASE notify PP Yvonne so our good wishes can be sent to them. Paris4L6@cox.net
CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS: *Unless otherwise noted all Meetings are Mon at Noon*
July 10th – ECVH LC Board Meeting Elks Lodge Conference Room 6PM
July 13th – ECVH LC Steak Fry at Hoban’s. signup at the meetings
July 26th – ECVH LC Day at the Races (Del Mar) 4PM. $25 See PP Gary Sims to sign up.
JULY 28th – El Cajon Valley Host LC BBQ at Camp Jack. See Lion Dick Nasif to volunteer
July 30, 31 and Aug 1 – First week of fishing at Lake Cuyamaca for Camp Jack. See Dave H
Aug 6, 7 and 8 – Second week of fishing at Lake Cuyamaca for Camp Jack. See Dave H
July 28th – District 4L6 Installation 4-8PM at St Mark Golf Resort in San Marcos $45
Aug 6th – First Tuesday NIGHT MEETING 6PM
Aug 14th – ECVH LC Board Meeting Elks Lodge 6PM
Oct 5th – Club Picnic at Bramwell’s Estate
3rd VP______________________: MIA
2nd VP Gary Zink: Reminded us of the Steak Fry on 7/13 and Day at the Races on 7/26.
1st VP Mike Raney:
We will have speakers coming on (?) Christopher Dale, musician; 8/12 Cheryl Wilson from St Paul’s.
PP RAY’S RAMBLINGS: 1. Conversation about a pharmacy customer wanting arsenic to kill her husband and the Pharmacist stating he couldn’t sell that to her, until she showed him a photo of their spouses together to which he said “I didn’t know you had a prescription”.
2. An old couple went to dinner and the wife saw a couple ‘nuzzling’ and she wanted the same attention and asked her hubby ‘why don’t you do that?” to which he replied “Honey, I don’t even know that woman.”
Dave Reed – $20 his Mother in Law passed and now Father in Law living with them and
$20 for Gallagher being found not guilty of murder.
Dolores $ Birthday
Tom N $5 son and daughter and 3 grandchildren visiting from CO and his deck got finished
Tom H $ to impeach our new club President and Bob Acker put $ toward that also
Jim N $5 for the great job PP Bob M did on the Installation
Phil S $12 leaving Friday for St Thomas for 10 days – he will jump out of a plane ‘naked and afraid’
Gary S $? ???
PROGRAM FOR JULY 8TH – Carl DeMaio from Reform California
Other websites to visit: LionsDistrict4L6; CALions.org; LionsClubs.org
Winner of Attendance Drawing: Dick Nasif – donated his $40 to the Foundation
Winner of 50/50 Drawing: Terry Winegar donated his $115 to the Foundation
Winners of Elisabeth’s pumpkin bread: Walt Simmons and Warren McKenna
***Don’t forget about the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation in your Will/Trust***