El Cajon Valley Host Lions
June 22, 2015 40 Lions and 6 Guests
Lion President Mercy Walters opened the well attended meeting at 12:30pm with 40 Lions and 6 Guests. Lion Chris Bramwell capably stepped up as the co-Songster leading our fellow Lions & Guests in singing “God Bless America”. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion PP Hugh Cowan. An uplifting Prayer & Invocation was given by Lion PP Mark Clifton.
Lion IPP Kiley Grunstad introduced the following 6 Guests: Cyndie Donovan—guest of Lion Dick Nasif; Chris Benvenuto, from Edward Jones—guest of Lion IPP Kiley Grunstad; Renee Hoban, from the Winchester Widows—guest of Lion PP Tom Hoban; Joel Bradfurlert, from Senator Joel Anderson’s Office; Austin—grandson guest of Lion Chris Bramwell and Kathy Quinn—our guest speaker.
Lion incoming president Ray Ridlon was profusely thanked for hosting our 2015-2016 Installation. It was an outstanding well attended event for all our Lions and their families.
Lion Dick Nasif gave an update on the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation Nominating Committee who conducted a search for prospective Trustees to fill the following vacancies for the upcoming 2015-2016 service year: PP Bob Moreau and PP Don Anthony have agreed to serve if elected. Incoming Lion President of the ECVH Lions Ray Ridlon has appointed the following members to serve on the Foundation Board: Paul Tremblay, Sharie Hoops; PP Ron Paris. Those Elected and Appointed members will join the following current and continuing Trustees: Ron Black, PP Bruce Boorman, Mike Carleton, David Huntamer, President Ray Ridlon, PP Dick Rogers, IPP Mercy Walters and Mike Wasyliw.
Lion President Mercy Walters recognized the following Lions for their distinguished and dedicated service during the past year:
PP Hugh Cowan received a Certificate of Appreciation for serving 47 years as an El Cajon Valley Host Lion along with his 45th Year Chevron Pin. Lion Hugh stated that “..the Club has been a big part of my life!”
PP Jerry Hollingsworth and Lion Mike Wasyliw were awarded “Lion of the Year 2014-2015” in appreciation for their hard work and dedication to the El Cajon Valley Host Lions.
Lion Dick Nasif received a Presidential Pin Medal for his outstanding efforts on the El Cajon Valley Foundation Board as Gift Giving Chair!
Lion PP Bob Moreau received a Presidential Pin Medal for his incredible job as President of the El Cajon Valley Lions Foundation Board and recognized as “the Best Tail Twister this side of the Mississippi & the Best in 4L6!”
Lion PP Ray Hackworth received a Certificate of Appreciation & a Presidential Medal for being the “Heart & Soul and Guiding Light” of the Camp Jack Program. Lion Ray replied “..I love those kids especially taking them fishin!”
Lion PP Dick Rogers received a Certificate of Recognition for another great outstanding year as our Lions Publicity Chair!
Lion Jeff Winters received a Certificate of Appreciation for his outstanding efforts with the Camp Jack Program in transporting the campers gear & supplies!
Lion PP Phil Smith received a Certificate of Appreciation for his long time efforts in organizing & planning our Holiday Christmas Party!
Lion Ron Black received a Certificate of Appreciation for co-chairing our Annual Pancake Fundraising Breakfast and his great bartending efforts at our various Lions events!
Lion John Galkowski received his 20 Year Chevron and thanked for his continuing membership & support! Lion Frank Galkowski accepted the award on behalf or Lion John!
Lion PP Tom Hoban received his 30 Year Chevron from Lions International and thanked for all the many ways he helps our Lions!
Lion President Mercy thanked all our fellow Lions for their dedication & support during the past service year and a Special Thanks to our awesome Lion Secretary Paul Walters!
Lion PP George Hurst gave a heartfelt Kudo to our Lion President Mercy Walters for her great service as our Lions President for the past year and for being “one of the most thorough, consiciencious, on track, dedicated president that we have ever had”—PRESIDENT MERCY ROCKS!
The El Cajon Valley Host Lions were presented a Certificate of Recognition from the Office of Senator Joel Anderson by representative aide Joel Bradfurlert for Outstanding Service in the East County Area and a Congratulations on a very successful Gunsmoke V Casino Night Fundraiser!
Lion PDG Len Blottin inducted our newest Lion Jeff Smith who was sponsored by Lion PP Mark Clifton. Lion Jeff is the owner of Kirk Plumbing on Johnson Ave in El Cajon and looks forward to serving our El Cajon Valley Host Lions!
Lion PP George Hurst, Speaker Program Chair, introduced our featured Guest Speaker Kathy Quinn, Library Director of the Dr. William Herrick Community Health Care Library. The Herrick Library’s focus is on health materials for the layperson and has a variety of resources that include a collection of 2,500 health related items of books, medical videos, 10 public computers to do your own research, etc. The Herrick Library is located at 9001 Wakarusa Street in La Mesa Ca 91942 www.herricklibrary.org 619.825.5110
Attendance Drawing Winner was Lion Sharie Hoops who donated her winnings to our City of Hope Fund.
Our El Cajon Valley Host Lions are greatly saddened to hear that Lion Past President Gordon Bush has passed away on June 22, 2015. Lion PP Gordon Bush faithfully served our Lions for 51 years and will be greatly missed. Please keep Lion Gordon and his family in your Thoughts & Prayers and may he Rest in Peace.