El Cajon Valley Host Lions
May 6, 2013 32 Members and 3 Guests
Lion President Bill Sturgeon opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Songmaster, led our Lions in singing “God Bless America”. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion IPP Don Anthony. Prayer & Invocation was recited by Lion 2nd VP Mercy Walters. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally recited by Lion PP Bob Moreau.
Lion IPP Don Anthony introduced 3 guests: Brandon Bryer—guest of Lion PP Tom Hoban, Lion PDG Bucky Blottin and Mary Rothman from Sunshine Haven. Mary announced the Sunshine Haven Benefit Gala that will be held this Thursday May 9th with an invitation to all Lions & Friends.
Lion PDG Bucky Blottin shared that at the convention, there was an outstanding delegation from the El Cajon Valley Host Lions who sure knew how to party and have a lot of fun! Lion Bucky brought back a pair of “missing shoes” that were claimed by Lion Sharie Hoops with payment of a $10.00 Happy Fine!
Presidents Steak Fry will be held on June 8th 5pm at residence of Lion PP Tom Hoban. Please RSVP with Lion PP Ron Paris.
Lion PP Phil Smith is taking in the nature at beautiful Yosemite in the Sierra Mountains.
Please keep those City of Hope Cans filled with your donations.
Our Lions Board Meeting will be held this Wednesday April 8th 6pm at the office of Lion 1st VP Kiley Grunstad. All Lions are invited to attend.
Congratulations to the following fellow Lions with Birthday’s in the Month of May: Lion PP Gordon Bush—May 3rd, Lion President Bill Sturgeon—May 4th, Lion PP Roger Stebleton—May 8th, Lion Bryan Zmijewski—May 15th, Lion Bill Mathis—May 23rd and Lion PP Phil Smith—May 28th.
April Exempt Badges were auctioned off with the following winners: Lion PP Tom Hoban–$50.00, IPP Don Anthony–$50.00 and Lion Treasurer Paul Tremblay–$50.00. Lion 3rd VP Ray Ridlon put in his bid for an early June Exempt Badge for $150.00 to cover his upcoming 3 month vacation in June, July & August!
3rd VP Ray Ridlon—still processing our Lions renewal filing status with the State of California.
2nd VP Mercy Walters—“we done good at the Lions State Convention!”—we were recognized for our outstanding Lions Eyeglass Program that included construction of the Blind Center Garden, our fabulous Pan Cake Breakfasts and the most significant service projects of the year! Lion President, Bill Sturgeon, was recognized with a Leadership Award in leading a Healthy & Vibrant Large Lions Club—our El Cajon Valley Host Lions! Lion PP Gary Robinson was recognized for his exceptional skills as an outstanding Recording Secretary! Lion 2nd VP Mercy Walters & Lion Paul Walters were recognized as our outstanding District Tail Twisters. We were very well represented at the Lions State Convention!
1st VP Kiley Grunstad—reported that the State Convention offered a lot of fun & a great learning experience! Lion Kiley recommended that at next year’s convention we sponsor our own Hospitality Room. Keep selling our Great Escape Drawing Tickets!
Lion PP Ray Hackworth kicked off the Happy Dollars & Happy Fines with his Joke of the Week! Lion PP Gary Sims collected the following Happy Dollars: Lion Paul Walters gave a Happy $5 for his recent dance lesson classes with Lion 2nd VP Mercy—at the convention Paul & Mercy were 2 of the 16 member Rigodon de Honor 2013 dancers. The Rigodon Dance was developed in France & Spain around 1700, dancers at the convention were from 10 different clubs from District 4L6. Lion PDG Len Blottin gave a Happy $5 for our El Cajon Valley Host Lions who were well represented at the convention. Lion 2nd VP Mercy Walters gave a Happy $5 seconding our well represented Lions at the convention. Our Happy Dollars were cut short due to time needed for our featured speaker. Hold those Happy Dollars till next meeting.
Lion PP George Hurst, Speakers Chair, introduced Denise Vedder from the San Diego Water Authority. The water authority was established in 1944 to support the military needs in the San Diego area. 44% of our water comes from the Colorado River and 30% from Northern California. Our last reliance on rainfall to meet our water needs was in 1946. San Diego Water Authority has created a diverse portfolio to meet the water needs of our businesses and community.
Attendance Drawing was won by Lion 2nd VP Mercy Walters who donated the proceeds to our City of Hope.
4L6 Convention was a big hit with our El Cajon Valley Hosts Lions, sending the largest contingency from a single club. Eleven El Cajon Lions who attended included: PDG Len Blottin, President Bill Sturgeon, IPP Don Anthony, PP Ron Paris, PP Dick Rogers, PP Gary Robinson, 2nd VP Mercy Walters & Lion Paul Walters, 1st VP Kiley Grunstad, Lion Sharie Hoops and Lion Dick Nasif.
And don’t forget that Lions pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club “2011-2012 District 4L6 large Lions Club of the Year!”
newsletter 05/06/13
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