El Cajon Valley Host Lions
April 22, 2013 35 Lions and 5 Guests
Lion President Bill Sturgeon opened the meeting at 12:30pm. Lion PP Jerry Hollingsworth, Song Master, led our Lions in singing “You’re a grand ole flag!”. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by Lion PP Elmer Vierkant. Prayer & Invocation was given by Lion PP Mark Clifton. Helen Keller Quote of the Week was inspirationally given by Lion Roy “Rocco” Collura.
Lion IPP Don Anthony introduced the following five (5) guests: Garry Jones—Lions Northeast Region Chair, Bridget Barahura—friend of Lion Garry Jones, John Ruiz—District Lion Tamer and candidate for 2nd Vice District Governor, Darla Schulte and Jose Vasquez—Border Patrol.
Our Annual Lions Steak Fry will be held on Saturday June 8th at Lion PP Tom Hoban’s residence.
Garry Jones, Lions NE Region Chair encouraged all Lions to attend the District Student Speaker Contest on Saturday April 27, 2013. Please show up at 12:30pm with program promptly beginning at 1:15pm. Contest will be held at the San Diego Blind Community Center 1805 Upas (not 310 Upas as previously listed) San Diego.
Lion John Ruiz, District Lion Tamer, gave his bio and asked fellow lions to consider voting for him as the Lions 2nd Vice District Governor. Lion John Ruiz motto: “Dedication & Commitment!”
Lions Yuma Convention on May 3-5th has extended the filing deadline to April 26th. Please RSVP, no meal tickets will be sold at the door.
3rd VP Ray Ridlon—excused absence.
2nd VP Mercy Walters—excused absence. Lion Paul Walters reported that Lion 2nd VP Mercy is doing well after her recent surgical procedure. Adopt a Street Cleanup will be held this Saturday April 27th at 7:30am, meeting at Clifton Motors. We have 3 sign-ups and could use a couple more.
1st VP Kiley Grunstad—Sell Tickets! Please!! A ticket sale for the Summer Escape Drawing puts glasses on 2 kids! Tickets sold to date about 25 and need to reach at least 45 to break even. Special Drawing Party will be held on Friday May 31st at the Ronald Reagan Community Center for the Gift of Travel worth $4200!
Lion PP Ray Hackworth kicked off the Happy Dollars with his Happy Joke of the Week. Lion Tail Twister, Gary Sims collected the following Happy Dollars & Happy Fines: Lion PP Gary Sims gave a Happy $20 fine for his photo in the SD Herald at a 1st Friday Breakfast. Lion Paul Walters gave a Happy $5 for visit of Lion North East Chair Garry Jones. Lion IPP Don Anthony reminded Lion PP Mark Clifton about payment of 1st Fine for Lion David Huntamer and the $2000 gas line for his pool! Lion Mark paid a Happy $100 for Lion David’s 12 days in Hawaii Happy Dollar fine! Lion PP George Hurst gave a Happy $50 that challenged Lion PP Mark Clifton to give a generous payment of Lion Dave Huntamer’s First Happy Dollar Fine! Lion Roy “Rocco” Collura gave a Happy $5 for having to sit at same table of Lion PP Gary Sims and immensely enjoying his company! Lion PP Ron Paris gave a Happy $5 for a wine tasting trip to Temecula. Lion President Bill Sturgeon gave a Happy $5 for Lion PP Gary Sims good Tail Twisting efforts!
Lion PP George Hurst, Speakers Chair, introduced Captain Scott Adams from the Naval Base Point Loma. Captain Adams gave a good history lesson of Point Loma that goes way back to 1542 when the Spanish Explorer Cabrillo came to the Point Loma area. In 1852 an Executive Order designated the Point Loma area a Military Reservation. The 1st Lighthouse was built in 1854 and the 2nd Lighthouse in 1891. The United States Navy continues to have a huge presence in the Point Loma and San Diego area.
Attendance Drawing winner was Lion Van Willsey.
And don’t forget that Lions pin you wear on your collar represents that you belong to the greatest service organization in the world…the El Cajon Valley Host Lions Club “2011-2012 District 4L6 Large Lion Club of the Year!”